9 Things to Remember When You are Feeling Defeated and Overwhelmed

9 Things to Remember When You are Feeling Defeated and Overwhelmed
good news of jesus

Update: Dr. Shannan Crawford helps us to love ourselves, forgive ourselves, and stop judging ourselves. She will help you let go of feeling defeated and overwhelmed and move into true freedom from anxiety and self sabotage. Overcome anxiety and release judgements against yourself and allow truth to be written on your heart.

There are seasons in almost everyone’s life when we may have periods, for whatever reason, when we feel defeated and overwhelmed and even lose our footing.  The COVID-19 pandemic of 2020 has seemingly spared few in its onslaught of illness, resulting in job loss, isolationism, and fear. Even the stalwarts are shaking in their boots. Let’s take a look at this phenomenon and then we will follow with a suggested 9 Things to Remember When You Are Feeling Defeated and Overwhelmed that may be helpful to you in this turbulent time.

Today we will be discussing the following:

  • 9 Things to Remember When You Are Feeling Defeated and Overwhelmed
  • Feeling Defeated
  • What Does it Mean to Feel Defeated?
  • Feeling You Have Lost Control
  • What Helps When Feeling Overwhelmed?
  • Strength for Today and Bright Hope for Tomorrow
  • Hope for the Overwhelmed
  • What is the Answer?

Feeling Defeated

Even in the testing times of our lives, the desire to remain undefeated is paramount in our thinking.  We may have experienced times when we barely had our nose above water so to speak, but we held on to hope and saw ourselves as future conquerors.  We could see a glimmer of hope and there were many around to sustain us – to see us through that dark period.

Many of us have felt an inner power when we have been threatened during previous trials that rose within us to give us strength.  We recalled God’s promise of Psalm 91 where we see the beautiful words regarding the security of those who trust in God.  

He will cover you with His feathers and under His wings you may seek refuge.  His faithfulness is a shield and bulwark.

Psalm 91:4

These verses paint a picture of the protection that God affords us in our daily lives.  If you have ever raised chickens, in a smaller version of this metaphor, you have seen how the mother hen stoops and raises her feathered wings to ensconse her chicks when danger is near.  

This is the safety we enjoy when we place our trust in God through His son, Jesus Christ.  We have found safety.  

Why then are we fearful and defeated now?  

Read on for the 9 things to remember when you are feeling defeated and overwhelmed.

What Does it Mean to Feel Defeated?

The pandemic fear is like no other fear that we have experienced. It is universal; there seems to be no escape.  Not only is there fear of contracting the disease but there seems to be no sure way to protect our families and loved ones. And we see the destructive nature to culture and society as it runs rampant through the nations. 

We may feel that it has control of our lives in so many ways.  Many have lost their businesses, their jobs, their home  – there seems no place to go to be safe from this microscopic destroyer. 

Tension in the home, child abuse, spousal abuse has risen. Crime is on the increase. People need food; many need a job; children need to be in school – anxiety is real and palpable.  

Feeling You Have Lost Control

We may feel that we have lost control. Our singular situation may seem frozen; we may be quarantined; or we may be self-isolating because of other health issues in the family. The ominous sound of words such as double morbidity is tossed around causing more concern for each of us.  

Our usual reaction to a threatening situation or a major loss in our lives is met with an inner strength, a plan of action and determination.  However, there seems to be no strategy available to remove the fear or remove us from this novel situation.  

The feeling of loss of control of the situation looms, frightens us, confuses us, angers us – we want things to return to “normal” right now – and the end is not in sight, so we feel defeated. 

 We recognize that we are only one of the millions whose lives have been disrupted and we fear we have lost control. We valiantly continue but at times we too may feel defeated.  Read on for the 9 things to remember when you are feeling defeated and overwhelmed

What Helps When Feeling Overwhelmed?

The uncertainty rolls over us; the solution is apparently not at hand; the problems touch everyone in some way – where do we begin in order to become a part of the remediation from this pandemic trauma? How do we fight the overwhelming tide of defeat, of discouragement and of fear?

This is not the time to be our wimpy selves; this is the time for the superhero in us to appear. We need grounded leaders. We need encouragers. We need brave responders.  And we need God – personally and as a nation.

It must start with us. Where can we turn? The promises of God are in the Bible.  These are the words on which we can build that will last forever.  God cannot lie. His word is truth.

Hope for the Overwhelmed

Many unbelievers are seeking to know God during this time of duress. They realize how overwhelmed they are and are looking for truth and power from the one true God.  Comfort is only in the power of His might. 

Defeated? Overwhelmed? Listen to these words from Isaiah 41:10: “Fear not; for I am with you: be not dismayed; for I am your God: I will strengthen you; yes, I will help you; yes, I will uphold you with the right hand of my righteousness.” This is the promise of God.  We need to cling to these truths.  

And in Psalm 31:24 “Be of good courage, and he shall strengthen your heart, all you that hope in the Lord.”  Psalm 31:24

Read on for the 9 things to remember when you are feeling defeated and overwhelmed

Strength for Today and Bright Hope for Tomorrow

These are words from the hymn Great Is Thy Faithfulness. This is the answer to all troubles in our lives.  This is the answer for the Covid-19 Pandemic.  Our Hope is Christ Jesus – He is the answer.

We must draw strength for the day – hour by hour – from our Lord Jesus who loves to give gifts to His own.  And it is only through the promises of God and what Jesus Christ did on the cross that we can know and claim the Bright Hope for the Morrow.  

The people of the world need God’s strength and promise of Hope as never before.  We must unite in love for each other and cry out to God to provide answers to solving these problems. For all the needs we have, whether related to the pandemic or to other causes.  

What is the Answer?

Jesus is the answer.  It is when our trust is in Him that we can be a part of the calming of the masses as we lovingly share our faith and become messengers of hope while we provide for the needs of the helpless. Read on for the 9 things to remember when you are feeling defeated and overwhelmed

9 Things to Help When You Are feeling Defeated and Overwhelmed

1) Take a deep breath. You are here for a purpose. You are not alone. You must be a part of the solution. Discern where best you can be used. The World needs who you were made to be. Be that person.

2) Breathe a prayer to God to strengthen and sustain you – to show you where you fit into His plan of redemption. Be the positive leader by filling a need.  This can be your hour to shine.

3) Pray for an open mind. An open heart.  Open hands to receive blessings. Open hands to give to those in need. Open to God and His claim on your life.

4) Speak words of encouragement. Let go of the need to recite a litany of horror stories and pessimism. This will give you an inner and clear and focus your thoughts. Let love fill your thoughts and words and actions.  

5) Practice being kind. People are hurting. People are angry. A soft word, a touch of kindness is what we all need.  Soothe the situation rather than stoke the tensions. You will never look into the eyes of someone God does not love. Always be kind.  

6) Learn to Pause and breathe deeply: Before judging; before raising your voice; before assuming; before accusing; before reacting, before posting; before throwing in the towel.  

7) Do not let the situation paralyze you.  Set goals.  Be productive.  Make plans.  Organize. Be positive. Emerge as a leader. Improve the environment where you find yourself. 

Prepare yourself for a better future.

80% of success is showing up .

Woody Allen

Be receptive to the role you are called to fill.  This is a step out of the murkiness and into the realm of solutions. 

8) Reach deep into your soul and examine who you are. Determine the relationship or lack thereof with Jesus Christ. He loves you and wants to give you peace in the turmoil and real Hope for tomorrow. This could be the best time of your life.  Accept Jesus. Know peace. By Grace alone. Through Faith alone.  In Christ alone.

9) This one is for you to determine. After the eight suggestions, your mind should be more clear and your heart more open to a life whose foundation is God, who wants to give you peace in the turmoil. God wants to use you to be a guide and a calming influence within a world of people in a world of hurt.  

Jesus gave us these words to still our hearts:

Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.

John 14:27

As individuals, we are called upon to lead with clear minds, guided by the Spirit of God. Listen to the video that provides the guide to understanding what God has provided for you and for me. Please watch the GREAT NEWS FOR YOU video on this page.

We invite you to watch the “Great News” video on this page and find out more about God’s love for you and how you can receive forgiveness and eternal life – today!

good news of jesus

The Prayer of Salvation

Jesus, I don't know You, and I don't know what Your plan is for me. But thank you for coming to die in my place. I'm sorry for anything I've ever done wrong in my life. I don't understand how You could ever forgive me, but if You really would, I would like to accept your free gift of grace and complete forgiveness. Please come into my life and take control, and help me trust You. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.

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