Nehemiah 4 | Opposition to the Rebuilding

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In today’s daily devotional on Nehemiah 4, we witness the challenges faced by those committed to rebuilding Jerusalem’s walls, encountering opposition both externally and from within. If you are battling for the Lord but feel overwhelmed by obstacles, this chapter offers much-needed encouragement. It highlights the perseverance of God’s people in the face of ridicule and threats, as well as the importance of prayer, preparation, and remembering God’s power. Like Nehemiah, we are reminded to stay the course, trust in God’s strength, and continue the work He has set before us. Let Nehemiah 4 inspire you to stand firm, knowing that God fights for you. Learn about how Nehemiah delegated to get the walls rebuilt in the daily devotional on Nehemiah 3.

Nehemiah 4 Commentary by Allen J. Huth

In Nehemiah 4, we meet those opposed to rebuilding the walls. Opposition comes from within and without. Are you in a battle for the Lord, yet facing stern opposition? Need some encouragement? Please read or listen to Nehemiah 4.

In 1991, when reading Nehemiah 1-5 (NASB) in one day, on chapter 4, I wrote, “for the people had a mind to work” (v. 6).

In 2002, reading a book a month, I read Nehemiah (NKJV) in the month of March. I read it a couple of times that month. The first time through chapter 4, I wrote, “Opposition. Prayer. Preparation. Godly intervention. A prescription for problems. Nehemiah constantly used prayer as a weapon and God answered, referring to verses 15 and 20.”

What Is the Message of Nehemiah 4:14?

The second time through, I wrote, “God calls us to a project. The enemy crops up in ridicule, insults, threats. What do we do? Cave in? Stand firm? Pray? People became discouraged. The task is too hard. Nehemiah leads by praying himself, and then encourages everyone else, ‘remember the Lord who is great and awesome, and fight for your brothers, your sons, your daughters, your wives, and your houses’” (v. 14).

How to Fight Battles in Prayer?

In 2012, I wrote, “We all have our enemies. Even though we pursue God’s will, some oppose it. Nehemiah fought back with prayer, continued the work, and set a guard. He acted. Next comes opposition from within. The work’s too hard. Quit, come home. Nehemiah’s response: fear not; remember the Lord; fight for each other. They continue to work, while prepared to defend themselves and they relied on God.”

Let’s look into Nehemiah 4. The first lesson is opposition comes, even though we may be doing God’s will. Just because God asks you to do a task does not mean it is going to be easy, it does not mean you will not face opposition.

What was Nehemiah’s Opposition to Building?

The opposition often comes externally. Here in chapter 4, Sanballat and Tobiah ridicule and jeer the building of the wall by the Jews. That may be true for you if you are on a project from the Lord. The opposition often comes externally. In our day, as Christians, we are countercultural and oftentimes opposition comes to us from the culture around us.

What Is the Lesson Learned from Nehemiah 4?

But verse 6 is so encouraging, “for the people had a mind to work.” They continue to build, even through the taunting, jeering, and ridicule from those around them. You may need that encouragement today. As Christians, we may be fighting the culture around us. We may be ridiculed, taunted, and jeered at, but do you have a mind to work, to stand for your faith? The first technique to fight the opposition around us is to keep a mind to work. Stay the course. Do not be distracted.

How to Conquer Through Prayer

The second technique Nehemiah used to fight opposition was to pray, “And we prayed to our God” (v. 9). As Christians, when people are jeering at us, taunting us, ridiculing us, pray. Pray for yourself and pray for them.

Next, the opposition comes from inside. Jews had come from around Jerusalem to help rebuild the wall. Their families hear about the opposition being raised. They come to them and say come home. Forget building the wall. Get out of this danger. That may happen to you as well.

Your friends, your family, maybe even your church, say, “Hey, it is getting too tough. Back off. Stop. Settle down. Get out of the fray.” But Nehemiah did not give up, nor should you. His response is recorded in verse 14, “Do not be afraid of them. Remember the Lord, who is great and awesome, and fight for your brothers, your sons, your daughters, your wives, and your homes.”

How to Overcome Opposition Biblically?

Technique number three in fighting the opposition is remember the Lord. Do not cave-in to the opposition around you. Remember the Lord, He is great and awesome. Also remember your cause. Nehemiah told them, “fight for your brothers, your sons, your daughters, your wives, and your homes” (v. 14). He reminds them, remember what you are doing here. You are rebuilding a wall to protect your family.

When people in your inside circle say, “Hey, maybe you ought to back off. Maybe you ought to settle down.” Remember the Lord, He is great and awesome, remember what you are fighting for. Stay the course.

What Does the Bible Say about God Fighting for Us?

If that is not enough, look at verse 15, “God had frustrated their plan”. Yes, God will fight the enemy for us. That is technique number four. Remember, God can frustrate their plans. He can fight our battles for us.

What Does Nehemiah 4 Teach Us?

In chapter 4, the work on the wall continued despite the opposition. Verse 17 is amazing, “each labored on the work with one hand and held his weapon with the other.” What is your weapon today to fight off opposition? I encourage you, as you work with one hand, keep the Bible in your other hand. Continue to stay in the Word of God. That is the weapon you can use to fight the opposition. Technique number 5, fight the opposition with the Word of God.

Nehemiah reminded those rebuilding the wall God will fight for us. With God fighting for them, they continued the work. Will you? Will you trust God to fight the opposition you are facing? He will fight for you.


Lord, we thank You for the encouragement in chapter 4. We realize even when we are on a mission for You, when we are doing Your will, opposition comes. Opposition comes externally. It comes internally. It comes from all directions. But in Your Word, here in Nehemiah 4, we are encouraged because You are great and awesome and You will fight for us.

Lord, strengthen us in the battles we face. Encourage us not to cave in, not to give up. Encourage us to take up the battle to You on our knees, for You will fight for us. Defeat our opposition Lord and glorify Your name. Hallelujah! Amen.

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The Prayer of Salvation

Jesus, I don't know You, and I don't know what Your plan is for me. But thank you for coming to die in my place. I'm sorry for anything I've ever done wrong in my life. I don't understand how You could ever forgive me, but if You really would, I would like to accept your free gift of grace and complete forgiveness. Please come into my life and take control, and help me trust You. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.

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