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I Just Want to Be Loved

I Just Want to be Loved 5, just want to be loved, God's love
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I Want to Be Loved

The need to be loved is considered one of our most basic and fundamental needs. The newborn baby wants to be held or wrapped tightly after undergoing his most traumatic moment – that of being born, discovering he must now breathe for himself. Studies show that babies deprived of this physical contact during the first six months of life will be psychologically damaged. I just want to be loved. We all want to be loved. We all need to experience God’s love.

We all respond to loving moments, that of a warm hug, a bowl of warm soup lovingly prepared, a kind word of encouragement. You can read more about encouragement here.

I am Human and I Want to be Loved

Yes, we all have an intense desire to be loved and nurtured. This may be found in the form of contact comfort – that desire to be held and touched. Isolation and quarantine deprive us of this basic need, resulting in major problems.

 We know the importance of being treated with a gifted meal during a trying time in our lives. And the need for kindness has brought about the saying of “In this world where you can have anything, choose kindness.”  

While acknowledging that need, it isn’t surprising that most of us believe that a significant determinant of our own happiness and well-being may be the fact that we need to feel loved and cared for.  Additionally, we also realize the accompanying need – that of loving and caring for others.

You Deserve to be Loved

Every child deserves to be born into a loving home with parents eagerly looking forward to the birth and having the ability to financially and emotionally meet the needs of the child. Loving anticipation and much happiness accompanies the birth of most children. The parents look forward to years of joy in helping to bring this baby from cradle to healthy adult maturity.  

Even a “surprise” pregnancy usually very quickly changes to the same joy of a long-planned child. The joy of adoption, the ability to reach out to provide this same environment to a little one needing parents, provides that same sense of belonging and nourishing attachment. 

A child brings much joy into a family. Love that is completely unselfish swells up in a parent’s heart and only grows through the years. The years spent raising a child are filled with much work and many challenges; however, the overflowing parental love is so engulfing as to minimize problems, pains and worries.  

Remember, you as a babe, were adored and much loved.  

Why Don’t My Parents Love Me?

If you know that you were not in this majority, my heart goes out to you. I hope that you have had counseling and a lot of help to get past this. Just know that God loves you exactly as you are. Reach out for help and understanding.  God is a loving Father. 

Differences in Showing Love in Different Cultures

Different cultures and different times have shown this parental love portrayed in many ways. As an example, I was born into a family where I was deeply loved and wanted; however, overtly showing that love was not a part of the hard-working Scandinavian culture at that time.

My mom showed her love in other ways. I never questioned her love for me. She did not tell me I was pretty or repeatedly tell me that I was loved as is now so much the culture of the times. It was thought that it would ruin me or make me conceited. It was a time of “fleshy” beauty and shorter women beauties. My long-legged skinny figure was years ahead of the wispy starved models of the late 1900s.  Consequently, I never thought of myself as attractive. Being a hard-working sort and an excellent student were to be desired: these were the things for which I was acclaimed. These were the things that were my agenda.

I Don’t Think My Mom Loves Me

However, although I was not fed the overage of verbal enriching words, the warmth and love of my parents were evident.  Wonderfully home baked foods, beautifully made dresses, and seeing my dad plowing through muddy roads to make sure I made it to school – all without complaint – showed me that I was a beloved daughter and was being provided for in a loving way. 

In turn, as a mother myself, I adapted to some of the same type methods of a former generation but covered it with continual words of affirmation and love. Recognition of major accomplishments without becoming a braggart was a goal. 


We Don’t All Express Love in the Same Way

We don’t all express our love the same way. Concern for and love for our children is shown in ways that we have found to be most acceptable and most edifying through the years. Always being there for them, always lifting them up, and always letting them know you love them is such a blessing throughout our lives.  

Very likely, always showing how happy you are to see your children, and how proud of them you are – accenting the depth of character and ennobling traits that are emerging. These are the plaudits that are needed. Parental approval is so desired and of paramount importance. 

If you feel slighted in that department, think it through again. All families are different. Continue to bathe in the warmth of parental love and respond in kind. Elderly parents often feel left out and are hungry for your time and love. Family love is the foundation for building strong and happy citizens.  

I Need Friends to Love Me

In this busy and demanding world, we still have times when we feel alone. We may become depressed and long for someone with whom to hang out, to share a cup, or someone in whom to confide. If we are in a new and strange environment, we miss old and reliable friendships. 

It is necessary to be wary of becoming involved with inappropriate relations; however, finding people with similar beliefs, goals and lifestyles can serve as a good way to begin.

 Keeping in contact with old friends, though far away, still gives us a steadying feeling. New friends broaden our world, our interests and personal growth. 

Why You May be Excluded

Sometimes we may wonder why we are not included in certain gatherings. It’s been said, “To have a friend, we must be a friend.” If there are real problems of feeling ignored or even excluded, this should prompt us to self-examine.

  • Am I hogging conversation?
  • Am I being openly critical?
  • Is my behavior appropriate?
  • Am I careful to keep information confidential?
  • Don’t be pushy.
  • Don’t be too loud or self-absorbed.
  • Deep relationships take time. They are worth the effort.

A loving friend is to be treated like pure gold. That friend does not have to be a constant presence in your life. A trusted friend, to step in during bad times or emergencies or when great losses hit your life, is a pearl of great price. It is worth the effort to extend oneself in order to build deep friendships.

I Want My Husband/Wife to Love Me for Who I Am

Much goes into making a good marriage.  It takes a lot of work and it is a continual project of building this relationship to last a lifetime. This article is not intended as a manual for a good marriage. Nevertheless, I will say without a doubt that a love for your marriage partner that includes always having his/her back, and where commitment is never questioned, will cover a mountain of little irritations in a marriage. 

Knowing confidently that your partner is faithful and completely supportive of you over anyone else is the foundation for a strong and lasting marriage. In a marriage, we need to be able to relax. Knowing we can be confident that we have no reason to doubt. It is wonderful to be able to trust undying and committed love until death do us part. 

A Strong Foundation

Built on this strong foundation, loving ways and actions will almost always be reciprocated. Never ration showing your love. It will be returned tenfold. The remainder of the pieces of the building of a life together will fall into place, with concerted effort, where there is love.

 Never cause your mate to doubt your love or your confidence in him/her. Expect the same in return. A loving marriage should be a peaceful refuge for each partner. Seek help as needed in making this union beautiful. 

How Do I Know God Loves Me?

This is the easiest question of all.  God loves you because He not only made you, He chose you. He died for you and He longs to have you live with Him in heaven forever.  Respond to God’s love by believing Him, trusting Him and committing your life to Him. This is a relationship where you will never have to doubt the One who loves you. 

The beauty of creation, the very breath you breathe, the possibilities that are yours, and the promise of God’s forgiveness, are evident and proof of His love for you. 

You can know God loves you by acknowledging these five ways His love is evident: 

  1. God Loves You and Made You

For it was you who created my inward parts; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.

Psalm 139: 13

 Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you; before you were born, I set you apart

Jeremiah 1:5

You were not an accident. God loved you, gave you breath, and has a plan for your life. Getting to know him through reading the Word of God will also reveal who you are and just how much He cares for you. Find meaning in life by recognizing God’s omnipotence.

God Loves You and Cares for You

In John 10:10 Jesus says, “I have come that you may have life and may havit abundantly.”

Jesus wants us to love and trust Him. He invites us to believe in Him for forgiveness of sins and to receive eternal life by trusting in Him and receiving Him as Lord and Savior. He provides for us here and now and promises life eternal with Him.

God Loves You So Much He Died to Save You from Penalty of Your Sins

For God so loved the world, He gave His only Son Jesus, that whoever believes in Him would not perish but have eternal life through Him.” John 3:16

Believers in Christ will not be punished for their sins but because of God’s mercy and grace will enter heaven sinless.  Jesus died for your sins. Believe and trust Him.

God Loves You So Much He Will Raise You from the Dead

John 14:19 “Yet a little while, and the world sees me no more; but you see me: because I live, you shall live also.”

Wow – because Christ died and rose again, if we believe in Him as Savior and Lord, we too will be made alive again and join him in heaven.  Praises!

God Loves You So Much He Wants to Be Your Best Friend

And lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the age.” Matthew 28:20

No friend like Jesus – forgives our sins and presents us to the Heavenly Father as if we had never sinned.  That indeed is a Best Friend.

God Loves You So Much He Will Take You to Live in Glorious Heaven Forever

I go to prepare for you a place that where I am, there you will be also.” John 14:14

Our finite minds cannot comprehend the beauty and magnificence of heaven. Imagine living where no sin, no tears, no pain are present.  No misunderstanding. No anger. No sorrow or loneliness. This is how much you are loved. Don’t miss out on the gift that God offers you.


If you would like to experience the love of God, we invite you to watch the video on this page.

We invite you to watch the “Great News” video on this page and find out more about God’s love for you and how you can receive forgiveness and eternal life – today!

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The Prayer of Salvation

Jesus, I don't know You, and I don't know what Your plan is for me. But thank you for coming to die in my place. I'm sorry for anything I've ever done wrong in my life. I don't understand how You could ever forgive me, but if You really would, I would like to accept your free gift of grace and complete forgiveness. Please come into my life and take control, and help me trust You. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.

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