JOSHUA 5 | Promised Land

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Joshua 5 marks a significant moment in Israel’s journey to the Promised Land, representing a fresh start for a new generation. The original generation that left Egypt had perished in the wilderness due to disobedience, and it was their descendants who were now tasked with taking possession of Canaan. This Daily Devotional highlights the importance of circumcision and the celebration of Passover, both acts of obedience and remembrance of God’s covenant. As the Israelites partook in the produce of the land, the manna that had sustained them for forty years ceased, symbolizing a transition from God’s miraculous provision in the wilderness to a new phase of relying on the abundance of the Promised Land. To understand the importance of establishing physical and spiritual symbols as memorials to God’s grace and guidance, read the Daily Devotional on Joshua 4.

This chapter also underscores the theme of divine intervention and reassurance. Joshua’s encounter with the commander of the Lord’s army serves as a powerful reminder of God’s presence and support. This divine commander, reminiscent of God’s appearance to Moses in the burning bush, reassures Joshua that he is not alone in the battles ahead. This encounter, taking place on holy ground, emphasizes the sacredness of Joshua’s mission and God’s commitment to lead and fight for Israel.

What Happened in Chapter 5 of the Book of Joshua?

For believers today, Joshua 5 offers a profound lesson in trusting God’s provision and guidance. Just as God provided manna and then the produce of the land, He continues to meet our needs in various seasons of life. The chapter encourages us to recognize the holy ground we stand on in our own lives, acknowledging God’s presence and preparing for the battles we face with the assurance that He is our provider and protector.

Joshua 5 Commentary by Allen J. Huth

Joshua 5 is round two of God’s attempt to deliver Israel to the Promised Land. Have you ever needed a second chance? Please read or listen to Joshua 5.

What is the Book of Joshua Trying to Teach Us?

In 1995, after reading Joshua 5, I wrote in my personal Bible reading journal, “God can melt the hearts of our enemies, if we allow Him to intervene in our lives and they see or hear His intervention. I need to depend on God to melt the hearts of those in my way right now.” And I named a couple of people. “Lord, remove the opposition to my path or remove me.” I continued, “The commander of the Lord’s army shows up for Joshua. Wow, that’s powerful! Thank You for angels who have charge over me.”

Then I wrote my prayer, “Like Joshua, for divine intervention in the decisions that I needed to make. Please, Lord, show me, calm me, guide me, direct me. I love You, Lord, and I want to serve You, but I don’t want to give up being a businessman. Can I do both? Lead me on, Lord, please.” That was back in 1995, when I had a choice to make between staying in the business world or joining a church staff. You can see I was puzzled, and I wanted to do what was right in the eyes of the Lord. You can see my heart’s desire was to remain a businessman and serve the Lord as such. 

That was 1995, here we are in 2018, and God has honored that prayer. I have been a businessman my whole life, but I am also serving at the highest levels of The Gideons International. One can receive the desires of your heart as you depend on the Lord for direction.

Nine years later, in 2004, I read Joshua 5-8 on the same day. I will save that journal entry for some of the chapters following chapter 5. 

Who Did Joshua Meet in Joshua 5?

Nine more years later, in 2013, I read Joshua 5 and wrote, “People everywhere heard God part the Jordan River. Their hearts melted within them as they see Almighty God coming.” I continued, “God demands circumcision once Israel entered the Promised Land to remind them of the covenant relationship with Him. Next, they celebrated Passover, maybe like a second Exodus. After Passover, they ate the produce of the land. Verse 12 says, ‘And the manna ceased the day after they ate of the produce of the land.’ God had fed the entire nation every day with manna from heaven. Once in the land of milk and honey, manna ceased from heaven, and they now had to produce their own food.” I finished with, “God has an army. He fights for us.” 

In my journal that day, I noted some prayers, “Thanks for Your direction, as with Joshua. For Your manna from heaven, Your ever-present provision. I have never gone wanting.” I finished with, “Praying about the army of the Lord that protects and fights for me. Thank You.” 

What Is the Promised Land in the Bible Joshua?

Joshua 5 is a restart for the nation of Israel. The millions of people that cross through the Jordan River and entered Canaan were not the same millions of people that left Egypt. Those people that celebrated the Passover in Egypt, and were circumcised, died out in those forty years in the wilderness. This group was an entirely new generation of Israelites. Let’s look at verses 5-7:

Though all the people who came out had been circumcised, yet all the people who were born on the way in the wilderness after they had come out of Egypt had not been circumcised. For the people of Israel walked forty years in the wilderness, until all the nation, the men of war who came out of Egypt, perished, because they did not obey the voice of the Lord; . . . So it was their children, whom he raised up in their place, that Joshua circumcised. For they were uncircumcised, because they had not been circumcised on the way.

In verse 10, Joshua has all the people celebrate Passover. It was like celebrating a second Exodus. The first Exodus was generations ago, as the Red Sea was parted. Here is the second Exodus, with an entirely new generation, as the River Jordan is parted and they enter the Promised Land. 

As they ate the produce of the Promised Land, the manna ceased. God had provided something to eat in the desert every day for forty years. As I wrote in one of my journals, “I have never gone wanting.” Has God been Jehovah-Jireh, the provider for you as well? Most of us have never gone wanting. God provides. Do you thank Him for it? I am a man of gratitude. I thank the Lord regularly and often for His provision for me and Terry, and our family. I am amazed at how God has provided over the years. 

The chapter closes with Joshua seeing the commander of the Lord’s army. You talk about assurance. Joshua knows He is charged with taking the land. They have not had one battle yet; but, here on the other side of the Jordan, as his feet touched the Promised Land, God shows him the victory. Verse 14, “I am the commander of the army of the Lord. Now I have come. . . . What does my lord say to his servant?” The very same thing the presence of the Lord said to Moses in the burning bush, “You are on holy ground. Take off your sandals.”

This encounter is reminding Joshua he is in the place of Moses. God is going to use and bless him just like he saw God do to Moses over and over and over in the forty-plus years he stood by Moses’ side. 

What Is the Main Point of Joshua 5?

Our application is this: Have you just crossed into a Promised Land? Do you see Jericho in your sights? Do you see a big battle ahead? Take heart, God is still Jehovah-Jireh, our provider, and He still fights our battles for us. Take off your sandals. You are standing on holy ground. 


Father, thank You for round two here in the Old Testament. The first round was saving Your people from slavery and bringing them into the desert. But, unfortunately, even after seeing Your great power and majesty, they chose not to follow. Amazing. Let it not be so for us. You let that whole generation die off and started over with a new generation. You walked them through the Jordan River. You asked them to celebrate Passover. And You are preparing them to do the same thing You wanted from the first generation; to enter and take the Promised Land, a land flowing with milk and honey You have provided for them. 

Like them Lord, You provide life flowing with milk and honey for each one of us, if we just follow You. Like Joshua, may we depend on You and the commanders of Your armies to fight our battles for us. Like at Jericho, receive all the glory and the power from us as well. That is how we want it Lord, and we look forward to seeing You do it in the chapters in Joshua, and in our own lives. To God be the glory, amen. 

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The Prayer of Salvation

Jesus, I don't know You, and I don't know what Your plan is for me. But thank you for coming to die in my place. I'm sorry for anything I've ever done wrong in my life. I don't understand how You could ever forgive me, but if You really would, I would like to accept your free gift of grace and complete forgiveness. Please come into my life and take control, and help me trust You. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.

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