As children, we grow up with a constant measurement of success in everything we do or say. It is a joyous moment when we take a first step, learn to speak in sentences, sing a melody, ride a bike, read a book, climb a tree, play ball, jump rope, drive a car, do well in school, make a friend, get a job, enjoy a relationship, be referred to as reliable, truthful, smart, helpful, creative, positive, dependable. We can go on and on with this list of successes in our lives. Why then are we afraid to be recognized and given a leadership position? Let’s talk about 5 ways to overcome the fear of success and get moving. Read more about how to overcome fear
5 Ways to Overcome the Fear of Success and Get Moving
1. Practice Positivity
A positive attitude makes all of the difference. Tell yourself that you can do it. Start your morning with a smile and your attitude will follow. Give yourself a proverbial happiness kick in the pants. You will be surprised at the outcome once you really practice positivity in your life. Read on for more of 5 ways to overcome the fear of success and get moving.
2. Find Your Purpose in Life
You are here for a purpose. You are chosen. You have been gifted. You have been loved. You have been molded by hard times, grievous circumstances, and grueling work. Someone has paid a price for you to have this life. It is your role to develop the gifts life has bestowed upon you into a blessing for those who come behind.
Life is not easy. You must carefully look at who you are to find your full potential. Find the courage to be all you are meant to be. Don’t sabotage your future through fear of stepping forward. There is so much to look forward to!
3. Discover What Makes You Happy
It’s easy to spout off about things that make us mad, or those that make us sad. How often do you share what makes you happy? How often do you express thanks for those blessings?
If fear of failure is undermining your happiness, rethink the big picture
- How many people can you ultimately benefit through your success?
- What changes can you make to allow others to see themselves as a part of a success model?
- What injustices or suffering can you alleviate through your leadership?
- Who better to set the pace than you?
Thank God for the opportunities, for your gifts that are now in demand, and for the promise of his ongoing presence to lead and strengthen you. You may be the only model of what happiness really is to someone watching you. “Fear not” appears 365 times in the Bible, as I recall – why then do we let fear rob us of happiness? Of success?
No matter what rung on the ladder you occupy, give it your best and let your life be filled with love, mercy, leadership, and care for those coming behind. You have been given opportunity – go forward.
4. Celebrate Your Past Successes
Pat yourself on the back. Congratulate yourself (in private please) for achieving success in an assignment or a dream.
Acknowledge that your hard work has paid off. With renewed purpose, a zeal for success, and perhaps still a bit of a tremble, step on the escalator of success. Pave the way for others to succeed.
Be realistic in recognizing who helped you, what contributed to your positive history, and build on that. Give credit where credit is due. None of us succeed alone. There are co-workers, family, advisers, pastors, teachers, friends in our past that helped us reach whatever level of success we now enjoy. Be that person to someone else.
Remember that sterling character is required at whatever level, whatever calling, or wherever in this world – wherever there are values of conviction and virtues considered to be of great worth and desirability.
5. Remember that You are Not Alone
What does being successful mean? Very complex answers. However, it would always include being a person of value, a contributor to society, and one who cares for the financial needs of family. It would include assuming the responsibility of raising a family that sets the pace for high morals, community improvement, and continuing education in social and political areas, grounded in the faith community, and involved in maintaining educational, health and religious facilities.
As a leader in our home, community, or place of business or service, we must hold high values and be ready to stand our ground in our belief. Kind-hearted, concerned, willing to help the downtrodden.
In turn, remember you are not alone. There is always someone to help you. You are not in this alone. Identify those who command your respect in many areas. When you feel a bit shaky, you will know there is someone you can trust, someone who will listen, perhaps even someone with the wisdom to advise. You are never alone. You can do it. One step at a time. Move forward.
Life is precious. Life is demanding. Life is rewarding. We were not meant to do life alone. We who married, were seeking a helpmate, someone who was concerned with our deepest welfare.
And God has provided a continual presence in our life giving us comfort, wisdom, strength, insight – for all of our needs. That Presence is the Spirit of God himself. He indwells believers as we dedicate our lives toward serving him, acknowledging that where he leads us is the safest and happiest place to be.
Do you have that kind of personal relationship with God through Jesus the Christ? Please watch the video below to find out how you can! Your life can be made new right now.
We are never alone. The Presence of God in our lives is the greatest gift this side of heaven. Don’t miss that gift of God’s Presence. You were not meant to handle all this alone.