Nehemiah 10 | Making Right Commitments to God

Nehemiah 10 Making Right Commitments to God
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Nehemiah 10 opens with a significant moment in the history of the Israelites: a covenant signed by leaders and people alike, pledging their commitment to God’s law. This daily devotional follows a period of reflection and confession in Nehemiah 9, where the people recognized their past failures and sought to realign their lives with God’s commands. Just as the Israelites came together to commit to obedience, many of us have experienced similar moments within our own church communities—perhaps through written covenants or collective agreements. As you read or listen to Nehemiah 10, consider the weight of these commitments and their relevance to our spiritual lives today. Are we also ready to pledge our allegiance to God and actively support our local churches? Read about what happened when the Israelites confessed their sins in the daily devotional on Nehemiah 9.

Nehemiah 10 Commentary by Allen J. Huth

Nehemiah 10 begins with another long list of names. These are those who signed the covenant made at the end of chapter 9. Have you ever signed a “covenant” as part of a church? Please read or listen to Nehemiah 10.

In 1991, I read Nehemiah 9-13 on one day, finishing the last five chapters, but did not make any notes, so on to 2002.

What Is the Meaning of Nehemiah Chapter 10?

In 2002, I had double entries because I was reading Nehemiah in one month and read it a couple of times that month. The first time I wrote.  “After reading God’s law, the leaders made a covenant to obey it. They stopped marrying non-Jews and supported the temple. This would be good again: marry Christians, pay tithes, support the church.”

What if All Christians Tithed?

To step aside from the journals for a moment, I remember reading a book by Larry Burkett long ago called Business By The Book. In that book, he said less than five percent of Christians tithe. I finished this journal entry by saying this would be good again: “pay tithes, support the church.” He also said, if all Christians tithed, there would be no needs. The church would have more than enough. We would have Christian education. We would be able to meet the needs of the poor. We would be able to meet all the needs. Does that make sense? Of course, because if God instituted the tithe, and Christians obeyed, there would be no needs.

Your practical application from today’s lesson is to consider where you are at with giving. Are you a tither? Do you give ten percent of your income to your local church?

What Happens when You Read God’s Word?

Let’s go on to my second entry in 2002, “The reading of the Word causes action. A covenant calling the people back to obedience was established. People understand God’s principles and can act accordingly, once again.”

Stepping aside from the journal again, Ezra gets up and reads the Book of the Law. They did so again in chapter 9. They may have never heard the Word of the Law. They were without God’s Word for a hundred years or more. That is why I wrote in my journal, “People now understand God’s principles and they can act accordingly, once again.”

Maybe you have never read or heard God’s Word; or maybe you do not understand it when you do. Through Day by Day Through the Bible, you can better understand the precepts, the scriptural principles, the statutes of God. As you do, He calls you to obey, to incorporate these principles into your everyday life. That happened to the folks in Nehemiah 10. Hopefully, it is happening in your heart this day.

What Is the Lesson of Nehemiah 10?

Ten years later, in 2012, when I read Nehemiah 10, I wrote in my personal Bible reading journal, “Leadership. On the seal of the covenant, the first name is Nehemiah then the priests and the Levites. The rest of the people signed the covenant too knowing it’s an oath with a curse for not following through. Basically, they are agreeing to do what the Word of God says. Would be nice to see churches do this today.”

What Is Nehemiah Chapter 10 Talking About?

Think about that last phrase in the journal entry, “Be nice to see churches do this today.” Have you ever been asked to sign a written covenant from your church? I never have. It would be an interesting idea to write a covenant of what Christian behavior is as members of churches today.

The people in the Book of Nehemiah signed a written covenant after they heard and understood the Word of the Lord. Wouldn’t that kind of commitment and obedience to it be interesting in our churches today?


Lord, we are thankful for the example we see in Nehemiah 10. When those people heard the Word of the Lord, they were convicted, and they made a firm covenant in writing to keep what they heard. May we be as committed as they were as we are hearing Your covenants, as we are hearing Your words through Your Word.

We pray we could also make a firm commitment in our hearts, and maybe even in writing, to keep what we learned in the last verse of this chapter, “We will not neglect the house of our God” (v. 39). May we hear that, Lord, and obey. May we make a covenant to support our local churches with our finances, our prayers, our involvement.

May we, as Christians, “not neglect the house of our God” (v. 39). Thank You for Your provision that allows us to support our churches. Give us the conviction and the strength to obey what we hear in Your Word. For we ask it, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

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The Prayer of Salvation

Jesus, I don't know You, and I don't know what Your plan is for me. But thank you for coming to die in my place. I'm sorry for anything I've ever done wrong in my life. I don't understand how You could ever forgive me, but if You really would, I would like to accept your free gift of grace and complete forgiveness. Please come into my life and take control, and help me trust You. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.

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