Is The Pandemic Stressing Your Christmas Holiday?

Is the pandemic stressing your Christmas holiday?, hope
good news of jesus

The year 2020 has been many things to many people. Challenges and outright loss; quarantine, isolation, no hope, and loneliness; bewilderment and disbelief; perhaps faith questioned, then tested, and finally rooted more deeply than ever.  Is the Pandemic stressing your Christmas Holiday Season? Have you lost sight of hope during the pandemic and hard times?

To find true peace and forgiveness, please watch the FREE GIFT FOR YOU video on this page.

Today we will be talking about the following:

  1.  Is the Pandemic stressing your Christmas Holiday Season?
  2. Is the Pandemic stress destroying your lifestyle?
  3. How to have a clear mind and inner peace during the stress of the pandemic.
  4. How keeping a schedule relieves stress at any time.
  5. There is hope for the future.
  6. How the pandemic has catastrophic impact on families.
  7. Overcoming  personal challenges during the COVID19 crisis.
  8. How God uses women during stressful situations.
  9. How God has validated worth of women throughout history.
  10. Ten Biblical women of faith who rocked a stressful world.
  11. How to have a clear mind and inner peace during a pandemic.
  12. How to have a clear mind and inner peace during a pandemic.

Is the pandemic stress destroying your lifestyle?

The threat and prognosis of an unknown disease caused by a microscopic virus shook the world-wide economy and attacked the health of a 7.8 billion world population in a matter of a few weeks.  Not armies, not nuclear weapons, nor warriors from space –but a microscopic pathogen has enveloped the globe.  We were stopped in our tracks.

Like most everyone else, I was stunned.  Falling into the upper limits on the vulnerability chart was indeed a jolt in itself. Suddenly my wonderfully full social calendar was becoming a scratched- out, bleak, barren and cold reminder, a blank book.  Since I work from home and actually only HAVE to go very few places, I tried to rationalize my conduct and decided I should isolate as much as possible and save my ICU bed for a younger  essential worker, if needed.  Factors crop up that shake even the best laid plans, but I have chosen to ride this one out with that goal. ever.  Is the Pandemic stressing your Christmas Holiday Season?

How to have a clear mind and inner peace during the stress of the pandemic

Strengthening my faith with reminders of verses such as Isaiah 12:2:

Behold, God is my salvation; I will trust, and will not be afraid; for the Lord God is my strength and my song, and he has become my salvation.

Isaiah 12:2

 And Jesus promise of “Because I live, you will live also” to all who believe in His Name. Strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow!  Many have been the opportunities to share this wonderful message of hope and promise and to encourage and be encouraged during these months. 

Keeping a schedule relieves stress at any time

Now during Pandemia, I teach my Life Group on Zoom; attend a Bible study on Zoom and do some conferences on Zoom.  I walk in my neighborhood; order groceries and pick them up; entertain in my backyard – a few at a time from each of my family that live together.  I discovered I can fix a meal; the guests  call when they are driving up; I place food on outdoor tables; they enter yard; I sit indoors on my high stool at the double paned picture window  looking out – we put our phones on speaker, lips synch, they eat and we visit – safely.  Works well but leaves a hug-less empty feeling no matter what.  A grandson dubbed the area “Barb’s Outdoor Dining” and now it is decorated for Christmas!  We shall see how that works.  Looking forward to 2021! Is the Pandemic stressing your Christmas Holiday Season?

There is hope for the future

I know you are a people of Hope, as am I.  And I am looking forward to the vaccine and better treatment for the infected so that my loves who must be out in the world will be less vulnerable.  Perhaps most of us have been made even more aware of what we already knew – we are not in control.  But our Hope is in Him who is in control and who will make all things right – our Savior Jesus Christ.  Through faith in him, we will work through this season of our lives and be stronger and kinder on the other side.  May it so be!

But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.

I Corinthians 15: 57

Pandemic has catastrophic impact on families

 Is the Pandemic stressing your Christmas Holiday Season? Our children and their children have been challenged as has the world with how to accomplish their goals and tasks while conforming to rules and best practices.  It takes a lot more effort and a lot of planning.  They are all doing amazingly well -I am praying that their jobs and companies survive this onslaught. Have you heard this somewhere before?  May we be encouragers to the young and set an example of keeping the faith and taking one step at a time.

Peace, I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.

John 14:27

Overcoming  personal challenges

As for me, my lifestyle has been severely cramped.  I am a hugger, a joiner, a lady of clubs and church activities; a quick lunch date; always ready to go by 9 am if anyone has a task or idea.  Guess what! Those days are shelved.  And I miss my friends and family.  But God keeps my spirits up and reminds me of shut-ins to call while I walk and friends who might appreciate a call or a note of encouragement.  I can walk a circle in my house in imperfect weather in order to get in at least 7-8000 steps a day, rain or shine, which keeps me sane and mobile – ok -somewhat? 

Let not your heart be troubled: you believe in God, believe also in me.

Jesus said in John 14:1

How God uses women during stressful situations

Oh Holy Night – the coming of Christ And the coming of our Hope of Salvation – REJOICE!

Granted – 2020 has been stressful to say the least for most of us – for most of the world as well.

So now we face the stress – however delightful and fun – of making Christmas wonderful for each one in our family while keeping our own composure and our joyful and loving ways.  

Suddenly we realize it is much easier to host an overflowing family crowd for one wonderful holiday meal than to try to do several small gatherings with all the intricacies of scheduling and dealing with the diversity of opinion of what “safe” means to your 30 nearest and dearest.

God has validated worth of women throughout history

I want to just remind me and remind you that God has always used women in major roles.  And has given them the strength to “shine”.  He has validated women, given them places of honor and respect, and opened doors of leadership for them.  

Women as a rule are peace lovers and have a knack for calming a situation.  The women of the Bible were given rights and respect and equality. We must fulfill our rolls now. 

But my Good shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.

Philippians 4:19

Ten Biblical women of faith who rocked a stressful world

Here are a few women of the Bible who, although in stressful times and situations were fearful, were upheld by a trustworthy Almighty God.  We may be encouraged to look quickly at some of them.

  • Sarah – Abraham’s wife, childless at age 90 – who laughed at God when he promised her a child – and then bore Isaac the father of Jacob – and she became the Bible matriarch, chosen to be the mother of a nation.  A woman of faith, she was listed in the Hall of Faith in Hebrews 11.  
  • Ruth – widowed at a young age.  Loving and caring for her Mother-in-Law, they were bound together by their faith in God and in the shared loss.  Then she met wealthy Boaz who was impressed by her loyalty and devotion to Naomi and the characteristics she exuded. He took her to be his wife; she bore a son who was the father of King David  – putting her into the genealogical lineage of Jesus himself, as listed in Matthew. 
  • Hannah – prayed for son – struggled with her sense of worth because she could not have children; prayed for a son and dedicated him to the Lord before his birth; and she kept her promise to train him and return him to the Lord in full service.  As she rejoiced in the Lord, Samuel became a great Jewish Judge. 
  • Elizabeth – while pregnant with John the Baptist, Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit and prophesied the birth of Jesus when she met with her cousin Mary, who was in her early pregnancy.  Then Mary, filled with the Holy Spirit, responded with the beautiful Magnificat,  affirming her role in the birth of the Savior Jesus Christ.
  • Mary, a teenage girl had been chosen by God to be the mother of our Lord Jesus.  And God gave her the strength to endure the trials, the pain and the sorrow to fulfill her role in raising this child who became  the sacrifice for the sins of all people. Imagine the pain in her life as she saw him condemned, mocked, and then seeing him nailed to the cross.  A heavy roll to play.  Stressful times. A woman of faith. 
  • Samaritan Woman – showing whatever ethnicity, personal history, or life of immorality – Jesus washes the sinner clean. She lived in stress, was used by men, shamed by society – but Jesus made her whole and new again. Made whole and forgiven in Christ. You too can be forgiven. Click on the link to see how to prayer the prayer of forgiveness and salvation.
  • Martha and Mary – Personal friends of Jesus.  He visited and ate with them and their brother. They seemingly led normal lives; however, the stress of doing all the work and cooking while Mary sat at the feet of Jesus to hear his teaching, caused Martha problems. We all need help with the stress in our lives.  Jesus is the answer today as then. He asks us to let him carry our burdens. 
  • Mary Magdalene – Jesus cleansed her of 7 demons.  Jesus did not treat women as so many others in his culture did; he treated them with dignity, as people of worth. Mary Magdalene had experienced redemption and she was eager to follow in appreciation. She was at the cross with the few faithful – and she was the first to see the Risen Christ that Easter morning.  Jesus gave her his first words after his resurrection when he told her to go tell the brethren.  Jesus in her life had not only provided forgiveness and restoration, but also had given her the strength to lead a life of faith and substance. The same is open to each of us today.
  • Lydia – a successful and wealthy businesswoman, a dealer in purple cloth.  Purple cloth was valuable and expensive.  A leader in the community, Lydia was a believer in Jesus and wanted others to know the way to salvation. She sat under Paul’s teaching, opened her home to serve as a church that became the first Christian church in Europe, and used her income to provide for the needs in spreading the Gospel. She was not stress free; she was ridiculed for defending the believers. 
  • Your Name – and my name – a woman Forgiven, Accepted, Empowered by Holy Spirit.  A student of the Bible, a mother, a sister, aunt, business- woman, teacher, servant to the poor, a friend to the hurting and a confidant to your friends.  A stress-free life?  No and not intended to be. We are called to live meaningful lives and we are called to be  defenders of the downtrodden and those without representation.  
  • God not only calls us – He gives us the power to become who He intends. ”Not my strength but Thine, Lord.”  Gives us the strength to walk the walk – forgives us when we cry out in sorrow for our sins.  Picks us up and refreshes us for the next calling. For the next challenge.  For the next blessing. 

But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.

Isaiah 40:31

How to have a clear mind and inner peace during a pandemic

  • So – Let us throw off the burden of this Season – it is too heavy for you.   Allow God to carry it for you.  Remember, YOU are a Daughter of the King, A Child of the Most High God.
  • In your heart say, I will trust Him to make me the Strong Leader in my home, at work, and in my circle of friends during this unusual season.
  •  I will seek to help alleviate the problems rather than be the problem.
  • Lord, make me calm, loving, generous, covered by your blood, strengthened by your Spirit, overflowing in gratitude with His love.








Is the Pandemic stressing your Christmas Holiday Season? We invite you to find peace. Please watch the FREE GIFT VIDEO on this page and change your life forever.

We invite you to watch the “Great News” video on this page and find out more about God’s love for you and how you can receive forgiveness and eternal life – today!

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The Prayer of Salvation

Jesus, I don't know You, and I don't know what Your plan is for me. But thank you for coming to die in my place. I'm sorry for anything I've ever done wrong in my life. I don't understand how You could ever forgive me, but if You really would, I would like to accept your free gift of grace and complete forgiveness. Please come into my life and take control, and help me trust You. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.

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