
cuurio presents

Cuurio Christmas

A Fundraising Dinner

Early December 2024

What is Cuurio Christmas?

Cuurio Christmas is a community-wide Christmas celebration featuring music from Danny & Suzanne Davis and friends, along with several surprise guests!

Tables are available for hosts to purchase now, and early purchases will include tickets to a pre-event worship gathering in April 2024.

cuurio christmas

How Do I Get Tickets?

Individual tickets are not available, but tables are! Tables are available for hosting at multiple price points below.

This event is a fundraiser for Cuurio, a nonprofit ministry that shares the gospel with people in every country around the world. Come join us as we reach the world for Jesus!

Host a Table

All tables include dinner for 8, and early purchase includes exclusive invitation to The Gathering, a pre-event in April 2024.


total available: 40
$ 750
  • 8 seats per table
  • 1 door prize entry/seat
  • First-come, first-served
  • Includes April pre-event


total available: 30
$ 1,500
  • Pre-show meet & greet
  • Third tier seating
  • 2 door prize entries/seat
  • Includes April pre-event


total available: 20
$ 3,000
  • Pre-show meet & greet
  • Up close seating
  • 3 door prize entries/seat
  • All access


total available: 10
$ 10,000
  • Dinner with surprise artist
  • Backstage passes
  • 5 door prize entries/seat
  • Featured partner


total tables available: 1
$ 50,000
  • Dinner with guest artist
  • Backstage passes
  • 10 Door prize entries/seat
  • Featured sponsor

the details

all about
cuurio christmas

Cuurio is launching to reach millions with the gospel in the near future – and you’re invited!

Cuurio is a new-paradigm ministry that shares the gospel with people in every country around the globe, and is poised to reach millions in the near future, with a goal of planting a billion seeds for Christ in the next 10 years.

What & When

Scheduled for Thursday Dec 5, 2024, Cuurio Christmas will be a multi-media evening that celebrates Jesus’s birth and offers an opportunity for all believers to be on a team that is sharing His love and grace with people everywhere.

Your Favorite Christmas Music

Including dinner along with music from Danny & Suzanne Davis and friends, Cuurio Christmas will also feature several surprise artists/guests.

Hosting a Table

Tickets are not for sale, but tables for 8 are available for hosting (see above). Our hope is that every person who hosts a table will also fill it up with influential, passionate believers who will understand and get excited about a ministry like Cuurio that focuses so intently on fulfilling the Great Commission.

If you are more interested in providing a table for others but would not choose to be the “host” of that table, never fear – we’ll likely have some who would love to host but cannot take on the expense of a table.

Building a Team

There will be a place for everyone, because Cuurio is a ministry that needs to be held up by every believer, so the entire world can hear the Good News!

It’s a Fundraiser!

Remember that this is a fundraising event, so please come with a generous and cheerful attitude toward this incredible outreach ministry, and know that you can participate at any level and play a major role in reaching the world for Jesus.

The Prayer of Salvation

Jesus, I don't know You, and I don't know what Your plan is for me. But thank you for coming to die in my place. I'm sorry for anything I've ever done wrong in my life. I don't understand how You could ever forgive me, but if You really would, I would like to accept your free gift of grace and complete forgiveness. Please come into my life and take control, and help me trust You. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.

I Prayed the Prayer

If you prayed this prayer, please click below and let us know. We'd love to give you some "next steps" in your new life with God.
I Prayed the Prayer

Artist Table