Where are Danny & Suzanne Going?
A few years ago our family joined forces with another LP family, Jeff and Kim Cline, and launched an evangelistic tech nonprofit called Cuurio, and our beta test exploded far beyond our expectations. We know God put this together, so as of Jan. 1, 2021 we’re stepping out on faith to run Cuurio full-time! Please watch this explainer video of what Cuurio is, and then join us from the form below. We need so much help to reach the entire world with the good news, and you can be a part of it!
Help us reach people around the world with the love of Jesus.
Cuurio reaches people all around the world with the gospel of Jesus, right at the moment when they’re the most open to hearing it! We leverage proprietary search technology to share the good news with people that are searching online for help with felt needs. It’s a 3-step process:
- Give them a biblically-based answer to help with their initial question
- Present them with the gospel
- Connect them with a body of believers