10 Ways You Can Be Great Today and Become a Better Person

10 ways you can be great today and become a better person, positivity
good news of jesus

What does it mean to be great for a day?  Would you like to make each day a great day? Can you change your brain and change your life? Let’s talk about 10 ways you can be great today and become a better person.

 A great day may be a productive day, a day of personal growth, a day of making my world a better place, a day of lightening someone else’s load.  Or it may be a day of internal joy, producing a purposeful existence and connecting me to the source of my joy, my purpose, and my future.

Please watch the GREAT NEWS FOR YOU VIDEO on this page to hear the peace promised through the invitation to you. See and understand the great promise for you and all believers.  It’s a Great Day!

Intentional Living

Life is short. Intentional living is the finest of goals. And peace and joy come in the fulfillment of daily goals – whether this means overtly active goals or those inherently a part of who I am. Obviously, to be great takes some planning.  In this article we will use the term of being great to mean “in the situation where I am”, whatever my age or education or financial situation.

 It is starting with today. It is looking into the mirror, literally and symbolically. It is determining to make the effort to make each day a Great Day. And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you choose to dance. Let’s Keep talking about 10 ways you can be great today. Get up, get dressed, get moving.

What 10 things Can I Do Now to Have a Better Life?

1. Make Yourself Ready for What May Come Your Way Today

Obviously the first thing is to set the alarm fifteen minutes earlier than absolutely necessary.  It means taking charge of your mind and body immediately upon awakening; hopping out of bed; making the bed; and beginning your morning personal care routine. Let’s Keep talking about 10 ways you can be great today.

 Even if it is a day at home, I do better with quick and essential care. However, it is my observation that, be you male or female, a little extra grooming makes us more confident and able for whatever the day holds. I like to be ready by 9 AM even on “at home” days, so that if a great invitation comes my way, I can be ready to go in 30 minutes. Preparedness.

 It is not vain to dress and groom in order to present yourself to others in a positive manner.  Be comfortable. Do be clean and neat. Take pride in your presentation.  Your day will go better, and the results will be more positive – even if someone rear ends you at a stoplight.  

Usually, the tenor of the entire day is based on the first hour out of bed attitude. Don’t waste the day. Greet it with open arms:

This is the day that the Lord has made: I WILL rejoice and be glad in it.

2. Plan to Have a Great Day

Never would you build a house without a plan. Or teach a class of students without a plan. Or drive cross country without a plan.  Plan your day, but not so rigidly that, if the timing or events should change, you will not be completely overwhelmed.  

Have a goal for even a day off. Even then,  you need a plan for a recreating time to renew you and rest you, else the day slips by with a feeling of loss, and no renewal of energy in mind or body.

 Plans are essential. I like to keep a list of short term and long-term plans, checking them periodically to see if I am on track or merely spinning my tires in the mud.  Even small increments of success on the plotted line of completion are an encouragement.

 Progress encourages us, renews us, and lifts our spirits. Meeting goals enhances our self-confidence and motivates us to move on to the next level. 

The greatest deterrent to creativity and success is self-doubt. We can be our own worst enemy.  But we can change. Planning enables this success. Plan to have a Great Day. Continue reading about 10 ways you can be great today.

3. Develop a Positive Attitude 

Be Kind -That man is richest whose pleasure is kindness.

 Determine that each day will find you being kind to someone -perhaps to someone who knows and loves you. But, also, to a stranger, a needy person, a lonely soul – all given with an attitude of recognition that this is a person of worth. In the crowds with whom we dwell, often we feel anonymous, even invisible.  Just a smile, a “good morning” can acknowledge someone as a person that matters, and this can change their day.

Let us not allow our past personality to determine our present – but alter our mind and heart through connection with God. And let kindness be seen in our facial expression, with an encouraging word, an openness of posture. Let your inner joy abound. An inner connection with a forgiving God can fill us with joy that cannot be contained, with peace enough to share, with love enough to be able to treat everyone with respect and concern. 

Also, that joy can provide us with energy to make plans, and to carry out care for the unfortunates of this world. And, of course, for those who are dependent on you and on me. Read more about how you can be joyful here.

 “It is in giving that we receive, it is in pardoning that we are pardoned, and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life” – from the Peace Prayer of Saint Francis of Assisi.  Psalm 3:21 reads “happy is the one whose sins are forgiven.”

Don’t let your past define you – but let it point you to whom you can become. 

 Being stuck in the “that’s just how I am” attitude is self- defeating.  There is so much more in you than you can imagine – waiting to be used, waiting for you to connect with God, waiting for you to bring light to the world and happiness to yourself. 

You can’t go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending.

C.S. Lewis

Happiness is circumstantial; Joy is knowing God. These make a Great Day.

4. Time Management For a Great Day

Personal time management is such an important part of being great today. I have no more and no less hours in my day than do you or anyone else.  Yet, why do I so often feel defeated when I compare my outcome to another achiever?  When I say achiever, I do not mean only achieving seen goals, but of achieving growth of my inner person. 

 Personal time management enables us to choose what to do first, what to do second, and what not to do at all. A good idea is to formulate a plan of goals we wish to reach each day.  Having order in our lives contributes to successful living. Remember that you need to have the grace to change these plans without blowing your top if circumstances change.   

Genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration.

Thomas Edison

Great things don’t just happen on a whim but are a series of plans and chartered goals, brought together to culminate in an achievement. 

5.  Reach Out to Others

Contact others.  Someone is needing a call, a visit, a text – a touch from a friend.  Life is difficult and our friends and acquaintances may be very lonely and depressed.  Just knowing someone cares enough to send a card, make a call, give them five minutes of time – these things can give a tremendous boost to one’s day. Let us not be so absorbed in selfish plans that we do not share a kind word with others. You can read my article 5 Ways to be an Encourager When Someone Needs Hope.

Maintaining a list of people that I want to touch in the next several days, reminds me and keeps me on course.  Remembering that a surgery is scheduled, a test result is being awaited, a baby is about due.  These are the things that bind us together as caring individuals.

 These are the things that buoy our days and make it a Great Day – when we interact in a caring manner. 

6. Be Patient  

Does being patient seem in direct conflict with the previous suggestions for having a Great Day?  

Hurry is the enemy of beauty. If we always present as being in a hurry, short of time, we are seen as untouchable, unfeeling.  Oh, to have the grace to maintain balance in our lives.  Maintaining balance stabilizes us as a person and adds meaning to our and others lives.

 Showing a bit of patience will help make someone else have a Great Day, for sure! God delights in watching us grow the virtues of patience and loving perseverance in our lives. Our children will benefit so much if we allow this trait to grow and permeate our homes. Let’s Keep talking about 10 ways you can be great today.

7. Help Someone Else Have a Better Day Today 

Reach out with a helping hand – nothing gives us the inner joy more than having helped someone.  This can extend to someone at work or school or your family.  Or perhaps to the needy by helping in a non-profit organization to provide food, health services, school supplies, tutoring – just so many ways. 

We grow as we help others. It is the most freeing of inner- feelings when we find that we have the resources to help another – and when we step up and connect with them.

 Helping someone achieve their goals or helping meet their needs, in turn gives us a Great Day.

8. Finding Peace During HardTimes

Finding peace during hard times makes for a Great Day.  Some days roll along with barely a bobble.  Deadlines are met, others concur with your plans, the rain holds off as the sun shines – it’s easily a Great Day.

 But then it thunders, and the winds howl.  When the storms threaten, we furtively seek answers and comfort and peace. And then I turn to my Heavenly Father and remember his promise in Psalm 34:4, “I sought the LORD, and he answered me and delivered me from all my fears.”  How wonderful to know the Source of all peace!  

Having that relationship with the Savior makes even the stormy days a Great Day.  We know the peace of being able to depend on God.  Let’s Keep talking about 10 ways you can be great today.

9. Let Love Abound 

Cover yourself with love – love yourself enough to care for your body and soul. Eat nourishing foods. Exercise to whatever degree your body is able. Get outside as much as possible. 

A little patio is great for sitting barefoot in the sunshine and finding balance in your life as you express thankfulness and great joy for all you have and know. Develop a loving heart that is not judgmental, but that covers the teachings and admonitions as we help others to find the way. 

Express your love aloud to God, love yourself for who you are becoming: love others who are starving for love. We all need love.  Every Great Day will be flooded with love as we meet the demands of life and acknowledge the peace as we grow as individuals. Let’s Keep talking about 10 ways you can be great today.

10. Acknowledge and Accept Grace

Acknowledging and accepting the grace available from God, the Savior, Jesus Christ makes for the greatest of days. 

What a Great Day when we believe and trust him to forgive us and to dwell in us. And to give us not only eternal life but also the strength to live each day here as a Great Day. 

No matter what life throws at you, with Christ you can weather any storm. We then tend to see the brighter side of a situation. We believe that life is more manageable. We understand how to be happy and live a grace filled life.  It’s a Great Day!

 Our faith increases –it is not how much faith you have – but the power of the one in whom you have placed your faith that matters.  We know we are not alone. Let’s Keep talking about 10 ways you can be great today. I see how I can show grace and mercy to others because I am a recipient of God’s grace.  Faith moves mountains and calms the storms of life. And comforts us.  Every day is a Great Day and the Greatest of Days – those in eternity – define our future. 

Please watch the video below to hear the peace promised through the invitation to you – see and understand the great promise for you and all believers.  It’s a Great Day!

We invite you to watch the “Great News” video on this page and find out more about God’s love for you and how you can receive forgiveness and eternal life – today!

good news of jesus

The Prayer of Salvation

Jesus, I don't know You, and I don't know what Your plan is for me. But thank you for coming to die in my place. I'm sorry for anything I've ever done wrong in my life. I don't understand how You could ever forgive me, but if You really would, I would like to accept your free gift of grace and complete forgiveness. Please come into my life and take control, and help me trust You. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.

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