The story of Joshua 6, depicting the fall of Jericho, presents a profound lesson on faith and obedience to God’s directives. This Daily Devotional highlights how God provided Joshua with a detailed battle plan, requiring Joshua and the Israelites to trust and follow it precisely. This narrative challenges readers to reflect on their willingness to adhere to God’s instructions, even when they may not seem logical from a human perspective. The chapter invites believers to consider how they respond to divine guidance in their own lives. To see how God meets our needs in the various seasons of life, read the Daily Devotional in Joshua 5.
Joshua 6 underscores the significance of following God’s specific instructions. The realization that “God gives the victory before the battle is even fought” emphasizes the need for obedience to divine plans, which often transcend human understanding. The focus shifts to the importance of obeying even the smallest details, as exemplified by the Israelites’ actions leading to the miraculous fall of Jericho’s walls. This consistent biblical theme illustrates that faith and obedience are crucial for experiencing God’s victories.
Further contemplation on Joshua 6 delves into the nature of divine communication and the necessity of following God’s exact instructions. The question of how God speaks to individuals today is explored, considering scripture, the Holy Spirit, and godly counsel as possible avenues. The story of Joshua’s unwavering obedience and the resultant triumph serves as a powerful reminder that success in spiritual battles often hinges on our readiness to heed and act upon God’s specific guidance. This timeless lesson encourages believers to seek, listen, and faithfully execute God’s plans in their lives.
Joshua 6 Commentary by Allen J. Huth
Joshua 6 is the fall of Jericho. God gave Joshua a plan, but Joshua had to decide to follow it. When God gives you a plan, are you willing to follow it? Please read or listen to Joshua 6.
In 1995, at forty years old, after reading Joshua 6, I wrote in my journal, “God gives the victory before the battle is even fought! He has a battle plan that is heavenly, and we need to obey it to gain the victory. It may not make sense in the natural, but it is a winner in the spiritual. Sin and idolatry are corrupt and must be completely destroyed. If not, it grows and spreads. Get it out.”
What Miracle Happened in Joshua 6
In 2004, at forty-nine years old, I read Joshua 5-8 on the same day. Concerning chapter 6, I wrote, “God is serious about the little things. The walls fall flat at Jericho when they obeyed the little things.”
In 2013, at fifty-eight years old, I read Joshua 6 on two different days; I split the chapter in half. On the first day, I wrote, “How did Joshua hear from the Lord? How did God speak to Joshua?” I was referring to verses 2-5. “And God gave very specific instructions, exact direction as to how Joshua was to conquer Jericho. Does God still speak, and does He have in mind specific and exact words, direction, when He does? God has specific things for us to do. If we do things His way, we succeed. Lord, speak to me so clearly so I can do exactly what You want, and You receive the glory.”
The Fall of Jericho
The second day, I finished Joshua 6:15 through the end and wrote, “Joshua and the people obeyed the battle plan of the Lord. God brought the walls down flat. Jericho is completely destroyed. Judgment by God on the Canaanites. Rahab the prostitute and her family are spared. Jericho was not to be rebuilt. So the Lord was with Joshua.”
What Does the Battle of Jericho Teach Us?
What can we learn from Joshua 6? First, God has a plan. As I mentioned in my journal, it is a very specific, direct plan. In the natural, it may not make sense, but in the spiritual, it is a test of our obedience. We are instructed in scripture to walk by faith and not by sight. Here, the Lord tests the obedience of the people right off the bat as they are going to conquer the Promised Land.
Another question I asked in my journals was, how does God speak to Joshua? We don’t know. In verse 2, it just says, “And the Lord said to Joshua”. So how does God speak to us today? I believe He speaks to us through His Word. I have heard God confirm many things in my life as I spent time in His Word. I also think the Holy Spirit speaks to us. There are many times in my life when I feel the unction of the Holy Spirit to do something because I think I heard from the Lord.
Sometimes I believe He speaks through others. There are many times when I asked for the counsel of many, and I believe God used them to speak to me. Those are some ways God could have spoken to Joshua and also speaks to us today.
The next thing Joshua had to decide: is he going to listen and obey what He heard from the Lord? We often have the same choice. Though it may not make sense, we decide to choose to obey.
Next, Joshua shared what he heard from the Lord with other people. He outlined the battle plan from the Lord to all those around him. In the natural, they may have thought he was absolutely crazy, but this is how the Lord tests our faith. Are we going to walk by faith or walk by sight? By sight, this battle plan does not have much of a chance.
Next, the people decide to obey. They do exactly what they are charged to do. When we hear from the Lord, do we do that? Do we do exactly what we hear from the Lord, or do we modify it a little bit?
What Do the Walls of Jericho Represent?
The result of Joshua’s obedience and the result of the people’s obedience was the walls fell down flat. The people then engaged in the fight. Verse 21, “Then they devoted all in the city to destruction”. Yes, when we follow the Lord, there are usually action steps on our part.
The last application is: they were men of their word. Back in chapter 2, the spies said they would preserve Rahab and all in her household. Here, in chapter 6, they fulfilled that promise.
Is that your action plan? When you hear from the Lord, do you listen to the Lord? Do you do what He says? Do you share it with others? Do you follow it exactly? Do you take the necessary action steps to secure your victory in Christ?
Chapter 6 is not a story about Jericho. It is a story about walking by faith and not by sight. It is a story that is just as applicable today as it was then. The challenge for each of us is, will we walk by faith and not by sight?
Father, we all have our Jerichos. Some of have battles that seem to be bigger than life. In the natural, there may be no way toward victory. Teach us to hear Your voice. Speak to us. Show us Your battle plans. Teach us obedience. Teach us to walk by faith and not by sight. Teach us to walk in the spiritual and not the natural. And, Lord, when our walls fall down flat, when You win the victory, may we give You all the glory. Help us always understand it is Your battle, it is Your plan, it is Your victory. Amen.