cuurio connect
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Cuurio Connect is something every evangelistic organization needs. Whether you represent a church, para-church, or any other Great Commission-focused organization, Cuurio Connect will help you reach more people with the gospel right when they’re the most open to hearing it.
Why You Need Cuurio Connect
It enables your website to reach out to people who are actively searching online for help with felt needs in their lives.
When someone asks Google for help with a life issue, they are right at this moment possibly the most open to hearing the gospel than they’ve ever been.
Are there that many felt needs searches?
Yes. On Google alone, there are over 500 million felt needs searches happening every day worldwide, which represents a massive outreach opportunity for your organization.
How does this apply to my church IN PARTICULAR?
Statistically speaking, in a town of 60,000, around 4,000 felt needs searches happen every day. You can do your own math, but these people should be finding your church in the results of their search.
That's more than we could handle!
That’s okay – only a small percentage of them would actually connect with you. But even at a very low conversion rate, this represents a huge mission field for you and your organization.
How does this happen technically?
Technically, it’s very involved and labor-intensive. The process is customized for each user, but below is a general overview of how we do it, broken down step-by-step.

1. Micro Site
We start by launching a micro site for you, on our Local.Cuurio platform. This serves as a point of connection for people who come through our Cuurio platform itself and are looking to connect to a local faith community. They will find you here based on location.
2. Landing Pages
Next step: 3-40 (depending on level) strategic landing pages posted on a subdomain of your site (e.g. This enables us to do the work for you without having access to your actual website, which operates separately from any subdomain. We create, post, and maintain these pages, turnkey.
3. Epic Cornerstone Posts
We then create multiple cornerstone pieces of content on high-authority relevant sites that we own and operate, linking to your new landing pages and micro site, thereby pointing massive authority to those properties with the sole purpose of ranking those pages in searches for felt needs help.
4. Coaching
Our ongoing coaching (included) is designed to leverage everything we do along with everything you do, making the most of everyone's effort to succeed online. We'll even send you custom prompts for strategic content creation on a regular basis in order to create synergy and more forward motion in the right direction.
5. Consulting
Finally, our team of experts will be available to you anytime for the purpose of consulting on all things search/web. We can talk about it for days, and would love to help you take several years off your digital journey and start reaching more people sooner.