Today, our daily devotional brings us to Psalms 58-64. These psalms invite us to connect deeply with David’s experiences—his cries for protection, his reliance on God’s strength, and his unwavering pursuit of divine refuge. Like David, we often face challenges, battling forces beyond our control and thirsting for strength and peace beyond our own. The passages remind us that in moments of uncertainty, God is our Rock, our shelter, and the One who can quench our souls. Let’s reflect on our need for Him today as we read through these passages. To determine if you’re good enough to get into heaven, read the daily devotional on Psalms 51-57.
Psalms 58-64 Commentary by Allen J. Huth
Today, we are in day eleven in our journey through Psalms in thirty days. We will be looking at seven psalms. We, like David, need Him to hide us from our enemies, to tread down our foes, to lead us to the Rock, and nourish our thirsty souls. Do you need Him today? Please read or listen to Psalms 58-64.
Why Does God Want Us to Depend on Him?
I summarized Psalms 58-64 in my journal in 2007, with a few short phrases. “Life is tough. There are enemies and battles to face all the time. The question is, who do we depend on? Ourselves? Our army? Our strength? Ingenuity? Or God? His strength. His sovereignty. His perfect will. Psalms defines the struggles and always comes back to reaching for God for help in time of need.”
I write this devotion during the coronavirus global pandemic in 2020. At the beginning of it, I set aside some special time to pray. I asked God to give me a glimpse into what it meant. Was it from Him as a judgment on the world, was it from Satan, or was it from the hands of men? My prayer was answered. He said, “You do not need to know.”
What is Psalm 60 Meaning?
Psalm 60:1-5 reminds me of that prayer:
O God, you have rejected us, broken our defenses;
you have been angry; oh, restore us.
You have made the land to quake; you have torn it open;
repair its breaches, for it totters.
You have made your people see hard things;
you have given us wine to drink that made us stagger.
You have set up a banner for those who fear you,
that they may flee to it from the bow. Selah
That your beloved ones may be delivered,
give salvation by your right hand and answer us!
It was a hard time as businesses, schools, and churches closed for months. No one knew when they would get to go back to work, to school or to church. Everyone was asked to wear face masks, shelter at home, and stay away from elderly parents, grandparents, and friends. As Psalm 60 says, “you have rejected us, broken our defenses . . . You have made the land quake; you have torn it open . . . it totters. You made your people see hard things” (vv. 1-3).Christians prayed, “set up a banner for those who fear you . . . give salvation by your right hand and answer us!” (vv. 4-5).
How Do You Deal with the Ups and Downs of Life?
As I write, there are no answers, though we plead for answers. Sometimes we are without answers. The Book of Psalms illustrates David had ups and downs in life like we do. He praised God with all his heart and cried out to God in the depths of despair. It is fine to express such heights and depths of our emotion to our creator too.
What Bible Verse Says Hear My Cry?
“Hear my cry, O God, listen to my prayer; from the end of the earth I call to you when my heart is faint. Lead me to the rock that is higher than I” (Ps. 61:1-2).
Hear my cry O God, hear my prayer. I need You. Please hear and answer me. I love You, Lord. You are the rock that is higher than I. In Jesus’ name. Amen.