Do I love God completely? How can I love God when life is hard? Ho can I understand how much God loves me when I feel I don’t deserve His love?
Incomplete Love
You love me, but do I really love You?
True love of You is not just feeling but action and obedience.
You put a strong need in me for spiritual oneness.
I desperately need You but I don’t realize it.
I shield my eyes from You and forget You.
My desire is to have worldly pleasure.
Without You I am stressed and worried.
Our relationship is not complete without spiritual intimacy.
My love will fade without oneness.
I have tried loving you in lesser ways.
It is not enough.
I long for the union with you.
I long for holiness though I cannot attain it myself.
I have forgotten the feeling of my first encounters with You.
I have forgotten what spiritual intimacy feels like.
My selfish lifeless prayers are useless.
I long for You.
I need You.
Incomplete Christian.
Incomplete love.
Does God Love Me?
God loves you. He made you. He has a purpose for you. A wonderful plan for your life that will bring you joy and contentment. If you are dealing with the struggles of life, please let us know and we will help you. Don’t miss out on knowing God and living your best life now and forever.
How Can I Know God?
We invite you watch the GREAT NEWS FOR YOU video on this page if you would like to find out how much God loves you and how you can begin your personal relationship with Him today. Please leave us a message if you have any questions. We would love to hear from you.
Today is the day to turn your mind and heart toward God. He is waiting for you with arms wide open. His love is real.