Is Grace Really a Gift?

is grace really a gift, grace
good news of jesus

In this fast-moving world in which we live, a world filled with vitriol and violence, our hearts cry out for mercy, for a touch of understanding, for a gift of grace. But is there mercy? Who is willing to try to understand me?  Is there really a gift of grace available? Is grace really a gift? What does it meant to find the gift of grace?

If you would like to receive the gift grace, we invite you to watch the GREAT NEWS FOR YOU VIDEO on this page.

Today we will be discussing the following:

  1. Is Grace Really a Gift?
  2. Grace Really Is a Gift
  3. Be Willing to Accept Grace
  4. Grace and Mercy Definition
  5. 8 Gifts that Grace Provides
  6. Can I Extend Grace to Others?

Grace Really Is a Gift

The creator God, the God of the universe, the God who sacrificially died for our sins, offers each person the opportunity to believe and receive the gift of grace he has provided.  To the cynic, to the brash unbelieving sinner, it is offered, as it is to the meek and lonely, unrepentant man.  For it is truly a gift.  

We cannot earn God’s grace. We cannot find forgiveness without God’s grace. We are a hopeless people without God’s grace. 

It was through grace that God sent his son, Jesus, to die on the cross and pay the price for our sins. It is by grace that we are saved through faith (and that not of ourselves but also a gift of grace) in His death and resurrection. (See the GREAT NEWS FOR YOU Video on this page).

Be Willing to Accept Grace

Even an unbeliever yearns for a gift of grace. Perhaps he/she is not willing to accept such a wonderful gift. That person may think anything worthwhile must be earned by some means. He measures himself against others.  He may give to the poor. He does not break many laws. However, no sin can enter the Kingdom of Heaven: we must be forgiven and washed clean by the blood of Jesus.  

It is very humbling to come to the point of realizing that you on your own cannot make yourself a reservation in heaven. Only by confessing your need of a Savior, asking for forgiveness, and believing that Jesus is the Christ who will forgive you and keep you for eternity, can you realize the true joy of knowing salvation by grace.

Grace and Mercy Definition

Mercy means forgiving the sinner and withholding the punishment that is justly deserved. Grace is heaping undeserved blessings upon the sinner. In salvation, God does not show one without the other. In Christ, the believer experiences both mercy and grace.

8 Gifts that Grace Provides

1.  Salvation – By grace we are declared Children of God and given salvation by being made right and acceptable through the death of the Perfect Son for our redemption.

2.  Forgiveness – the beautiful gift of being forgiven wipes the slate clean.  Since no sin can enter heaven, the sin problem is solved by grace. The weight of guilt is erased to bring us joy in this life. We are free to live full lives knowing that we are forgiven.  And we receive the grace that helps us forgive others and opens the doors for a joyful life.

3. Sustaining power – By the grace of God we are given power to live a meaningful life and the ability to do the work that we were meant for – to help others, to care for our families, and to be bold in telling others about the Grace Giver.

4. Healing – not only are we forgiven but we experience healing of our broken hearts, our injured psyche, and our hearts starving for love and forgiveness.  We can be made whole again, not condemned, but redeemed.  Made ready for the zest of living a life devoted to the things of Christ.

5.  Freedom – we find freedom in the forgiveness through grace. No longer are we trying to live up to a certain list of rules to be right with God – we are free because now Christ lives within us and gives us the strength to live a life that honors God, knowing that He continues to forgive those who have believed in His name. Free indeed.

If you would like to receive the gift grace, we invite you to watch the GREAT NEWS FOR YOU VIDEO on this page.

6.  All that is needed to live a meaningful and useful life.  The grace to forgive; to minister to the sick and lonely; to provide for our family; to help others; to share the Grace of God with others; and the gift of worshipping with other believers.  

7. Fellowship of the Holy Spirit – when we believe and trust God for the redemption provided by the death and resurrection of Jesus, the Holy Spirit – God Himself – comes to live within us. We have his power, his conviction, his friendship and mentorship, his constant presence, and his leadership – all combined to give us peace, comfort, joy, leadership, and affirmation. The Holy Spirit produces fruit in us –“love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control.” Galatians 5: 22-23.

8. Assurance that God will sustain those who believe in him. “Now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling, and to make you stand in the presence of His glory, blameless with great joy; To the only God our Savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, dominion, and authority, before all time and now and forever. Amen.”Jude1:24-25.  

How wonderful that Jesus loves us with a love that forgives us and grants us eternity with him.

Can I Extend Grace to Others?

This morning’s news told of financial adviser, David Ramsey, who has just paid off $10 million of debt for unknown individuals. His company bought medical and car debt totaling the $10 million from two private debt collection companies and completely forgave it.  His answer as to why he did it: “Well, the answer is simple —to show the love of Jesus Christ.  You see, this whole completely forgiving debt thing has been done before —by him.  No other gift could compare to that one, but we felt this was one small way we could continue to pass on that love.” How can I extend grace to others?

No strings attached.  Completely forgiven.  That is grace!  Sound like Dave Ramsey?  As someone said, “No, it sounds like Jesus.”  Wow – Oh that someone might think that about me before the year is over!  Reflecting the Glory of our Savior!.  

How Can I Extend Grace?

  1. Show kindness even when treated unfairly
  2. Be forgiving and letting go of a past wrong done to you
  3. Show gentleness and kindness even when the other person does not deserve it, nor do they reciprocate.
  4. Be there for someone who is hurting even if they were not there for you.
  5. Think before you speak – be positive and helpful
  6. Be thankful – we have received grace; may we live with grateful hearts.
  7. Be generous – always ready to help.  Ready to share our time, our talents, our finances, and the love of Christ.
  8. Be merciful – never thinking of getting even with someone or not forgiving when wronged.  

Grace, what a beautiful word.  And what a lovely way to describe a life well-lived. 

If you would like to receive the gift grace, we invite you to watch the GREAT NEWS FOR YOU VIDEO on this page.

We invite you to watch the “Great News” video on this page and find out more about God’s love for you and how you can receive forgiveness and eternal life – today!

good news of jesus

The Prayer of Salvation

Jesus, I don't know You, and I don't know what Your plan is for me. But thank you for coming to die in my place. I'm sorry for anything I've ever done wrong in my life. I don't understand how You could ever forgive me, but if You really would, I would like to accept your free gift of grace and complete forgiveness. Please come into my life and take control, and help me trust You. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.

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