JOSHUA 15 | How Do I Hear from God?

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In the midst of personal struggle and professional uncertainty, the ancient text of Joshua 15 unexpectedly offered solace and direction. As we explore this chapter in today’s daily devotional, which details the land allotment to the tribe of Judah, it provides a metaphorical framework for understanding our own journeys. In 1995, amid Allen’s job turmoil, Joshua 15 spoke to him in ways he did not anticipate. Through these reflections, Allen discovered that the territory God gives us is not just a physical space, but a personal calling to conquer and claim. Whether you’re navigating a period of silence from God or seeking clarity in your life’s purpose, this passage can serve as a reminder that even in the quiet, He is guiding us towards our own ‘home’ and purpose. Find encouragement for your own journey of faith and discovery. Read about Caleb’s journey in the Joshua 14 daily devotional.

Joshua 15 Commentary by Allen J. Huth

Joshua 15 is the allotment of the land to the tribe of Judah. Are you home yet? Please read or listen to Joshua 15.

In 1995, as I look at my personal Bible reading journal, I see I had some discontent where I was working. That has never happened to you, right? So, I am going share some journal entries leading up to reading Joshua 15. 

What Does Crying Out to God Mean?

A few days before, I wrote, “Crying out for God’s help in my job situation. What am I going to do? Should I stay or should I leave? God help me.” The next day, I wrote, “I’m so depressed over my job. I need God to intervene. I need direction, stability, peace of mind, a hope, and a future. Please, God, help me.” 

The day before I read Joshua 15, I wrote, “At a lake by a park.” So, I was out trying to seek the will of the Lord. I wrote, “Bless God. Thank You for all You have ever done for me. I know You are on the throne. Thank You for Your past divine intervention in my life over forty years. Today, my boss and I are to meet. Tomorrow, I go to another place with a pastor to see if that’s where I should go to work. I need help! I need divine guidance. I need You.”

How Can I Hear from God Directly?

The day I read Joshua 15, I wrote, “I have been trying every way I know how to find or hear from God in this situation. I’ve gotten up earlier. I’ve walked. I’ve sat at a park. I’ve read the scriptures, searching. Talked to people. Been quiet before God. And I’m not hearing anything. Help me, Lord!”

Maybe you can relate to what I was going through. Maybe you are going through that right now. Whether it is concerning your job or some other circumstance in your life, you may be seeking the Lord, but you are not hearing and getting the direction you need. It is okay. I have learned even in silence, God is listening. 

Lessons from Judah’s Inheritance on God’s Blessings

Now I come to what I read in Joshua 15. I wrote in my journal, “In a time of needful searching, these chapters are not very revealing. God gives us a territory, a field, to work in with borders. He wants us to conquer that territory for Him, albeit there are enemies in that territory. Giants, idol worshipers, other authorities. What is my territory, Lord? Where are my boundaries? Colorado, the USA, the world, Denver?”

Eighteen years later, 2013, I read Joshua 15 and wrote, “The conference in Nashville is over and it was very successful. I’m home! Praise the Lord! So happy to be home, in my house, in my city, with my wife. Home is an amazing destiny. No matter how short or how long I’m away, home is where I want to get to. Thank You, Lord, for home.”

God Blesses Those Who are Faithful and Obedient

I wrote concerning Joshua 15 that day, “Judah.” Then, “I did not realize until now Caleb was in the tribe of Judah. He settles the land and tribe of Judah. Lord, carve me out some land. Be with me so that I can conquer and settle territory for You.”

What Is the Main Point of Joshua 15?

If you are struggling today, if you are praying to God and He appears to be silent, if you are looking for your territory, the land God wants you to conquer, keep praying. Keep seeking, He is the one who says, “seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you” (Luke 11:9 KJV).

In 1995, I was looking for something. In 2013, I appreciated something; I appreciated home. I am sure for any one of us, wherever home is, it is home. I for one appreciate the blessing of where I live, who I live with, what God has provided for me. I travel a lot and love to come home.  

Yes, we sojourn on the earth. God has given us territory to conquer, territory to dwell in, territory to make home. But here is not our home, and I hope we long to go home, home in our future is home with Jesus. He says He is there preparing a mansion for each one of us. A mansion! I do not live in a mansion here on earth, but someday I will go home to a mansion prepared by Jesus. 


Until then, Father, help me understand the territory You have charted out for me. Help me be willing to conquer that territory, to fight the enemies who possess that territory and gain ground for You while I am here on this earth.

Lord, thank You for home. A sanctuary, a place to come home to and rest. A place to get recharged so I can go out and fight for the territory You have given me. Lord, thank You for the future mansion You are preparing for all of us who love You, that place in heaven. You are building our home for us there with You. We look forward to the day when we are in the neighborhood with You. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.

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The Prayer of Salvation

Jesus, I don't know You, and I don't know what Your plan is for me. But thank you for coming to die in my place. I'm sorry for anything I've ever done wrong in my life. I don't understand how You could ever forgive me, but if You really would, I would like to accept your free gift of grace and complete forgiveness. Please come into my life and take control, and help me trust You. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.

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