We are not asked to have blind faith – we have His words to us and we have His creation. God gives us the opportunity to know Him. We are called to obey and participate in His mission. We have the Hope of Jesus Christ.
There is always evidence of the creator in their creation. God’s creation shows His intelligence, His detail, and His artistic beauty. His creation is perfect and good. Truth is not just about God Himself, it is also about His view of everything. All creation is truth, even cursed creation, for it makes a path for the Savior. The Savior was planned even before man sinned and before creation.
We are blessed, for we have intelligence, we have the Word of God, we have God in us, we have books and videos, we have the Church, and we have the wisdom of past Bible commentators. We can truly know God, having never laid eyes on Him. Our faith is not blind. We know Jesus because He first knew us.
Vine and Branches
Jesus is the vine and we are the branches. We are part of the vine and in the vine. We are in Jesus and He is in us. We receive spiritual nourishment and power from Jesus.
Our Mission
We are still on Earth to participate in God’s mission. We will know what to do by prayer and obedience. We are to keep praying and studying the Bible until it fills and overflows from our minds. This overflow is what we speak, write and do. It is His plans not ours. We are to study, pray, show up, and obey. Until the mission is complete and He calls us to Heaven.
God loves you so much and wants you to be a part of His purpose. Please watch the Great News video on this page to find out how you can know Him and find hope for your life!