JUDGES 5 | The Song of Deborah

Judges 5 The Song of Deborah
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In Judges 5, we find a victory song by Deborah and Barak, celebrating God’s triumph. This daily devotional encourages us to recognize and praise God for our own victories. The author reflects on the value of journaling as a way to deepen your connection to scripture and suggests starting your own journaling practice to help you celebrate and share the victories God brings into your life. As you read, consider how you celebrate your wins and take a moment to praise God for them, just as Deborah and Barak did. To learn who Deborah and Barak were, read the daily devotional on Judges 4.

Judges 5 Commentary by Allen J. Huth

In Judges 5, we do not get introduced to a new judge, we get a song of celebration for victory. Do you celebrate wins? Please read or listen to Judges 5.

In 1983, after reading Judges 5, I wrote, “Deborah and Barak’s song. A victory recapping battle and blessing the Lord.”

Just a note, you can see from many of my journal entries in 1983, they were pretty short, often not more than one or two lines. That is the way you may start if you start to journal your Bible reading. I encourage you to do so. When you journal your Bible reading, it will change the way you read the scriptures. You will pay more attention to what you are reading. You will ask questions like: What am I getting out of this? What am I going to write down? You will pay more attention to what you are reading or hearing. You can see I got a little bit more expansive as I aged in the journaling process. 

In 1995, I wrote about Judges 5, “Song after victory. Celebrate God and His goodness.” Remember, I was still working through being relieved of my responsibilities in my employment. I wrote this that day in my journal, “Ephesians 5:11 (NASB), ‘expose them’. Should I go quietly from CACI (Colorado Association of Commerce and Industry), or should I fight a little? Methinks I should fight a little.” Again, I am guessing this has to do with how I am going to be relieved of my responsibilities after thirteen years. 

What Is the Main Message of Judges 5?

In 2016, after reading Judges 5, I wrote, “Barak and company defeat the Canaanites. Deborah creates a victory song and celebration. When we actually obey God, act on what He says, and He answers or provides a victory, do we celebrate? It is good to sing and worship and praise God and particularly recognize Him for our victories. And tell everyone, as a testimony, that God is, and He hears, and He answers us. And we can be victorious over our enemies.”

What Can We Learn from Deborah?

I want to go back to verse 2 of this chapter, “That the leaders took the lead in Israel, that the people offered themselves willingly”. What a great statement on leadership. When leaders lead, people follow willingly. If you are blessed with a leadership position in anything, in your family, in your work, in your church, then lead and people will follow willingly.

As a business consultant, I often heard, “There is a lack of leadership around here.” I never heard, “There is a lack of management around here.” So leaders lead, then people will follow willingly.

Why Is the Song of Deborah Important?

The practical application out of Judges 5 is to celebrate victories. We get  beat up and beat down enough in life that when we win, and God allows us to have victories in anything, we should celebrate. I believe in celebrating wins. Think about something today you have won, or you are winning, and give God the praise and the glory and share it with someone. Judges 5 is a public declaration of God’s victories. Do the same. Share a victory in the Lord with someone today. 


Lord, we thank You for the wins in our lives. We thank You that You do allow us to win oftentimes in life, and we want to give You the praise, the glory, and the honor for any victory we have. As we read through Judges, we see over and over You are the one who fights the battles for Israel. You are the one that allows and creates the victory.

It is the same for us today, so we give You praise, and glory, and honor for the victories in our lives. In Jesus’ name, we celebrate. Amen.

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The Prayer of Salvation

Jesus, I don't know You, and I don't know what Your plan is for me. But thank you for coming to die in my place. I'm sorry for anything I've ever done wrong in my life. I don't understand how You could ever forgive me, but if You really would, I would like to accept your free gift of grace and complete forgiveness. Please come into my life and take control, and help me trust You. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.

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