Judges 13 | The Birth of Samson

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In today’s daily devotional on Judges 13, we are introduced to Samson, the twelfth judge of Israel, a man born with a divine purpose to deliver Israel from the Philistines. This chapter invites us to reflect on our own purpose. Were we, like Samson, born for a specific mission? As we journey through life, it’s easy to focus on our work and challenges, but what if God’s purpose for us transcends those daily concerns? Samson’s story is a reminder that God often works behind the scenes, preparing us for something greater. As you read or listen to Judges 13, consider: What is God’s purpose for your life? To learn 4 steps to stop fighting over stupid stuff, read the daily devotional on Judges 12.

Judges 13 Commentary by Allen J. Huth

In Judges 13, we meet the twelfth judge, Samson, born for a purpose. Were you born for a purpose? Do you know what it is? Please read or listen to Judges 13.

The twelfth judge in the Book of Judges is announced in chapter 13, Samson. Let’s look back at my journals about Judges 13.

Who Is Samson in Judges 13?

In that first journal in 1983, I wrote just a simple line, “Israel fails again. Angels appear to Manoah’s wife announcing birth of deliverer for Israel, Samson.”

In 1995, we are not only following the Book of Judges, but also following the saga of my life when I was laid off, or terminated, from a job I had for thirteen years. I am working through the process of finding new employment. According to my journal, “Today, the pieces may come together. The CACI Educational Foundation Executive Committee is to discuss my offer of continuing part-time with them. I meet with Bob at American Business Advisors this afternoon too. After these things, the severance package of CACI should get determined. Lord, please juggle all these pieces into place.”

And I wrote my prayer once again, “Today is a big day about my tomorrow. Need Your specific divine intervention in these things today. Thanks for the opportunity to be where I’m at with these possibilities today. Lead, guide, and direct.”

What Is the Message of Judges 13?

Concerning Judges 13, I wrote, “Angel appears to a woman, not a man, and says son will begin to deliver Israel from Philistines. Son was born for a purpose. Aren’t we? Manoah, like us, is concerned about the boy’s role in life and his work. The angel does not answer those questions at all. He already said he would begin to deliver Israel from the Philistines. We worry about, ‘What about our work?’ and not, ‘What about what God has brought us into life for?’ What is God’s purpose for our life–not what is our work?” 

You can see by that journal entry, Judges 13 is speaking directly into my situation in life between jobs. Am I going to be focused on a job or am I going to be focused on the purpose God has for my life? 

What Is the Prophecy of Samson?

I expand on this in 2016, “Were you born for a purpose? Samson was. He was a miracle baby because his mother was barren up to this point. An angel announces his birth and his purpose, ‘he shall begin to save Israel from the hand of the Philistines’ (v. 5). By the way, angels are, ‘very awesome’ (v. 6). Manoah either did not believe his wife or wanted to be so careful to raise the kid right, he needed to see the angel for himself. And God grants his prayer.” 

Where in the Bible do Angels Worship God?

Then I wrote, “Angel’s names are wonderful, according to verse 18. And seeing one, they fell on their faces to the ground like John in Revelation. And these are only angels. Wait till we see Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and the Father.” I continue to write, “Samson is born and the Spirit of God begins to stir him, the twelfth judge.” 

Who are the Deliverers in the Bible?

Let’s not forget the setting of Samson, starting with verse 1 of this chapter, “And the people of Israel again did what was evil in the sight of the Lord, so the Lord gave them into the hand of the Philistines for forty years.” God’s people have fallen into the hands of the Philistines for four decades. But God is working behind the scenes. He is going to raise up from birth a deliverer for Israel. This reminds us that God is patient. It will take years of preparation before Samson is ready to be a deliverer for Israel. It is not unlike how He brought His only begotten son, Jesus, into the world to deliver the world. He came at birth, and it took thirty years before Jesus was ready to accomplish his mission.

Just a couple of notes about angels from Judges 13. First, they are very awesome. Next, they do not come to eat our food. And finally, their names are wonderful. I do not know if I have ever seen an angel, but I am sure if I do, I will do what they did and fall with my face to the ground.


Lord, we thank You for Your long-term plans. Though Israel was in captivity for forty years, You already had a prepared deliverer, Samson. You also conceived Samson with a mission, a purpose, in life.

I believe You do the same for each and every one of us today. We are not accidents. You conceived us for a purpose, a mission, in life. You also required certain things from Samson’s parents. What are you requiring from us in our lives today? 

Thanks again for Your long-term view. Thanks again that You created us with a mission. Thanks again You give us instructions as to how to live our lives. May we be found faithful. In Jesus’ name, amen.

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The Prayer of Salvation

Jesus, I don't know You, and I don't know what Your plan is for me. But thank you for coming to die in my place. I'm sorry for anything I've ever done wrong in my life. I don't understand how You could ever forgive me, but if You really would, I would like to accept your free gift of grace and complete forgiveness. Please come into my life and take control, and help me trust You. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.

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