Our society seems to be caught up in the whirl of being forever youthful, in the demands of looking young, in constant performance – nothing is “too much” or too expensive if it will help preserve our youth. We all like to look and feel young. However, the word “old” has taken on connotations that were never meant to be. What is the meaning of old age? Do we still have hope and purpose?
Please watch the GREAT NEWS FOR YOU VIDEO on this page to find out more about how much God loves you and how you can begin a new life full of joy and purpose today.
What Does Old Age Look Like?
Contrary to what is being espoused, and perhaps being ingrained in one’s mind, for a person to be “old” does not mean useless, worthless, inept, incompetent, unproductive, inefficient, irrational, unattractive, unstable, invalid, dull, or lacking integrity. Check out definitions. We may even be labeling ourselves with these monitors to a paralyzing degree. The world will be lacking when we accept the stamp of “old” simply because we have lived long, or if we do not use the gifts that are still able to be honed and put to use. Old may or may not be “worn.” “Worn” may or may not be old.
Discerning the Meaning of Old Age
Cleanse your mind of the aforementioned labels, take a deep breath, lace up your shoes, join a cause, call a shut-in, sharpen your skills, dust off your gifts and abilities, and claim the promises of God to empower you. Change your definition of old to match Webster’s definition: “Mature, sedate, sensible, wise, gifted, satisfied.”
Yes, age may beget infirmities, but age demands our respect and patience. As we age, we may be allowing these inferior and maladaptive adjectives of modern use to describe us because of our complacency and dwindling lack of self-worth. Oh, my friend, if you are able, don’t become “old” at 65, 75, 85. You have so much more to give, to enjoy, to produce, to love. Do not let the world minimize you. Do not stay up at night worrying. Let God steer you from complacency in aging to his empowered way and plan for your full lifetime.
BTW – aging is a gift, a gift of life rather than early demise.
What is the meaning of old age? Show me someone who returned to school in middle age to attain a degree after suffering great financial loss. Or begins a new endeavor using yet unrevealed skills. Give me the 80-year-old newly acclaimed author who writes from a lifetime of experience in love, joy and grief. Give me calloused hands, soft hearts, gracious and encouraging elderly friends who are still exuding love and wisdom.
God Has Purpose for You at Every Age
At every age of our lives, may we be vessels of love, comfort, encouragement, wonder, joy, and hope to a world where even the young have lost the love of life and living. May we learn to accept the frailties and limitations that the years may place upon us. May we learn to live in such a way that whatever the situation, we remain givers of kindness, love, and understanding to a world of youthfulness who has yet to be blessed with these gifts of age. And may we not miss those gifts as we age.
There is never an age beyond the mercy and grace of the Lord Jesus.
“There is never a time that Jesus is not speaking. There’s never a room so dark that the ever present, ever pursuing, relentlessly tender Father is not there, tapping gently on the door of our hearts, waiting to be invited in.” Max Lucado
Hope for You
What is the meaning of old age? God loves you has a plan for your life as long you live and breathe. He loves you. You matter and there is hope for you.
Please watch the GREAT NEWS FOR YOU VIDEO on this page to find out more about how much God loves you and how you can begin a new life full of joy and purpose today.