John 4 | The Woman at the Well

John 4 The Woman at the Well
good news of jesus

John 4, often referred to as the story of the woman at the well, is a profound narrative about Jesus’ encounter with a Samaritan woman. Spanning fifty-four verses, this chapter captures a significant moment of spiritual insight and transformation. The encounter is not just about a chance meeting but a deliberate and meaningful interaction that transcends cultural and social barriers. At its core, this Daily Devotional challenges us to reflect on the concept of “living water” and how it can quench the spiritual thirst of those around us. To learn more about one of the greatest chapters of Scripture, read the Daily Devotional on John 3.

We will see the importance of worshipping in spirit and truth, the call to labor and reap in God’s kingdom, and the power of testifying about Christ. We will understand that the gospel is inclusive and transcends all cultural, ethical, and social barriers. Jesus’ purposeful journey through Samaria and his interaction with a Samaritan woman living in sin underscored His mission to offer living water to everyone, inviting us to follow His example of breaking down barriers.

Jesus faced physical and cultural challenges, John 4 emphasizes His declaration as the Messiah and the call for us to worship in spirit and truth. This chapter serves as a model for evangelism, illustrating how Jesus reached out to those society often marginalized. As we delve deeper, we see that the fields are indeed white for harvest, calling us to be active participants in God’s work. Are we ready to share the living water within us with those who are spiritually thirsty? Through true worship and a clear understanding of Jesus as the Messiah, we can be effective laborers in God’s kingdom.

Where Is the Story of the Woman and the Well?

John 4 is about the woman at the well in Samaria. It is a long chapter, fifty-four verses. Can you share living water with a thirsty soul? Please read or listen to John 4.

John 4 Commentary by Allen J. Huth

Because this is a long chapter, I will only share my journal entries. We begin with 1990, when I read John 4 (NASB) and wrote, “Concerning verses 23-24, ‘worship the Father in spirit and (in) truth’. Concerning verses 35-38, sow, labor, and reap in the kingdom of God. Verse 40, testify of Christ to others. Verse 41, many but not all believed. Verse 42, believe yourself, not from what others say. Listen to Jesus through His Word.” And finally, “Verse 50, by His Word, power goes forth to heal, to save.”

What Did Jesus Say to the Samaritan Woman?

In 2005, I wrote, “The gospel is not culturally or ethically restricted. Jesus went purposely through Samaria, a place Jews avoided. It is not socially restricted. He spoke with a Samaritan (a mixed race), a woman, and a woman living in sin with a public reputation. Jesus transcends all people barriers and offers living water to everyone. We should follow His example. ‘God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship (Him) in spirit and truth’ (v. 24).

I continued to write, “God open my eyes to ‘the fields . . . white for harvest’ (v. 35). Help me be a laborer and a reaper for You. Give me eyes to see and boldness to share Your Word with others.”

From my journal in 2018, I wrote, “Jesus got weary physically. He’s in Samaria talking to a woman; culturally unacceptable. Is my living water springing up, according to verses 10-14? ‘Worship in spirit and truth’ (v. 24). Jesus clearly declares Himself Messiah in verses 25-26. I try to do the will of Him who sent me and ‘accomplish his work’ (v. 34). Give me eyes to see Your harvest field around me. May I receive my wages and gather fruit for eternal life.”

What is John Chapter 4 About?

Chapter 4 is an illustration of evangelism. Jesus shows us how to do it. As I wrote in my journals, He crosses all social barriers to share the gospel. We should too. But we can only do so if living water is springing up from us. Are you prepared, are you able, to share the living water in your life with someone who is thirsty? You can, if you are a true worshiper of God; one who worships in spirit and in truth. You can and you will if you understand Jesus is the Messiah. He says in verse 26, “I who speak to you am he.”

The fields are white unto harvest, according to verse 35. Will you be a sower; will you be a reaper for the Lord? Let’s pray.

John Chapter 4 Teaches Us How to Witness

Father, we thank You that Jesus is an example here, of how to evangelize, how to share our faith with someone else. Help us move our conversations from physical needs to spiritual needs with others. Open our eyes, Lord, to the fields white unto harvest around us. Use us to speak to people around us. Open doors of opportunity where we can share our faith with someone else. And please open their hearts as we do. Thank You. We worship You in spirit and in truth. Amen.

We invite you to watch the “Great News” video on this page and find out more about God’s love for you and how you can receive forgiveness and eternal life – today!

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The Prayer of Salvation

Jesus, I don't know You, and I don't know what Your plan is for me. But thank you for coming to die in my place. I'm sorry for anything I've ever done wrong in my life. I don't understand how You could ever forgive me, but if You really would, I would like to accept your free gift of grace and complete forgiveness. Please come into my life and take control, and help me trust You. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.

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