In this Daily Devotional of Joshua 10, a profound and miraculous event unfolds as Joshua, leading the nation of Israel, beseeches God for extraordinary assistance in a crucial battle. The account recounts how, in response to Joshua’s plea, the sun and moon halted their motion, extending daylight to ensure Israel’s victory over their adversaries. This miraculous intervention illustrates God’s willingness to alter the natural order to secure triumph for His people. It prompts reflection on what individuals today might seek from God in their own battles, whether literal or metaphorical, and whether they believe in His capacity and inclination to intervene. To reflect on our own decision-making processes, read the Daily Devotional on Joshua 9.
The narrative’s resonance extends beyond its historical context, inviting contemporary readers to consider their own challenges and the role of divine intervention. Joshua’s unwavering obedience and reliance on God’s promises serve as a poignant reminder of the conditions under which God acts on behalf of His people. The episode challenges us to contemplate what it means to align our actions with God’s will and trust in His power to act decisively on our behalf. It encourages a deeper exploration of faith and the belief in a God who is capable of miraculous deeds that defy human understanding.
As we delve into the implications of Joshua 10, the narrative beckons us to a deeper faith and dependence on God’s promises. Just as Joshua experienced God’s miraculous intervention in the face of overwhelming odds, we are called to trust in God’s sovereignty over our own battles. By adhering to His commands and seeking His guidance, we find assurance that He continues to fight for His people, offering hope and deliverance in ways that are as extraordinary today as they were in ancient times.
Joshua 10 Commentary by Allen J. Huth
In Joshua 10, the sun stands still. God alters nature to assist Israel win. What do you want God to do for you to help you win a battle? Do you believe He can? Do you believe He will? Please read or listen to Joshua 10.
In 1995, I read Joshua 10 and wrote, “Joshua cleans out the Promised Land with God’s divine intervention. More people died because of hail than the sword. The day was prolonged. Joshua was obedient to the call of God. He let none remain, utterly destroying all that breathed. Wow. If that’s God’s attitude toward sin, wow.”
In 2004, I read Joshua 9-11 on the same day, and concerning these chapters, wrote, “God fights our battles for us, but we must act. Israel did the killing in obedience to God. They journeyed forth, wielded their swords, and fought physically. God guaranteed the win, intervened miraculously from time to time, and each battle was different. God is not predictable in how He chooses to help, but He goes before us, with us, and in our rear guard in the battles of life. Thanks for fighting for me from time to time.”
Did Joshua Command the Sun to Stand Still on Gibeon?
In 2013, I split this chapter into two days. On the first day, I wrote, “Joshua defeats a coalition of Amorite kings. God gives them into his hands. God also defends Israel’s unholy alliance with Gibeon. Strange. When God is in it and He’s on our side, He fights the battle. More died from hailstones than Israel killed with the sword. And at Joshua’s request, the sun stood still for about a day so Israel could defeat its enemies.” And I quoted verse 14, “‘There has been no day like it before or since’. Praise God! Please defeat my enemies. Please fight my battles for me.”
The next day, I finished the remaining part of the chapter and wrote, “Winning is easy and complete with God. As Joshua and Israel obeyed, the Lord fought for Israel. God fights for us too when we do what He asks. Father, keep me obedient to You and fight for me when I don’t even know it.”
Did the Sun Stand Still in Joshua 10?
Let’s take a look at that amazing miracle when the sun stood still in Joshua 10. Verses 12-14 say:
At that time Joshua spoke to the Lord in the day when the Lord gave the Amorites over to the sons of Israel, and he said in the sight of Israel,
“Sun, stand still at Gibeon,
and moon, in the Valley of Aijalon.”
And the sun stood still, and the moon stopped,
until the nation took vengeance on their enemies.
Is this not written in the Book of Jashar? The sun stopped in the midst of heaven and did not hurry to set for about a whole day.There has been no day like it before or since, when the Lord heeded the voice of a man, for the Lord fought for Israel.
My English Standard Version Study Bible footnote says, “This traditional understanding of this passage is that it refers to a miracle of cosmic proportions, in which the earth ceased rotating for a time. Since the Bible unquestionably teaches that God brought the universe into existence and that he owns and rules it all for his own purposes, this certainly would be possible” (p. 410).
What Is the Lesson of Joshua and the Sun Standing Still?
“There has been no day like it before or since” (v. 14).I do not know about you, but I believe in the miracles of God. I believe what I read in the scriptures is true. So, do I believe the sun stood still, as Joshua declared? Absolutely. I hope you do too.
If you question it, there were five other possible proposals in my footnote. I just chose not to read them. My footnote concludes those possible proposals with this statement, “None of these proposals are without difficulties, however, and each fails to do justice to the claim that there has been no day like it before or since. Given the miracle-working God of the Bible, the traditional understanding is certainly possible” (p. 410).
What Does Joshua Chapter 10 Mean?
Our practical application from Joshua 10 is that God fights for us just like He fought for the nation of Israel. Joshua was obeying the Word of the Lord. As we obey the Word of the Lord, God will fight our battles for us too.
Father, we thank You that You truly will fight our battles for us. We believe in Your miracle-working power, not in just what we read, but what happens and can happen in our daily lives. You are the God of miracles in Joshua 10. You are still the God of miracles today. We believe it and we thank You. In the name of Jesus, amen.