In today’s daily devotional on Ezra 2, we discover an essential leadership principle: operate with God’s chosen helpers. As we reflect on the names listed in this chapter, we are reminded that God knows each person by name and equips specific individuals to carry out His will. Just as God provided Ezra with leaders like Nehemiah, Haggai, and Zechariah, we too are called to surround ourselves with godly influences. This principle challenges us to evaluate who is in our inner circle and ensure that those who have influence over us are aligned with God’s purposes. Are you intentionally selecting people who will help you grow spiritually and fulfill your calling? To learn how King Cyrus directed Ezra, read the daily devotional on Ezra 1.
Ezra 2 Commentary by Allen J. Huth
In Ezra 2, we will uncover leadership principle number two, operate with God’s chosen helpers. Who is in your inner circle? Who has influence over you? Are they godly? Please read or listen to Ezra 2.
What can we get out of this chapter of names? Let’s go back to my journals. In 1995, I wrote, “God is a God of detail. He knows us by name as He knew those who returned to build His temple. He is also a God of timing. He does what is right in His own time. He is also a God of provision. Through His people, He provided enough gold, silver, and priestly garments for the new temple.”
What Does the Bible Say about According to Their Ability?
In 2009, I read chapters 1 and 2 on the same day. I wrote one line about this chapter, “People offered willingly for the house of God ‘According to their ability they gave to the treasury’” (v. 69).
Likewise, in 2015, I read chapters 1 and 2 on the same day and wrote concerning chapter 2, “God stirs. He moves people to do His will. Over 42,000, referring to verse 64.” Then I wrote, “The people made freewill offerings according to their ability. They gave to the house of the Lord, referring to verses 68–69.”
Despite sixty verses of names, there is a very important leadership principle in verses 68–69. The people made freewill offerings for the house of the Lord, “According to their ability they gave to the treasury” (v. 69). That is all God requires of us. He asks us to help through tithes and offerings; but it is our freewill, according to our ability.
What Does God Say about Abilities?
We can only give to the Lord according to what He has already given us. That is all He requires is to give according to our ability. Are you doing that? Are you giving back to the Lord tithes and offerings according to the blessings you have received from Him? If not, that may be your practical application today. Give it some thought. Give to God according to your own ability.
What Does the Book of Ezra Teach Us?
Now let’s look at Twelve Practical Principles of Leadership for leadership principle number two, operate with God’s chosen helpers. In Ezra 2 and chapter 8, God lists people by name. Ezra 2:1-2 (NKJV) says, “Now these are the people of the province who came back from the captivity, of those who had been carried away, whom Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon had carried away to Babylon, and who returned to Jerusalem and Judah, everyone to his own city. Those who came with Zerubbabel were”.
The next sixty verses list the names and numbers of specific people and families. In chapter 8, there is another list of names. Look at 8:16 for an example. He also placed around Ezra the priest, a chosen political leader, Nehemiah, and chosen religious leaders, Haggai and Zechariah. God put specific people in place to help Ezra.
What Is the Lesson of Ezra in the Bible?
God has specific people in mind to do specific things. He knows them by name. As you select your friends, business partners, management team members, and employees, keep this principle in mind. Be patient and careful to find specific God-given talent.
Who Are the Chosen People According to God?
Select members of your circle of influence spiritually and carefully. God gifts each person with natural talents and abilities. Have you asked Him to help you fill the people needs around you with specific chosen selections? Operating with God’s chosen helpers can apply to your business life and your personal life. We do not get to pick our family members, but we do select our friends and our circles of influence.
As you ponder this thought today, think about the people you have placed around you. Do they have a godly influence in your life? If not, maybe this principle will help you select a new circle of influence. If so, praise the Lord for them and give them a call or text today and thank them for their influence in your life. Out of Ezra 2, operate with God’s chosen helpers.
Lord, thank You for those surrounding me. Thank You for godly influence in my life. Thank You for a godly wife. Thank You for godly friends. Thank You for putting specific people around me to help me live out my life.
Lord, for those who may be contemplating this and thinking their circle of influence is not very godly, help them find those that You have for them, specific people You want to surround them with to help them with godly advice and godly counsel. Help us be bold enough to make the changes we need to make to have godly people in our circle of influence. Help us all operate with Your chosen helpers in our lives. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.