Cuurio’s Testimony Team helps us develop content for the platform by reaching out to other believers and collecting their video testimonies. To be on our testimony team, you must:

  • be a mature Christ follower
  • be a natural networker
  • have some understanding of video capture on a phone
  • be willing to ask!

If you are a naturally social person who knows a lot of believers personally, and wouldn’t be afraid to ask them to shoot a quick video on their phone, then we need you on this team! You don’t have to develop any content, just facilitate it.

Our team leader is Cuurio’s video director, Josh Rogers. You’ll get an automated email from him as soon as you submit the above form, and then he’ll be in touch with you personally to work out the details.

We would be so excited to have you on our testimony team! God is going to reach the ends of the earth with his message through Cuurio (it’s already happening), and you will be a major part of that impact. 

Thank you for taking part!

The Cuurio Team