Nehemiah 11 | The New Residents of Jerusalem

Nehemiah 11 The New Residents of Jerusalem
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Today, we turn our attention to the daily devotional on Nehemiah 11, a chapter rich with names and stories of commitment as the wall around Jerusalem stands complete. Yet, the city still needs inhabitants, and many are hesitant to make the move. Are you someone who prefers the comfort of home? If God called you to step out in faith, how would you respond? As we dive into this chapter, let’s reflect on our own willingness to follow His lead.  Read about making the right commitments to God in the Nehemiah 10 daily devotional.

Nehemiah 11 Commentary by Allen J. Huth

Today brings us to Nehemiah 11. And guess what? A lot of names again in Nehemiah chapter 11. The wall was completed. Now the city needed inhabitants; but people were hesitant to move. Are you a home body? If God wanted you to move, how would you respond? Please read or listen to Nehemiah 11.

Throughout Nehemiah, I used three of my personal Bible reading journals. In 1991, I read chapters 9-13 in one day and did not write any notes as I concluded the Book of Nehemiah. So we move on to 2002. I had two entries because I was reading a book a month and read Nehemiah twice in that month.

As I pick up my journal from 2002, I am reminded that was the year I started the Ezra Project. I read Nehemiah in the month of March. The anniversary date of the Ezra Project is April 2nd. So I am sharing some insight about how the Ezra Project got started. Today is a good day to share my journal entry from March 12th. “I’m not afraid, just a little anxious about how to put the Ezra Project together. Time is flying by, and too many pieces are still lingering. Lord, bless me and clarify the path to take, please. I need so much help from You.”

How Do You Feel when Starting a New Job?

Then I wrote my prayer, “Help on Ezra Project. Time to work on it, just to quiet myself before You and hear from You.” That was March 12, 2002, and again, the Ezra Project began on April 1st, just a couple weeks later. You can hear my heart in my journal entries about starting a ministry. I said I was not afraid, just a little anxious. And I was praying and depending on God for His direction.

What does Nehemiah Chapter 11 Mean?

That day, I read Nehemiah 11 and wrote, “After the walls were completed, the city needed inhabitants. People didn’t want to move. It’s true today. Very few people want to move on behalf of God. We are moving, not physically, but financially, and I may need to travel more than I want to. But let’s go, Lord. I’m excited to see You unfold the Ezra Project.”

The next time I read Nehemiah 11 was March 27th, just a few days before April 1st. Let’s see what I wrote in my journal that day. “ABA countdown. Tomorrow, leaving lunch for me and Mike, and I am to turn in everything afterwards. Last night, Terry and I went to the office and packed up my personal belongings. It was her last visit there. It was sad. I had a nice office on the 11th floor looking west over the Denver Tech Center toward the glorious Rocky Mountains. Could see all the way to Pikes Peak. It was an answer to prayer six to seven years ago. As Terry said, though, on the way home, ‘Your prayers were answered then, and they are being answered now.’”

What Is the Power of Answered Prayer?

On that day, I read Nehemiah 11 and wrote, “God cares where we live. He knows where we dwell, how we dwell, what our jobs are, and how we are handling our responsibilities at home and at work.” After that journal entry, I made a note about my prayer that morning. “Woke up to Petra’s song, ‘It will all work out, work together for good, there’s no doubt.’” Then I wrote, “Thanks, Lord.” Leaving the journals for a moment, it has. That was 2002. Nearly two decades later, God has blessed the Ezra Project, and we are very thankful.

In 2012, after reading Nehemiah 11, I wrote, “One would think Jews would want to repopulate the Holy City, but I guess not. People get settled and don’t want to uproot, start over, rebuild. They stay put. Some people are leaders, some are overseers, some are just people. But in this chapter, every group has an overseer. Leadership is necessary with any people.”

What Is God’s Call on Your Life?

Our practical application from Nehemiah 11 may be, is God calling you? Is He touching you? Is He tugging on your heart to move in your career or move your physical location, so you can serve Him in a different way? Are you comfortable? Are you too comfortable to serve the Lord in a new way? Some of the people in Nehemiah 11 had to choose to uproot and move back into the Holy City of Jerusalem. Is God stirring in your heart to make such a move for Him?


Father, we are thankful You love us, You care for us. You know exactly where we are. You know exactly what we are doing. And from time to time, You stir in our hearts to get out of our comfort zone and do something different for You. If that is the case for anyone today, may You give us the courage to obey. We trust You. We trust You with our lives, with our careers, with our locations. You would never lead us astray.

May we hear Your small still voice. And may we heed those words from that song from the group Petra, “It will all work out, work together for good, there’s no doubt.” We trust You. In Jesus’ name, amen.

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The Prayer of Salvation

Jesus, I don't know You, and I don't know what Your plan is for me. But thank you for coming to die in my place. I'm sorry for anything I've ever done wrong in my life. I don't understand how You could ever forgive me, but if You really would, I would like to accept your free gift of grace and complete forgiveness. Please come into my life and take control, and help me trust You. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.

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