Psalms 77-78 | How To Remain Consistent With God

Psalms 77-78 How To Remain Consistent With God
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Today, we’re going to dive into Psalms 77 and 78 for our daily devotional. While Psalm 77 captures Asaph’s cry to God in a time of despair, Psalm 78 offers a detailed history of God’s relationship with Israel—a powerful reminder of His steadfast presence despite their rebellion and wavering faith. Reflecting on these psalms allows us to look back on our own journeys with God. Have our walks been steady or marked by ups and downs? As we read, we’ll see how Psalm 78, with its 72 verses, illustrates a cycle of faith, forgetfulness, and forgiveness. Through this reflection, let’s seek to move from inconsistency to a deeper, more stable walk with God. To understand why the wicked prosper, read the daily devotional on Psalms 73-76.

Psalms 77-78 Commentary by Allen J. Huth

Today is day fifteen in our journey through the Book of Psalms. We are going to look at two psalms today, Psalms 77 and 78, but Psalm 78 is seventy-two verses. Psalm 78 is a history of God’s relationship with His people Israel. From time to time, it is important and valuable to look back at our walk with God. Has your walk been up and down, or consistent? Please read or listen to Psalms 77-78.

What Is a Psalm of Asaph in the Bible?

In 1997, I wrote “Psalm 77 – Asaph cries out to God in despair. He reviews the past and knows God delivered them and will deliver them again.” Concerning Psalm 78, I wrote, “A recollection of God’s relationship with His people. Their rebellion, His provision. Their complaining, His direction. Their demands, His judgement. Help me walk by faith and see God’s hand extended.” 

In 2007 (NASB), I wrote, “Desperate for God.” I quoted 77:4, “I am so troubled that I cannot speak.” And verse 7, Will the Lord reject me forever? And will He never be favorable again?” Then verse 9, “Has God forgotten to be gracious”. Then I wrote, “77 shifts from ‘I’ to ‘You’, referring to verses 1 and 12,” meaning ‘I’, and the ‘You’ in verses 13-20. “When it’s about me, I whine and complain until I change my focus to God and worship Him.”

What Is Psalm 78 Telling Us?

Concerning Psalm 78, I wrote, “Remember. Psalm 78 is a review of God’s relationship with His people. Share spiritual life with kids and grandkids, according to Psalm 77:4-7.” Then I referred to people-problems listed throughout Psalm 78. Finally, I concluded, “We leave God way before He leaves us. We wonder why God seems distant. These are those reasons.”

How Do I See God’s Hand In My Life?

In 2015, I wrote, “Look back and we see the hand of God. It’s our fortieth anniversary on Sunday. We look back and see so many blessings in every aspect of our lives, and Terry and I are so grateful. And we have faith as we look forward. Yet I also have fear and trepidation wondering what kind of testing God may take us through. I wish I didn’t have that in my life, just confidence in the Lord that whatever comes our way, like in the past, He provides grace and mercy to take us through.”

Will God Forgive You if You Disobey Him?

I continued, “We are commanded to share God with our children and grandchildren, according to chapter 78. Consistently God’s people did not keep God’s covenant but refused to walk according to His laws. God acts, we disobey and forget over and over He blesses. We repent and seek Him. He answers, we forget and disobey, etc. Forgive us Lord, and usually You do. Why such a cycle? Why not just love God with all our hearts, minds, bodies, and spirit, and just walk in His ways to be blessed? That’s what I’ve tried to do my whole life. Stay with me, Lord.”

How Do You Build a Consistent Relationship With God?

Is your Christianity a repeat of Psalm 78? Psalm 78 is a summary of the yo-yo relationship between Israel and God. Up and down. If that has been your past pattern, I pray it ends after listening to this psalm. What God wants is consistency in our relationship with Him. Let’s pray together.  


Father, we ask You for Your forgiveness if our Christianity has been up and down and all around. Maybe we have disappointed You like the nation of Israel did many, many times. But today, in reviewing the history of You and Israel, we want to make a change. We want to create some consistency in our Christian walk. Holy Spirit, we invite You deeper into our hearts, our minds, our souls, and our spirits. Guide and direct our steps. Keep us consistent in our walk with You, Your heart’s desire for us. Make it our heart’s desire for You. In the name of the Jesus, we pray it. Amen.  

We invite you to watch the “Great News” video on this page and find out more about God’s love for you and how you can receive forgiveness and eternal life – today!

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The Prayer of Salvation

Jesus, I don't know You, and I don't know what Your plan is for me. But thank you for coming to die in my place. I'm sorry for anything I've ever done wrong in my life. I don't understand how You could ever forgive me, but if You really would, I would like to accept your free gift of grace and complete forgiveness. Please come into my life and take control, and help me trust You. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.

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