Are we alone in this universe? This question is a hot topic that we will discuss today.
William Shatner on Blue Origin Rocket
William Shatner, who played Captain James T. Kirk on Star Trek, the Original Series, was a paying passenger on the Blue Origin Rocket that went into space on October 13, 2024. His experience provides a unique perspective on the contrast between the vast, lifeless expanse of space and the warm, nurturing Earth, a perspective that resonates with the Christian belief in the unique creation and life-giving nature of our planet.
“Oh, that’s blue sky. And then suddenly you shoot through it, all of a sudden like you whip off a sheet when you’ve been asleep, and you’re looking into blackness. Into black ugliness.”
Are We ALone?
Many people today wonder if we’re alone in the universe. There are rumors of visitors from other worlds and tales of aliens in our midst. Why is this so prevalent and important? Why do people want to believe that humanity and our world are not unique?
Why Search the Universe?
Earth dwellers even reached out to the rest of the universe by sending out rockets with messages from us, hoping to reach intelligent life from other planets. So far, no response. We seek life of any kind outside our planet. Again, nothing.
John 1: 3-5
Yet, many don’t seek the true life and light that God offers. Outside of Him, there is no light:
“Through him (Jesus, the Son of God) God made all things; not one thing in all creation was made without him. The Word (Jesus) was the source of life, and this life brought light to people. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has never put it out” (John 1:3-5).
Shatner continued trying to make sense of what he saw:
“Space is cold and ominous and ugly, and it really threatens death, there’s death there. And you look down, and there’s this warm, nurturing planet.”
Space Is Cold and Ominous
When the rocket took them above the Earth’s atmosphere, the captain didn’t see new worlds to explore or ‘new life and civilizations’ to seek. He had left the planet God quickened and saw the contrast with the rest of the universe. The Earth below was warm and nourishing; the rest of space was ‘cold, ominous, and ugly.’
Morally Responsible
Many people don’t want to hear that earth is unique because they want to find life outside of God and His creation, thinking that will lessen their moral responsibility to God, Who created them. So, they seek ways to hide, hoping He’s not the source of creation, light, and life.
God Formed Earth from the Formless and Void
Shatner’s observations are unsurprising for Christians who believe in the Genesis creation account. God told us, ‘In the beginning’ the Earth was like the rest of the universe. God took the ‘formless and void’ Earth and brought it to light and life:
“In the beginning, when God created the universe, the Earth was formless and desolate. The raging ocean that covered everything was engulfed in total darkness, and the Spirit of God was moving over the water” (Genesis 1:1-2).
God hasn’t told us everything or about all the mysteries of the universe. But He has told us He uniquely created and livened the Earth, and even with all our advanced telescopes and science, we haven’t found life.
Shatner continued:
“There is mother and Earth and comfort. And then, looking up, he said: “Is—is there death? Is that death? Is that the way death is?”
Only Death!
That’s what’s out there. Death! Outside of the Earth’s atmosphere, we must bring Earth’s conditions with us to live, like breathable air and warmth et al., to survive – even for a few seconds! God created the unique conditions we need to thrive. If you are wondering about how to get over the fear of death, read this article.
God created our first parents, the literal Adam and Eve, and the Bible tells us Eve was the mother of all living:
“Adam named his wife Eve, because she was the mother of all human beings” (Genesis 3:20).
God’s Care
God placed our parents in a safe, beautiful Garden called Eden. But they rebelled and could no longer access the Garden. Now we’re outside of it and we face dangers and death in many forms: disease, murder, wars, and the like. So, are we alone in this universe?
Earth is a Lonely Speck in the Universe
No Help from Elsewhere!
The author pointed out that Shatner only came to the same conclusion a famed astronomer came to:
“In many ways, the former Captain Kirk doesn’t sound so different from Carl Sagan, the famed American astronomer, who also dismissed the idea that there’s a backup home for us:
“Our planet is a lonely speck in the great enveloping cosmic dark. In our obscurity, in all this vastness, there is no hint that help will come from elsewhere to save us from ourselves.”
Only Jesus Can Save Us
No, help won’t come from elsewhere. Our help is in the Lord, who gave us His only Son:
“Through the power of the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth—whom you crucified and whom God raised from death…. Salvation is to be found through him alone; in all the world there is no one else whom God has given who can save us” (Acts 4:10,12).
Are We Alone in This Universe?
- In space, Shatner saw the contrast between the vast, lifeless expanse of space and the warm, nurturing Earth.
- Peoples’ search for life or help apart from God is fruitless.
- The search for other life or help in the universe won’t remove our moral responsibility to God.
- There is no help from elsewhere; salvation is found only in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
Credits: The William Shatner quotes are from an internet article written by Susanna Schrobs on October 18, 2021, 12:28 PM EDT and published by Time.