Treatment Options for Addiction

Treatment options for addiction, alcohol addiction, drug addiction, substance abuse, treatment for substance abuse, addiction
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There are many different treatment options for those who struggle with alcohol and substance abuse. Some methods work for certain individuals and some do not. When seeking support for those who are dependent on substances, it is important to remember that there is not a “one size fits all” mentality. Treatment can include therapeutic methods and others can include the use of medication. No matter what method is used, when an individual is motivated to end their addiction, it is possible with the right support in place. Let’s talk about some treatment options for addiction. But first, we want to invite you to find deliverance through our loving God and his son Jesus Christ. We invite you to watch the Great News video on this page to find out how much your life matters to God. You are loved beyond measure. Read here for more Great news!


One main form of in-patient treatment options for addiction is a detoxification program. Often this option includes admittance to a facility or in-home type program. Duration depends on severity on the symptoms and type of addiction they are trying to overcome; stays can last from 30, 60, or 90 days. This type of treatment also requires support from medical personnel. 

Detoxification is as exactly as it sounds. This method of treatment aims to rid the body of drugs and harmful toxins in the body. This method’s purpose is to reduce the amount of physical harm that substances can have on the body. This is usually done as in-patient care with medical supervision to allow a safe environment for the individual who is healing. Supervision of medical personnel is also required to make sure that patients who use medicine to help with reducing cravings are adjusting to treatment and having minimal side effects. Finally, medical supervision could be needed to make referrals for individuals to get additional treatment with.

Detoxification can also be used with other therapies to treat substance dependence or behavioral addictions.

When a person is going through detoxification, the center in which they are staying may offer additional services such as support groups and individual counseling while they remain in care. Referrals can also be made from a medical professional for patients to continue out-patient care once they are discharged from a detox facility.

Individual and Group Therapy

Individual therapy is a 1:1 setting where a therapist or counselor works with an individual in treatment. Methods in this practice can include contingency management, motivational interviewing, holistic therapy, and Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT). Each one of these exceptional skills help clients work towards sobriety utilizing unique tools.

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Contingency Management Therapy

Contingency management therapy uses rewards as a means for patients to have motivation to keep reaching desirable goals; in this case refraining from addictive behaviors. Motivational interviewing is also important as it helps clients explore and address any mixed emotions they have in regard to the recovery process. Holistic therapy observes the whole person and utilizes mindfulness techniques and relaxing activities to distract individuals from wanting to return to addictive behaviors.

Group therapy and support groups promote participation with sharing experiences and encouraging one another in reaching sobriety is the core component of treatment. This model of treatment can be both in- or out-patient. Some of the types of group therapy used to help those seeking to overcome addiction include: psychoeducational, interpersonal process, skills development, and support groups and CBT. Groups can be with others who are struggling with similar dependency challenges or family members who are seeking to support the individual with substance abuse issues. It is important to your marriage, your family, and yourself to take the necessary steps to get better.

Psychoeducational Group Therapy

Each type of group therapy works on different skills to reach rehabilitation. Psychoeducational group therapy’s goal is for addicts to learn about their addiction. Interpersonal process group therapy helps patients with addiction understand the developmental processes that steered toward their addiction and how what is keeping them from recovery. Skills development helps individuals develop coping skills and other skills necessary to avoid relapse. Support groups provide encouragement and allow the opportunity for others with similar struggles to share their experiences, what worked, and what did not. 

Group Therapy

Group therapy has some advantages that individual therapies may not. Group modalites help patients understand that they are not alone in their experiences. Individuals receiving care in groups also receive the support and encouragement from others who have had similar experiences. Group modality may also help individuals have a greater sense of self-awareness as they listen to others share their stories. Finally, group therapy fosters the sense of community and builds communication skills. 

Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT)

Cognitive Behavior Therapy is effective for many types of addiction. This method of treatment helps those suffering with addictive tendencies by aiding in the identification of triggering behavior. CBT also is used to help people with addiction to observe connections between emotions and ideas and understand how they affect the recovery process.

CBT challenges individuals to reshape their unhealthy thoughts and self-doubt surrounding their complications. Often, homework is assigned for patients to do at home between sessions. While the homework is not “graded”, it is often reviewed in following sessions. These assignments seek to help patients better understand themselves and the feelings surrounding whatever challenge they are tackling. Homework gives patients an opportunity to reflect on emotions or practice skills that are being discussed with their counselor or coach.

12-Step Programs

12-step programs help treat alcohol consumption, substance abuse, behavioral addictions, and other co-occurring mental health challenges. These types of programs are usually in a support group type of environment.The first step in this type of addiction treatment is for the individual to accept that they are experiencing a problem (i.e. abusing substances). Clients will often discuss themes such as a higher power or spirituality and explore their views about them. Problem solving is also utilized to help those with addictive behaviors to break apart their challenges with using and effectively overcoming addiction. These programs strive to help all clients attain long-term remission or sobriety.

Tips to Support Those With Addiction

For those with a loved one struggling to overcome addiction, it can be stressful. There are ways to get help and support them. Here are some helpful tips to support those struggling with addiction.

  • Educate yourself about addiction. The more knowledge you have, the better you can support specific needs. 
  • Seek some form of support for you and the person struggling with addiction. 
  • Avoid enabling the person who has the addiction. 
  • Keep in mind that addiction is a disease
  • Know or become familiar with the resources available to help
  • Expect realistic expectations
  • Pray for them.
  • Connect them with a church that can possibly provide spiritual care and other services. 


There are many treatment options for addiction. Counseling, learning new skills, medication management, and the support of loved ones are just a few examples. Determining the right level of care is important to have the best outcome. If you or a loved one is struggling with addiction, consider reaching out to a medical professional or someone trained to assist in assessing the symptoms that are observed. Overcoming addiction and addictive behaviors is possible with the correct amount of care and support. 

Treatment Options for Addiction

Detoxification, Individual and Group Therapy, Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT), 12-Step Programs, Tips to Support Those with Addiction, Conclusion.

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The Prayer of Salvation

Jesus, I don't know You, and I don't know what Your plan is for me. But thank you for coming to die in my place. I'm sorry for anything I've ever done wrong in my life. I don't understand how You could ever forgive me, but if You really would, I would like to accept your free gift of grace and complete forgiveness. Please come into my life and take control, and help me trust You. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.

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