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Jeremiah 44 and 45 | Obey God

Jeremiah 44 and 45 Obey God
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In our Daily Devotional on Jeremiah 44 and 45, we witness a saga of human defiance and divine mercy. Despite warnings, the people persist in their obstinate ways, fleeing to Egypt in refusal to heed the prophetic voice of Jeremiah. The recurring theme of rebellion echoes through reflections spanning from 1991 to 2016, revealing a persistent rejection of divine counsel, devotion to idolatry, and blindness to consequences. Turn to the Daily Devotional on Jeremiah 43 to see how similar we are to the Israelites.

How could a people, having witnessed prophetic warnings come true, remain so resistant to the Word of the Lord? Despite God’s evident hand in their history, they cling to false beliefs, attributing prosperity to idol worship. Amid this defiance, divine grace shines through in Jeremiah 45, promising life to the faithful like Baruch, the prophet’s scribe—a reminder of God’s mercy amidst judgment.

How to Obey God

We are challenged to examine our hearts, discerning whether we seek greatness for ourselves or surrender to the Almighty, knowing that only in faithful obedience lies the path to true life and redemption.

Commentary on Jeremiah 44 and 45 by Allen J. Huth

Off to Egypt the Israelites go because they would not listen to Jeremiah or the Lord. Where are you headed? Please read or listen to the thirty-five verses of these two chapters

In 1991, I read Jeremiah 43-45 on the same day. Concerning these chapters, I wrote, “Flat rejection of the message of God. They are blind to the one true God. They think their idol worship brought their good fortune. Help me, Lord, know where my blessings come from.”

In 2004, I read Jeremiah 40-44 on the same day. Concerning these chapters, I wrote, “The women defy Jeremiah, saying they will continue to offer sacrifices to the queen of heaven. Absolute defiance.”

Do Not Reject the Word of the Lord

In 2016, I read Jeremiah 44-45 together, and wrote, “Even after all they saw in Jerusalem, those who went to Egypt worshipped idols. When Jeremiah confronts them, they flat-out say, ‘we will not listen to you’ (44:16). Women will offer to the queen of heaven with their husbands’ approval. So God judges them like the others. They too will die, be consumed. Baruch, Jeremiah’s scribe, will be spared for his faithfulness.”

Jeremiah 44 and 45 Meaning

It is hard to believe, after all these people have been through, they still would be so stubborn against the Word of the Lord?  They still believe their idol worship gave them prosperity. They obviously have no regard for Jeremiah, the prophet of God, and yet you would think they could see everything Jeremiah said has come to pass.

Yes, the enemy of this world blinds our eyes to the things of God. But, once again, God’s mercy and grace are on display in these chapters. Particularly in Jeremiah 45 about Baruch. The faithfulness of Baruch, Jeremiah’s scribe, is observed by the Lord and will be rewarded. In 45:5, the message to Baruch is this, “And do you seek great things for yourself? Seek them not, for behold, I am bringing disaster upon all flesh, declares the Lord. But I will give you your life as a prize of war in all places to which you may go.”

Will You Listen to God?

Is God asking you the same question today? Are you seeking great things for yourself, or are you willing to follow the Lord? Disaster then and now comes upon those who will not follow. But those who are faithful, God will give the prize of life. Spare your life. Remain faithful to God.

Prayer for Forgiveness

Father, forgive us if we have defiantly disobeyed You. We seek Your forgiveness so we do not go so far You cannot forgive us anymore. Jesus, You went to the cross for our sins. The prize of life, eternal life, is there for us, but we must reach for it in You. Thank You for providing a way of escape. I reach for it today. I confess my sins and thank You that You are faithful and just to forgive all my sins and cleanse me from all unrighteousness. I reach to the cross today. As I do, forgive me and give me the prize of eternal life, and I will give You all the praise and thanks. Amen.

We invite you to watch the “Great News” video on this page and find out more about God’s love for you and how you can receive forgiveness and eternal life – today!

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The Prayer of Salvation

Jesus, I don't know You, and I don't know what Your plan is for me. But thank you for coming to die in my place. I'm sorry for anything I've ever done wrong in my life. I don't understand how You could ever forgive me, but if You really would, I would like to accept your free gift of grace and complete forgiveness. Please come into my life and take control, and help me trust You. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.

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