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How Revelation is Organized

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How Revelation is Organized

The Four Judgments in the Tribulation

Note: The interludes between the judgments help explain the judgments. Time only moves forward during the time of judgments

Interludes in Revelation

Rev. 1Introduction
Rev. 4The Heavenly Throne
Rev. 5The Scroll and the Worth Lamb
Rev. 7The 144,000 Sealed and Multitudes Saved
Rev. 10The Little Scroll
Rev. 11The Two Witnesses
Rev. 12Israel, Satan, and the Christ Child
Rev. 13The First and Second Beast
Rev. 14The 144,000 Redeemed and the 3 Angels
Rev. 15Prelude to the Seven Final Plagues
Rev. 17Mystery Babylon and the Beast
Rev. 18Babylon’s Fall
Rev. 21The New Heaven, Earth, & Jerusalem
Rev. 22The Tree and River of Life

Note: The chapters not listed on this chart are when the judgments are described. See the charts above and below for those chapters.

The Tribulation Judgments in Chronological Order

Chapters 2 & 3 tell us about the Church Age, from the coming of the Holy Spirit until the rapture, which ends the Church Age. The tribulation begins sometime after this with the signing of a peace treaty.

Chapter 6 details what happens on earth during the seven seals judgments and brings us to the midpoint of the tribulation, 1260 days, 42 months, or 3.5 years.

Chapters 8-9 details what happens on earth during the seven trumpet judgments and brings us to a brief time before Jesus’ Second Advent,  3.4 (approximate) years.

Chapter 10 glimpses the seven thunders judgments before the angel hides those judgments for now. These follow the trumpet judgments a brief time before Jesus returns.

Chapter 16 details what happens on earth during the seven bowl judgments that fall in rapid succession. Jesus returns after them, ending the seven-year tribulation.

Chapter 20 details the judgments that happen before and after the Millennium (the thousand-year reign of Christ on earth).

Time Progression in Revelation

Revelation 1Revelation 2-3Revelation 4-19Revelation 20Revelation 21-22
Prologue Ends with: Church LettersChurch Age> Ends with: RaptureTribulation> Ends with: Second ComingMillennium> Ends with: Final RebellionEternity Never ends!
 Now7 years1,000 yearsForever

Judgements in the Tribulation

7 Seal Judgments7 Trumpet Judgments7 Thunders Judgments7 Bowl Judgments
First 3.5 monthsSecond 3.4 monthsJust before the bowlsShortly before 2nd Coming
Revelation 6Revelation 8 & 9Revelation 10Revelation 16

Judgements After the Tribulation and the Millennium

Verses and TimeWho’s Judged and Why?Ultimate Fate
vv. 1-3 End of tribulationSatan is bound and cast into the bottomless pit for 1,000 years. Then he’s released for a little while to lead a final rebellion.
vv. 4-6 End of tribulationFaithful saints who didn’t take the mark of the BeastThese saints reign with Christ for 1,000 years.
vv. 7-10 End of MillenniumSatan is freed and gathers the deceived in a final rebellion by attacking God’s City, Jerusalem.Fire comes down from heaven and devours the rebels and they’re cast into the lake of fire.
vv. 11-15 End of MillenniumGod judges all unbelievers by their works.Since they’re not in the Book of Life they’re cast into the Lake of Fire for eternity.

Improvements of New Jerusalem over “Babylon”

Unbelievers refused the free water of life, and as enduring beings their place is in the lake of fire where they remain forever impure (Rev. 21-5-8).While believers, though undeserving on their own merits, are graciously cleansed and purified for eternity (Rev. 22:11, 17).
Unbelievers cast their fate with the condemned city of Mystery Babylon (Rev. 21:9-27).While believers share in the New Jerusalem, the city of God (Rev. 22:14-15).
Unbelievers wear the name or sign of the Beast (Rev 13:15-17),While believers share in the river of life, the tree of life, and wear God’s name on their foreheads; (Rev. 22:1-5).
And best of all, especially for those that conquer in Jesus’ blood and are persecuted in this life  Jesus promises, “I am coming soon!” and John says, “Amen! Come, Lord Jesus!” (Rev 22:20).

Contrasts Between Unbelievers and Believers

Refuse the Water of LifeShare in the River of Life
Eternal Destiny: Lake of FireEternal Destiny: Live with God
Forever ImpureForever cleansed and purified
Share Babylon’s FateShare in the New Jerusalem
Suffer the Second DeathShare in the Tree of Life
Wore the Sign of the BeastGod’s Name is on Their Forehead

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The Prayer of Salvation

Jesus, I don't know You, and I don't know what Your plan is for me. But thank you for coming to die in my place. I'm sorry for anything I've ever done wrong in my life. I don't understand how You could ever forgive me, but if You really would, I would like to accept your free gift of grace and complete forgiveness. Please come into my life and take control, and help me trust You. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.

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