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How to raise an emotionally intelligent child in a healthy dynamic, special needs, raising kids, how to be a good parent, family

How to Raise an Emotionally Intelligent Child in a Healthy Dynamic

Understanding Emotional Intelligence and teaching it to our children promotes a healthy family dynamic. Emotional Intelligence builds social skills and helps people process, label, and understand their emotions. Emotional Intelligence aids in controlling our emotions and how we interact with others. It is incredibly important as it helps with interpersonal relationships. Let’s talk about how to

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Parenting a child with special needs info froma a parent of a child with special needs, autism, learning disabilities, how to deal with an autistic child,family

Parenting a Child with Special Needs|Info from a Parent of a Child with Special Needs

Parenting a child with special needs is not an easy job. I walk that walk daily. Flexibility and support is required daily to facilitate what they need. That being said, having a child with special needs in your family can be a wonderful experience with the correct guidance and support. Many parents are unaware of

Parenting a Child with Special Needs|Info from a Parent of a Child with Special Needs Read More »

Helping parents navigate balancing technology use for children and teens, family, kids

Helping Parents Navigate Balancing Technology Use for Children and Teens

As a family physician I love helping parents navigate balancing technology use for children and teens. Let’s talk about ways to find balance. I often observe the impact of technology on family dynamics and children’s development. With the ever-increasing presence of screens in our lives, it’s essential for parents to understand the effects of technology

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