Way to go! You Rock! Everyone loves a commendation, a pat on the back, a round of applause when a goal has been accomplished. Or when extra effort has proved successful. Or when a long-term plan reaches fruition. Sometimes due to the environmental set up of our workplace or because of the psychological climate of our daily lives, success may not be celebrated publicly and perhaps they should be. Success helps boost our self esteem. I think we should celebrate every success; from taking our first step to landing on the moon! Here are 24 ways to celebrate your successes to keep motivation strong!
Success in our lives – even minute successes – release endorphins, give us joy and energy, and need to be celebrated, even if in private.Pat yourself on the back – jump up and click your heels together – hug your partner – thank your God. You have succeeded! You deserve to be celebrated! Read on for 24 ways to celebrate your successes to keep motivation strong!