We may have been raised to believe that to be a Christian involves a lot of nos and nots. And that being a believer means becoming a recluse, withdrawing from the world. But when I study the Word of God, I find many more Yes statements than Nos. Followed by a statement to “Go tell your story.” Do you have a story to tell? Carpe diem – grab the chance. Take advantage of every opportunity to enrich your life, help others and celebrate what God is doing in your life. Jesus calls us to live a full life, engaging others, and being thankful and rejoicing in the blessings He provides. Our background and circumstances may have influenced who we are, but we are responsible for who we become. We are encouraged to say Yes to opportunity. Let’s talk about how to take advantage of every opportunity.
“To as many as received Christ, to them gave He the right to become children of God.” John 1:12. Believe. Receive. Go. Rejoice.
“Go into all the world – make disciples.” “Feed the hungry”. “Care for the children.” “Sing with joy – enter His courts with thanksgiving.” These are the recurring messages we find in the Bible, God’s Holy Word.
“Go and sin no more”, is the positive statement of Jesus in dealing with us. Not condemned but filled with power and forgiveness. Ready to say Yes to life’s demands and opportunities. This is only possible when we have believed and asked Jesus to be Savior and Lord.
Be Thankful for the Opportunity of Today
Life is a Gift – be thankful- handle with care – don’t overlook the Blessings God has for you. Live every day with anticipation “His mercies are new each morning,” we read in Lamentations. Take care of the body given to you for use: protect it with exercise, healthful foods, and abstaining from substance abuse. This earthly life is a gift to be treasured and cared for so that we may live it to our fullest.
Embrace the day by beginning with praise and thanksgiving, listening for a motivational nudge, looking for opportunity. For me, it is asking God to increase my faith so I may identify in every way as a Lady of Faith – and to humble me so that I may be known as a Lady of Grace. “I have come that you may have LIFE and have it more abundantly” John 10:10, so don’t miss the abundance He has for you by allowing yourself to entertain feelings of envy, indolence, self-pity, laziness that cloud your vision.
Cease the Day!
When illness and unavoidable cares hit, as they inevitably will, we then are more prepared to recover – we have the resilience – because we know the strength that comes with depending on God and not our feelings.
Eternal Life Is Also a Gift – Accept this gift of eternal life that settles your fate and future for all eternity. The Most Essential thing you need to be sure of TODAY is where you will spend eternity. Eternal Life is a gift from God when we place our faith in Him. Make that decision today.
We live in a world that is full of unrest – much hate. We live in a world today that is anything but peaceful – vitriolic discourse is the norm – fear mongering is everywhere. Plans for war are in the daily news. I believe Jesus is coming again. I think His coming is imminent. Watch the Great News video below with the message of how to be ready for His coming. Be prepared to meet God.
As Christians, how then shall we live? Charles Wesley said, “Do all the good you can, by all the means you can, in all the ways you can, in all the places you can, at all the times you can, to all the people you can, as long as ever you can.” If that sounds too exhausting a task – I like to think that my world is my assigned place to serve, share and care for those with whom I encounter. Always trying to be aware of the areas I feel the Holy Spirit leading me, and for the motivation to follow up on those nudges.
I have concluded that “Just say YES” is a starter for living the Abundant Life.
We must individually say Yes to the Spirit’s move. To the woman caught in adultery – Jesus indicated a positive future with his “go and sin no more.” Choose another lifestyle. Self-worth is awarded us when we are in line with the teachings of the Bible.
Fruits of the Spirit of God include love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. These indwelling gifts to believers make our lives rich and meaningful and productive. These fruits define us as being caring, helpful, and approachable. Our life becomes richer, more positive, and we become a part of those individuals who make a difference. Fruit of the Spirit refers to the Holy Spirit indwelling you – God with you. The beginning of a positive life, that of living the abundant life. Feeling energized to serve and to make a difference in someone else’s life.
I call it “Just say Yes.”
Accept Christ. Accept that you are forgiven when you acknowledge you are a sinner and believe Jesus. Accept that you have Gifts of the Spirit. Say Yes to using them. Say Yes to opportunities to love, to serve, to live, to encourage others, to teach, to support, to applaud, to be successful.
I do not take this casually or without praise to God for this wonderful gift of health. However, I look back at some of the choices I made that opened the door for those blessings. How many blessings were meant to be ours this week that we didn’t see, didn’t open, didn’t accept?
I have missed many other unrecognized gifts – people, opportunities, beauty of nature, whatever, along the way.
Jesus said, “I have come that you may have life and have it abundantly.” John 10:10 – a verse I chose as my life verse years ago.
I look back at the Yeses in my life – when I could have said no – and where would I be?
- Accepting the challenge of earning an education – worked to pay for that education.
- Choosing to respond to Gift of Salvation – believed and asked God to take control of my life.
- Saying Yes to marriage to that tall, handsome man who loved me well.
- Saying Yes to bearing and raising children who have brightened my world and are productive adults and fellow believers.
- Saying Yes to opportunities as a Registered Nurse
- Saying Yes to earning a Business Degree while working, raising family.
- Saying Yes to a completely different career at 50 using the business degree – officer in global company with many opportunities and increase in salary.
- Saying Yes to finally accepting husband’s early death, knowing somehow that God had purpose for me in the ensuing years. Corporate job was already in place to provide my income. Knowing he would have been disappointed had I not built a new life.
The Bible says that you too have an audience cheering you on. Hebrews 12:1 says, “Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us” (NLT).
- Beginning a Grief Recovery Group and leading to help others.
- 10.A joyful 20 Plus years leading a Life Group for young women who enriched my life, loved me, and did life with me. Oh, what huge blessings I would have missed if I had not said yes.
- Said YES and accepted a little part time job of Ex Dir doing Thursday night free clinic for underserved populace. God had larger plans, and 11 years later I retired leaving what God only could build – a clinic with three salaried doctors, full time staff, in a completely rebuilt two story modern facility – no debt, fantastic staff, sharing Jesus with all who willingly listened.
It was so evident that it was God’s idea from the start – but I could have missed being involved if I had said no to the challenge. And, interestingly, the Board of Directors was made up largely from those I knew and worked with in other disciplines to which I had said Yes years before. A Yes from years ago that continues.
JUST SAY YES! Exchange the Negatives and Satanic influence in your life not only with your No – but replace it with the Positives by saying Yes to Jesus.
“Go ye into all the world and preach the Gospel”– Go, Give, Pray – Positive Yeses
“Come, follow Me”, Jesus said.
Sing Praises
Jesus taught lessons about faith, kindness, and God’s ability to make great things from our most humble lives.
“Serve the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength. And your neighbor as yourself.”
“Worship God in truth and service.”
I challenge you today – whatever your age – wherever you are in life – to change your negatives and your nos to positive yeses – ever how small – and replace the negatives with the positive response.
Jesus is light – hope – promise. Even in our darkest hours, even as he weeps with us, He gives us the positive “And Lo, I am with you” assurance.
Say Yes to God’s offer of forgiveness and Eternal Life
Say Yes to reaching out to others, making positive Christian friends.
Say Yes to sharing an encouraging and forgiving Savior to a dark and dreary world.
Say No to being a recluse. Someone needs you.
It’s not about ME! It’s all about how we can be used by the Indwelling Spirit of God. The third person of the Trinity. He who points us to Jesus.
Jeremiah 33:3 “Call to me and I will answer you.” That verse is a drink of cold water to my soul. That God will and does answer my pleas.
“I’ll tell you marvelous and wondrous things you could never figure out on your own.”
The Beginning of Joy is the Joy of being heard. Cry out to God – He will hear, and He cares.
Life is messy – life is stormy. You may feel as if you are drowning in sadness, disappointment, anger, fear, and confusion. You must keep putting one foot in front of another – reach up – Jesus will do the holding on – keep going, keep dreaming, keep believing. Keep saying yes.
Read about the sweetness of Jesus here.