Most of us desire to be known as a person with strength of character, of being dependable in time and action, and of being someone others can rely on to make the right decisions. We want to be an individual who is always and consistently known to be fair and kind to everyone. Our values are the things that are important to us. Values are the characteristics that motivate us – the guidelines that help us make the right decisions. That is why it is important to know your values. It is a key to success in life.
Why Are Values Important?
When we give time to identifying our values, when we determine to stand for those admirable qualities, when others feel they can trust us and depend upon us for leadership, wisdom, and advice, then we have become a person of strong and admirable values.
Perhaps you value honesty above all. Or hard work. Perhaps you admire the competitive spirit while others may value being cooperative. Some people are daring, some prefer being very cautious.
Who are you? Do you know yourself? Would you want to be best friends with You? Would you want to depend on You for being your life partner in marriage or in a business?
How to Become a Person with High Values and Virtue?
This is not effortless, nor is it a haphazard attempt. It takes inner strength and depth of character to become a person of virtue and value.
It may mean having your own built-in, invisible, instrument for measuring your integrity, your dependability, your honesty, your sense of fairness, and your real concern for those who are needy.
What is the Best Personal Values Definition?
Personal values are the factors that make us who we are. Having strong values develops a moral code that serves as a compass for our decisions, our future, and our sense of satisfaction with the happiness and success that is ours. Our values express who we are and what can be expected of us.
It is important to know your values. These are the building blocks of our character. Our sense of values determines our ability to perform life’s most common as well as more complex demands. When we know our values, we no longer have the need to hem and haw over every decision. We can calculate the opportunity/problem/situation according to our set of values.
How Do We Know Our Own Values?
There are many situations that arise and give us pause as to how we should respond. When we know our own set of values, and who we are, we can measure the challenge against our values. This enables us to make better decisions and affirm to others that we are a person of character and strong values.
Those values should be coated with prayer for help from God, our Heavenly Father. And they must be covered with kindness and forgiveness. Values that are perceived as being harsh and combative are not helpful toward consensus and understanding. Being strong in our convictions and values, while being understanding in our interactions, is seen as stability of character and strength in leadership.
How to Stand Up For Your High Standards and Values
Finding the strength to live confidently and successfully with high standards and values is made more possible when we have a relationship with Jesus Christ. The strength and guidance that comes with that relationship enable us to meet the demands of life with His help and the assurance of His presence.
Many people seem to just go through life following one tenet or another, wishy-washy, unsure, and may often develop self-hatred. It is so very important that we make every effort to determine our values and determine those through thoughtful sessions with people of faith in Bible study, in prayer, in courses of financial planning, and in character developing association with groups and individuals who exude the values that we admire.
It is of great importance that we determine and develop our values – it is who we are. And it is incumbent upon me to do so – because I am the person with whom I must live.
Character Building For Our Self Value
Character building is essential for our self-worth and enables us to make the greatest contribution to society in general. It is worth every effort to determine the values we admire and claim them for ourselves.
Values that are based upon the teachings of Jesus Christ are the most worthy and infallible. Not an ethereal statement, but rather a workable plan for confident and successful living.
We invite you to watch the GREAT NEWS FOR YOU video on this page. You can find your value through the love of God today.