In today’s daily devotional, we find ourselves in Esther 6, picking up after the dramatic events of chapter 5 when Haman builds the gallows overnight, eager to request Mordecai’s execution. However, things don’t always unfold as planned. What do you feel when things don’t go your way—frustration or curiosity that God might be orchestrating something bigger? Esther 6 is a profound reminder of God’s sovereignty, where what appears to be coincidence is actually divine intervention. As we explore this chapter, consider how God might be working behind the scenes in your life, even when you don’t realize it. To learn why to pray for favor, read the daily devotional on Esther 5.
Esther 6 Commentary by Allen J. Huth
Today, we are in Esther 6, following the drama of Esther 5 when Haman builds the gallows in the middle of the night. He now wants to go see the king to get permission to hang Mordecai. Things do not always go as planned. When they don’t, are you frustrated or curious that God may be at work? Please read or listen to Esther 6.
Do you have a smile on your face after that chapter? Wow. What a turn of events. I have read Esther many times over the years, so let’s go back to some journal entries; all the way back to 1984 and build up to today. My understanding of the sovereignty of God and my understanding of these chapters changed over the years of reading the Bible.
What Happened to Mordecai in the Bible?
1984 was the second year I was journaling my Bible reading. I wrote about this chapter, “The sovereignty of God is an incredible thing. Esther, Jewish, is a queen. The king can’t sleep. He learns about Mordecai and desires to honor him at the same time Haman wants to hang him! Praise God for divine intervention! Haman has to be totally humiliated by escorting Mordecai around the city to be honored.”
What Does the Bible Say about Divine Intervention?
My thoughts changed a bit in 1997 when I wrote, “Haman plots against Mordecai. God is working behind the scenes to use Haman’s plot against himself. The king can’t sleep. That’s God’s intervention. The book of Chronicles is read to him, and he reads about Mordecai. Again, God’s intervention. Haman is too self-centered. Esther sought God, planned and executed her plan, saving herself, Mordecai, and all of Jews. Praise God for God’s divine intervention!”
What Did Haman Plan on Doing to Mordecai?
In 2007, I wrote, “Coincidence or sovereignty? Haman has prepared to hang Mordecai. The king can’t sleep so he reads history. He happens to read about a good deed of Mordecai. He could have read anything. He could have had a perfect night’s sleep. God is working behind the scenes as He does in our lives. Instead of being hanged, Mordecai is being paraded through the square by Haman. I’ll take sovereignty over coincidence.”
Sovereignty over coincidence? How many times have you heard people say, “Well, under the circumstances”? As Christians, do we want to be under the circumstances, or do we want to be under the sovereignty of God?
In 2016, I read Esther 6 and got a different view of all of this. I wrote, “There is no way Esther had any idea what is happening. Between her two feasts, the king can’t sleep. He reads about Mordecai exposing a plot to kill him. Coincidence? Of all of what he could have read, that’s what he read that day. The king then decides that night, that very night, to honor Mordecai. And Haman happens to be in the court at that very moment.”
How Did Esther Trust in the Lord?
This is all the sovereignty of God. Again, Esther has no idea any of this is happening. She is simply faithfully fasting and praying and then risks her life to stand before the king. She is doing her best, the best she could, not knowing what God is about to do. We need to do the same. Do what we know, the best we can, and then watch God work.
How Did God Work Behind the Scenes in the Book of Esther?
Let’s ponder some things we can gain from today’s reading in chapter 6. You may not know what God is doing around you. In fact, you may never know this side of heaven. Esther may have never known Haman planned to hang Mordecai that morning. She may have never known about the sleepless night the king had. She may have never learned he read about a good deed Mordecai had done, possibly saving the life of the king.
It is the same for us. We may never know the workings of God behind the scenes of our lives. What Esther did know is Haman was trying to kill all the Jews on a date certain in the future. That is what she was still acting on, the bad news that had come her way.
When you get bad news, remember this story in Esther. It is powerful to understand God is working behind the scenes, even if you do not know it, and you may never know it. Have faith in God and His ability to correct your circumstances before your very eyes.
Lord, build my faith knowing You work behind the scenes of my own life. You ask me to step out by faith. I may never see what You do behind the scenes and around me. But I have seen over and over Your blessings in the past, and I thank You. In the name of Jesus, amen.