In Esther 4, we encounter some of the most memorable and courageous words in Scripture: “for such a time as this” and “if I perish, I perish.” These words set the stage for Esther’s bold action in today’s daily devotional on chapter 5, where she takes a life-threatening risk by approaching the king unsummoned. As she steps into the unknown, she faces the possibility of great success or devastating failure. Have you ever had to make such a decision, where everything was on the line? In this chapter, we see how Esther’s bravery, coupled with her trust in God’s sovereignty, leads her to find favor with the king. As we dive into Esther 5, let’s reflect on moments in our own lives where we’ve had to step out in faith, trusting God to work behind the scenes. To understand how Mordecai persuaded Esther to help, read the daily devotional on Esther 4.
Esther 5 Commentary by Allen J. Huth
After Esther 4, with those great verses, “for such a time as this” (4:14) and “if I perish, I perish” (4:16), we jump into Esther 5. Esther takes a risk of a lifetime. She will win big or lose big. Have you faced such a choice? Did you risk it all? Please read or listen to Esther 5.
What Is the Meaning of Esther 5:2?
Risk. Esther takes a risk that could cost her life. She went unsummoned to the king, but “she won favor in his sight” (v. 2).It could have gone the other way. Remember, the previous queen, Vashti, acted boldly by not coming when summoned and she was dethroned and banished. Esther also acted boldly and easily could have suffered similar or even more drastic consequences. She took the risk, and God allowed her to find favor with the king.
What Does the Bible Say about Esther Fasting?
Remember too, this is after Esther honors her word and fasts and prays for three days. I suspect during those three days, as she prayed and fasted, she tried to figure out what God would have as a course of action. Although it is not disclosed in this chapter yet, we are going to see she is going to prepare a feast for the king and for Haman. But even at the feast when the king is asking her what her request is, she does not make it known yet. I wonder if it is because she does not know or because she wants more time. Not sure, but we are watching the sovereignty of God acting behind the scenes.
What Does Mordecai Do that Angers Haman?
Part of the sovereignty of God is after the feast, Haman takes a stroll on the way home and runs into Mordecai. Even with all the pressure Mordecai and the Jews are under, he still does not cave in, he does not bow down to Haman. And though he had a great feast with the queen, it enrages Haman that Mordecai, the Jew, will not bow down to him.
What Are the Gallows of Haman?
Haman gets home and gathers all his friends. He is so arrogant with his wife and friends, bragging about his position in the kingdom and his new promotion. Yet with of all that, he is so frustrated because of one guy, one Jew named Mordecai. I wonder if his friends and his wife had enough and said, “Okay, if you are so powerful, if you are so strong, why not do something about it? Why don’t you build gallows and hang the guy tomorrow morning?” He thinks it is a good idea, so he has the gallows made, but he still needs permission from the king.
Let’s think about the circumstances. Mordecai does not know Haman plans to hang him. Esther does not know. The king does not know. Nobody knows. But God’s sovereignty is at work in and through people and around the scenes of our lives. I cannot wait until tomorrow!
What Is the Brief Summary of the Story of Esther?
Let’s recap some things we can think about from Esther 5:
- First, remember Esther took a huge risk. She risked her life to go to the king. Yes, it turned out well; but it could have turned out very differently.
- Second, Esther had a plan because she prayed and fasted. She is implementing her plan, but she does not know God has also been working behind the scenes. When you face circumstances like this and you pray, implement your plan. Also trust God is working with you.
- Lastly, think about Mordecai. Even though under such pressure, knowing the Jews are going to be exterminated, he does not bend. He still stands for what he believes in the face of Haman.
There are some powerful lessons in Esther. Lessons we may need as Christians who know it is not going to get any easier in life. Challenges come our way and we are going to need to be strong, prepared, and be able to take risks, knowing God is working with us and for us. We close with prayer.
Father, though I make plans, Your plans are better. Thy will be done in my life. May I find favor in Your sight. In the name of Jesus, we pray. Amen.