5 Benefits of Positive Thinking That Can Change Your Life

5 benefits of positive thinking that can change your life, positivity
good news of jesus

The term Positive Thinking has been tossed around until some may think it means to fake it, to present a false persona, to be dishonest in appraising a situation, or perhaps masking the problems to the point of being an unreal type of person. In actuality, positive thinking is a very productive way of living that benefits self and all with whom we come in contact.

Let’s look at 5 benefits of positive thinking by examining just what that term means and determining how we may be able to incorporate these vibes into our daily lives – not as a mask but rather as a genuine and powerful component of our personality and our pursuit of happiness and success.

  1. Positive Thinking is an attitude, a determination with which you respond to challenges and obstacles that you will invariably encounter.  Life is not all smooth sailing, no endless bed of roses. We are challenged in every area. It is how we respond to those problems that ultimately determines what type of person we are and what we accomplish in this life. 
  • Positive people become leaders because somewhere in our depths we want to succeed, to fulfill a calling, to master a subject or a skill. There will always be the naysayers, the negative person who tends to discourage others.  There are those who always see the reason that something will not work, the person who predicts we all will fail. However, we are drawn to the positive leader, the person who clearly sees the situation, yet is also aware of the dangers to the endeavor succeeding. That leader has the belief in self and the confidence in leading others in such a way as to make things happen. It is almost palpable, so intense as to invigorate and motivate others to become a part of that productive team.  
  • Positive thinking is clear thinking.  It is the ability to determine the pros and cons of a situation, and the clarity to list and name not only the positive points but also the negative. Being prepared for handling the difficulties and not being surprised when the waves are boisterous – this is the true leadership of a positive thinker.  Understanding that not all adversity can be avoided and not being surprised when it occurs, but rather having the positive strength to evaluate the problems and immediately follow with the ‘I think I can’ creative response. 
  • Positive thinking is an attitude of choice.  We can choose to be happy, to be optimistic, to be encouraging to others.  You control your attitude. Are you confident, optimistic, always looking for the good in people? Do you seek the energy derived from making strong connections; the joyful satisfaction from helping someone else who might be stumbling? Do you lift the spirits of your family and your work group simply by your choice to avoid all negativity? Positive thinking positions you to be able to benefit others as well as yourself.  
  • The positive thinker believes in herself. That person does not pretend there is no problem, no enemy, no pitfall.  But rather believes in herself with a confident and optimistic spirit. This person knows that there will be dark days, failure days, depressive situations; but she also believes that she has the strength to get through that situation and not only just survive, but to emerge as a stronger person.  The hard times sharpen our skills while equipping us with mental and spiritual strength that carries us to the next plateau after navigating a painful course.

The positive thinker understands that there is a Higher Power that can be trusted for the bad times as well as the good. We have a built-in need by our Creator to seek and find the strength from God to buoy us. Choose to be positive, encouraging, and happy. Choose to find the true source of endless strength and joy. The following video will open the door to ever growing joy and strength in our current life and, ultimately, eternal joy.

The term Positive Thinking has been tossed around until some may think it means to fake it, to present a false persona, to be dishonest in appraising a situation, or perhaps masking the problems to the point of being an unreal type of person. In actuality, positive thinking is a very productive way of living that benefits self and all with whom we come in contact.

Let’s look at 5 benefits of positive thinking by examining just what that term means and determining how we may be able to incorporate these vibes into our daily lives – not as a mask but rather as a genuine and powerful component of our personality and our pursuit of happiness and success.

  1. Positive Thinking is an attitude, a determination with which you respond to challenges and obstacles that you will invariably encounter.  Life is not all smooth sailing, no endless bed of roses. We are challenged in every area. It is how we respond to those problems that ultimately determines what type of person we are and what we accomplish in this life. 
  • Positive people become leaders because somewhere in our depths we want to succeed, to fulfill a calling, to master a subject or a skill. There will always be the naysayers, the negative person who tends to discourage others.  There are those who always see the reason that something will not work, the person who predicts we all will fail. However, we are drawn to the positive leader, the person who clearly sees the situation, yet is also aware of the dangers to the endeavor succeeding. That leader has the belief in self and the confidence in leading others in such a way as to make things happen. It is almost palpable, so intense as to invigorate and motivate others to become a part of that productive team.  
  • Positive thinking is clear thinking.  It is the ability to determine the pros and cons of a situation, and the clarity to list and name not only the positive points but also the negative. Being prepared for handling the difficulties and not being surprised when the waves are boisterous – this is the true leadership of a positive thinker.  Understanding that not all adversity can be avoided and not being surprised when it occurs, but rather having the positive strength to evaluate the problems and immediately follow with the ‘I think I can’ creative response. 
  • Positive thinking is an attitude of choice.  We can choose to be happy, to be optimistic, to be encouraging to others.  You control your attitude. Are you confident, optimistic, always looking for the good in people? Do you seek the energy derived from making strong connections; the joyful satisfaction from helping someone else who might be stumbling? Do you lift the spirits of your family and your work group simply by your choice to avoid all negativity? Positive thinking positions you to be able to benefit others as well as yourself.  
  • The positive thinker believes in herself. That person does not pretend there is no problem, no enemy, no pitfall.  But rather believes in herself with a confident and optimistic spirit. This person knows that there will be dark days, failure days, depressive situations; but she also believes that she has the strength to get through that situation and not only just survive, but to emerge as a stronger person.  The hard times sharpen our skills while equipping us with mental and spiritual strength that carries us to the next plateau after navigating a painful course.

The positive thinker understands that there is a Higher Power that can be trusted for the bad times as well as the good. We have a built-in need by our Creator to seek and find the strength from God to buoy us. Choose to be positive, encouraging, and happy. Choose to find the true source of endless strength and joy. The following video will open the door to ever growing joy and strength in our current life and, ultimately, eternal joy.

We invite you to watch the “Great News” video on this page and find out more about God’s love for you and how you can receive forgiveness and eternal life – today!

good news of jesus

The Prayer of Salvation

Jesus, I don't know You, and I don't know what Your plan is for me. But thank you for coming to die in my place. I'm sorry for anything I've ever done wrong in my life. I don't understand how You could ever forgive me, but if You really would, I would like to accept your free gift of grace and complete forgiveness. Please come into my life and take control, and help me trust You. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.

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If you prayed this prayer, please click below and let us know. We'd love to give you some "next steps" in your new life with God.
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