Revelation 6 | The Broken Seals

Revelation 6 The Broken Seals
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Today, as we turn to our daily devotional on Revelation 6, we see the seals of the scroll begin to break, unleashing judgment upon the earth. This chapter presents sobering realities—war, famine, death, and cosmic upheaval—calling us to reflect deeply on our faith and readiness. Are you prepared to stand firm, even to the point of being slain for your testimony? Let us explore Revelation 6 together and seek its application for our lives as we face a world increasingly in turmoil. To discover who was worthy to open the scroll, read the daily devotional on Revelation 5.

Revelation 6 Commentary by Allen J. Huth

Yesterday, in Revelation 5, we saw the Lamb of God, Jesus, was the only one worthy to open the scrolls. In chapter 6, the seals are broken. Judgment begins on earth. Are you ready? Are you willing to be slain for what you believe? Please read or listen to Revelation 6.

What Does the Bible Say about Opening the Scroll?

Today, we will go backwards in my journals, starting with my journal from 2013 on Revelation 6, “Jesus. The Lamb has authority in heaven. He opens the seals and heaven responds. The horses bring judgment on the earth. One-fourth of the people killed would be over a billion and half people. Some will be ‘slain for the word of God and for the witness they had borne’ (v. 9). Are we given a white robe in heaven, according to verse 11? And how does one rest a little longer in heaven?” Then I wrote, “The sixth seal. Massive destruction in heaven and on earth. People hide ‘from the face of him who is seated on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb’ (v. 16).”

What Do the 4 Horses Represent in Revelation?

In 2008, I tried to describe the horses. “White horse: conquer. I wonder if this is Satan given power over the earth. Red horse: take peace away. Men slay each other. Black horse: economic devastation. Ashen horse: death and hell over twenty-five percent of earth, through war, economic collapse, disease, and nature being killed.” I continued, “Martyrs: those slain because of the word of God, and because of the testimony which they had maintained’ (v. 9, NASB). Crying out for mercy. Nature. Many worship the creation rather than the Creator, but it turns on mankind, and they hide as it reveals the Creator. In God’s presence, no one will be able to stand.”

In 1995, I did the same thing I did in 2008; I tried to describe the horses in Revelation 6, “White horse: religious witness. Red horse: war removes peace. Black horse: famine and scarcity. Pale horse: death.” Then I wrote, “Souls slain because of Word of God, referring to verse 9, and testimony that they had maintained. Sixth seal: social chaos. Physical world falls apart. Mother earth cannot be relied on anymore. The wrath of God is here, and people run and hide just like in the Garden of Eden.” 

What Are the Judgments of God in the Bible?

Revelation 6 may very well introduce the beginning of the last judgments of God on earth. Let’s turn to my footnote concerning the beginning of chapters 6-8 in my English Standard Version Study Bible:
As the vision of the Son of Man introduced edicts to seven churches (chapters 2-3), so the vision of the Lamb receiving the scroll (4:1-5:14) introduces a series of seven visions as the scroll’s seals are broken. These visions introduce instruments employed by the Lamb to bring his enemies to justice (seals 1-4), the rationale for his righteous wrath (seals 5 and 7), and the climax of judgment at history’s end (seal 6) (p. 2471).

I mentioned at the beginning of Revelation, I did not intend to teach, so I am not trying to describe what these horses really mean. We are more interested right now in the application it has in our lives.

What Are the Biblical Signs of the Times?

One application is Jesus is going to control the end times. He is the one who opens these seals. It is not going to be mankind. It is not going to be global warming. It is not going to be climate change. It is going to be Jesus.

Jesus is going to be the one to allow peace to be taken from the earth. We think we have had wars and rumors of wars, but in the end times, peace is going to be removed. What a sad state of affairs. Jesus is going to allow economic chaos at the end. We see some of that in our lifetime, but nothing is going to compare to the economic chaos at the end. Jesus is going to allow a fourth of the population of the earth to be killed through sword, famine, pestilence, and wild beasts. As I mentioned in one of my journals, that could very well be over 1.8 billion people.

What Is the Fifth Seal the Cry of the Martyrs?

Why is God’s wrath poured out upon the earth? Seal 5 gives us a glimpse into the reasoning. “When he opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of those who had been slain for the word of God and for the witness they had borne” (v. 9). Again, I refer to my English Standard Version  footnote, “The fifth seal reveals the Lamb’s rationale for releasing combatants to devastate the earth. Under the altar in heaven, where sacrificial blood would pool, John sees the souls of believers who were slain for bearing witness about Jesus” (p. 2472).

Would you be one slain for the Word of God and for your witness for Jesus? Yes, we have seen people martyred over the years, and we have seen Christians persecuted in various nations, but it is nothing like what is coming. If we are around, will you be able to stand for the Word of God? Will you be able to let your witness shine for Jesus as the world darkens?

What Does Revelation 6:12 Say in the Bible?

For those who depend on mother nature, whoever she is, verses 12-13 correct that thinking, “When he (Jesus) opened the sixth seal, I looked, and behold, there was a great earthquake, and the sun became black as sackcloth, the full moon became like blood, and the stars of the sky fell to the earth”. Mother nature is not going to be much help at the end.

What Does It Mean Standing on the Word of God?

What is our last application from this chapter? It is related to the fifth seal. Are you standing for the Word of God? Is your testimony shining even today as the world darkens? Or will you be among those who are, “calling to the mountains and rocks, ‘Fall on us and hide us from the face of him who is seated on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb’” (v. 16). There are only two places to be. Either we are with Jesus, or we are not. Where are you? Let’s pray.


Father, this is a tough chapter. Your wrath is going to be poured out in the future on this earth. The question is, where are we with You? And the question is, will we stand for the Word of God? Will we let our witness shine as life darkens around us? We may be slain for doing so. Strengthen us, Lord. Use us for Your Word and a witness for You today in our world, and, if we are around, at the end times. Holy Spirit, we ask for Your inner dwelling so You can strengthen us. In Jesus’ name, amen.

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The Prayer of Salvation

Jesus, I don't know You, and I don't know what Your plan is for me. But thank you for coming to die in my place. I'm sorry for anything I've ever done wrong in my life. I don't understand how You could ever forgive me, but if You really would, I would like to accept your free gift of grace and complete forgiveness. Please come into my life and take control, and help me trust You. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.

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