Today, we transition our Daily Devotional to the Book of Joshua. This book marks the beginning of a new chapter in the history of Israel, detailing the transition of leadership from Moses to Joshua. As we delve into the twenty-four chapters of this book, it is essential to understand its significance and context. Joshua, once Moses’ assistant, now leads the Israelites into the Promised Land, fulfilling the second part of God’s grand work of redemption. While the authorship remains uncertain, with ancient texts like the Talmud attributing it to Joshua himself, the book’s themes and messages are clear and impactful. To explore Jesus’ question, “Do you love me”, read the Daily Devotional on John 21.
Central to the Book of Joshua is the continuation and completion of God’s promise to the Israelites. Under Moses, they were freed from bondage in Egypt, and under Joshua, they are brought into the Promised Land to find rest. The narrative weaves through various theological themes such as leadership, divine sovereignty, human responsibility, and the importance of obedience to God’s law. Joshua’s journey is not just a historical account but a profound exploration of faith, courage, and divine guidance.
As we study the Book of Joshua, we will uncover numerous lessons and examples that resonate with our own lives. From the biblical definition of success to the significance of following God’s plan, even when it seems irrational, Joshua’s story offers timeless wisdom. Through the lens of personal Bible reading journals spanning three decades, we will gain deeper insights into the enduring relevance of Joshua’s leadership and God’s unwavering faithfulness. Let’s embark on this journey, beginning with Joshua 1, and discover how God’s purpose and promises unfold through His chosen leaders.
Book of Joshua Introduction by Allen J. Huth
Today, we begin the twenty-four chapters of the Book of Joshua. Let’s look at my English Standard Version Study Bible book introduction, so we can get more familiar with the Book of Joshua.
The Book of Joshua is named for its leading character, Joshua, the former assistant to Moses. However, no author is explicitly named. The Talmud, a collection of ancient writings by rabbis on Jewish law and tradition, ascribes the book to Joshua. Determining the date of the book or its author are difficult because, as with many Old Testament books, it may have been edited as it became part of the accepted Old Testament canon.
The theme of Joshua is Part Two of God’s grand work of redemption in the Old Testament. Part One was under the leadership of Moses as God redeemed His people out of bondage in Egypt. Part Two, under the leadership of Joshua, is the completion of God’s promise to bring them into the Promised Land and give them rest.
What Is the Secret Formula for Success?
The book is a fascinating treatment of numerous theological topics such as: land, leadership, the Book of the Law and covenants, judgment and mercy, divine sovereignty over lands and people, human responsibility, promised rest, faithfulness, and how God’s people respond to Him.
Is the Secret Formula for Success Simple?
Look for: a biblical definition of success, examples and lessons of living by faith, why to follow God’s plan even if it does not seem to make sense, leadership succession, and a miracle as the sun stood still. Please read or listen to Joshua 1.
Joshua 1 Commentary by Allen J. Huth
To help us through the Book of Joshua, I have selected three of my personal Bible reading journals. One from 1995, when I read various books of the Bible. One nine years later, from 2004, when I read the Bible chronologically. And one nine more years later, in 2013, when I read twenty-five books that year, including Old and New Testament books. I will share what I gained from reading the Book of Joshua in three different decades of my life.
From the first journal in 1995, after reading Joshua 1, I wrote, “God on death. ‘Moses my servant is dead’ (v. 2). Not ‘passing away’, not ‘going home’, not ‘is asleep’, dead.” I continued, “‘as I was with Moses, so I will be with you’ (v. 5). Wow, what encouragement for Joshua. He saw so many miracles from Moses. Now God is saying, I will be as strong with you.” Then I wrote, “Joshua was trained by being Moses’ assistant for forty years. Do leaders train their replacements today?”
What Did God tell Joshua about Success?
Next, I itemized some of the leadership instructions given to Joshua:
1) Be anointed by God
2) Be strong and of good courage
3) Obey God’s Word
4) Meditate on God’s Word
5) Have God with you where you go
6) Have a purpose to go
7) Possess the land
Nine years later, in 2004, as I was reading the Bible chronologically, I read Joshua 1-4 on the same day and wrote in my journal, “God’s plan moves on in spite of people. Moses is dead, but God’s plan and leadership are not. Joshua is the successor, and God is going to elevate him in front of Israel by using him like Moses, to part the Jordan River. These people did not cross the Red Sea. They only heard about it. Now they are going to experience God’s power too. God also uses people like Moses and Joshua to work His plan. He still uses people today.”
The next day, I finished the chapter starting with verse 10, and I wrote in my journal, “Joshua acted on God’s instructions, His promises. We’ve got to move out in faith. Three tribes had their lands already, but they got it from Moses with a promise to help the rest of the tribes secure their land. They agree and uphold their promise.” I finished with, “Be strong and courageous in God’s work.”
What Is the Moral Point of Joshua 1?
What is our life application from Joshua 1? First, God has a plan for your life. He had a plan for Joshua, and He has a plan for you. Discover God’s plan for your life.
Secondly, believe God is with you. He is not just with people like Moses and Joshua. He is with you, He is with me, as we work on the purposes He has given each of us.
Is the Formula for Success Simple?
Thirdly, He tells us how to succeed:
being careful to do according to all the law that Moses my servant commanded you. Do not turn from it to the right hand or to the left, that you may have good success wherever you go. This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success. Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous (vv. 7-9).
God gives us purpose, and He gives us a formula for success. Stay in His Word, do not depart from it, be careful to do all that is written in it. And then, we will have success. We will have prosperity.
And lastly, act. We cannot just be hearers of the Word. We need to be doers. Joshua acted after God put him in charge.
From Joshua 1, might we understand God has a purpose for our lives. He is with us wherever we go. He gives us the formula for success by staying close to His Word. And then He says, “Get after it. Go do what I have called you to do.” Let’s pray.
What Is the Main Point of Joshua 1?
Father, what a great beginning to another one of Your books in Your Word. We see in it You have a plan, and You use people to accomplish Your plan. You did it then. You do it today.
We also see that You purpose people. And people who follow Your purpose will have success. Encourage us, Lord. Empower us to find Your purpose for our lives and then have the courage to act; to be strong and very courageous. Thank You for this great formula for life in Joshua 1. Amen.