To find encouragement in our journey of faith, we must first explore the principles Jesus sets forth for us. we need to daily focus on Jesus and obey. This article will teach us how to pray, as this practice will provide the encouragement needed to center our minds on His teachings and guidance throughout the day. To be encouraged even more, check out the article on allowing God to do what only He can do.
I am told by Jesus to daily live in the spirit, offer my body as a living sacrifice, take up my cross daily and follow Him and to abide in Jesus. I need to daily focus on Jesus and obey. What are all these things, what do they mean to us, and how do we do them so we are obedient to Jesus? They basically mean we focus on and obey Jesus. Pray this first thing in the morning, especially before you communicate with any people. You will find joy in your life.
Live in the Spirit
My spirit was made holy when I became a Christian, but the rest of me is unholy and sinful. So Jesus tells me to live in the spirit, which is directly connected to the Holy Spirit and Jesus – here I am holy and God-focused and I hate sin. If I live in my flesh (the unholy parts of me) I have selfishness, pride and sin – here I ignore or maybe even hate God. The Holy Spirit is in us and is a representative of Jesus and speaks only the words of Jesus. So living in the spirit is equivalent to abiding in Jesus.
Offering My Body as a Living Sacrifice
Offering my body as a living sacrifice is giving Jesus control of my body. But not just my body, I also give Him control of things like my soul/mind, heart, emotions, job, marriage, children, addictions, money, and frequent sins. These are all parts of me where sin and problems occur. Offering my body as a living sacrifice is equivalent to taking up my cross daily and following Jesus.
How Do I Do This Daily?
I start by worshiping in adoration. I then basically speak the words above to God. Then I do confession, repentance, thanksgiving, and forgiveness. After that I pray for others and lastly for myself.
How Do I Know I Have Fallen Away and in the Flesh?
If I am protecting sin, or hiding or dismissing temptation, I am prideful. If I am worrying, getting angry, and attempting to control people and circumstances I am self-managing. If I start sinning or dwelling in worldly things, I am in the flesh.
How Do I Get Back into the Spirit If I Fall Away?
I do adoration, confession, repentance and thanksgiving to connect back to God and live in the spirit. If I find myself returning to my flesh any time in a day I should pray to get back to God. I often am at my weakest late night when I am alone, so I must pray. I suggest you write out your prayer list then use it as prompts when praying. God wants you to talk to Him, so don’t just read it.