JUDGES 4 | Deborah and Barak

Joshua 4 Deborah and Barak
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In today’s daily devotional is on Judges 4. In this chapter, we encounter Deborah, the only female judge in the Book of Judges, who emerges as a powerful leader in a time of great need for Israel. As we delve into this chapter, we are invited to reflect on the nature of leadership and the role God plays in raising up leaders. Deborah’s story challenges us to consider whether all leaders are divinely appointed or if some rise due to the circumstances of their time. As you read or listen to Judges 4, think about how God might be at work in the leadership around you today. To learn about the Judge Ehud, read the daily devotional on Judges 3.

Judges 4 Commentary by Allen J. Huth

In Judges 4, we will be introduced to the fourth judge in the Book of Judges. Does God raise up all leaders? Please read or listen to Judges 4.

What Type of Woman Was Deborah in the Bible?

The fourth judge is Deborah, a prophetess. In 1983, when I was twenty-eight years old, I read chapter 3 and 4 together. I made one note on Judges 3; I referred to it in yesterday’s devotion. I did not make any notes on Judges 4.

On to 1995, the year I lost my job. On this day, my prayer was, “Lord, please go ahead of me in the battle with the Colorado Association of Commerce and Industry,” which was my employer at the time I lost that job. “The last few days You have really moved ahead of me, and I bless Your name.  You used people like Ehud and Barak valiantly to deliver Israel. Do I need to be tougher in this? Please guide my steps, Lord Jesus.” I do not absolutely recall, but maybe that had to do with my severance package.

On to my notes on Judges 4. “Israel did evil so the Lord sold them, and they were harshly oppressed. Deborah was judging Israel at the time even before ‘women’s liberation’. If God goes before us into the battle, we will be successful.”

Why Did Barak Ask Deborah to Go with Him?

In 2016, at sixty-one years old, I read Judges 4 and wrote, “Deborah, a prophetess, a wife, judged Israel. Why? Did God raise her up? Did men abrogate their responsibilities, so a woman stepped in?” And I referred to 3:9 and 15, “There the Lord raised up deliverers Othniel and Ehud. The Bible does not say He raised up Shamgar, the last judge in chapter 3, or Deborah. Deborah summons Barak to fight the Canaanites, but he says he won’t go to battle without her. That is chapter 4:8. Why? Where is male leadership? The Lord fights our battles according to verses 14 and 15. He routs the enemy; but we have to fight. A woman, Jael, drives a tent peg through the temple of the king of Canaan. God subdued the king of Canaan as Israel fought for themselves.”

In my study of the Book of Judges in 2016, I really contemplated whether God calls all leaders. I made particular note of whether or not God raised up these leaders in this Book of Judges; but also in leadership today, because we often hear God puts leaders in place. Does He always put leaders in place? Let’s look at these verses I referred to in this journal entry. Back in 3:9, God raised up the first judge. It says, “But when the people of Israel cried out to the Lord, the Lord raised up a deliverer for the people of Israel, who saved them, Othniel”. 

In 3:15, the verse says, “Then the people of Israel cried out to the Lord, and the Lord raised up for them a deliverer, Ehud”. But in 3:31, the verse says, “After him was Shamgar the son of Anath, who killed 600 of the Philistines with an oxgoad, and he also saved Israel.” He was the third judge, but it does not say God raised him up.

Now, look at chapter 4:4, “Now Deborah, a prophetess, the wife of Lappidoth, was judging Israel at that time.” There is no reference the Lord raised up Deborah to do so. As we walk through the rest of Judges, let’s pay attention to see who the Lord raises up as leaders and who men choose as leaders.

What Is the Main Point of Judges 4?

Our practical application from this chapter is to think about elections. Think about leadership in your town, in your country, around the world. Does God always raise up those leaders? As we look at the rest of Judges, let’s ponder that thought.


Lord, we thank You for Your written Word. We thank You it can instruct us in the things we see and believe in our world around us. We thank You the Word is not some old historical document, but it is applicable to our lives today.

As we look at the twelve leaders in the Book of Judges, let us be discerning as to see whether You raise them up or people raise them up, and then apply that to our lives today. Give us Your wisdom, knowledge, and understanding, as we walk through the Book of Judges. We ask in Your name. Amen.

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The Prayer of Salvation

Jesus, I don't know You, and I don't know what Your plan is for me. But thank you for coming to die in my place. I'm sorry for anything I've ever done wrong in my life. I don't understand how You could ever forgive me, but if You really would, I would like to accept your free gift of grace and complete forgiveness. Please come into my life and take control, and help me trust You. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.

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