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The Story of Cuurio

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Over 20 years ago when the internet was still an infant, Jeff Cline knew he wanted to take advantage of its reach to spread the good news. While he started many companies, sold several, and consulted with firms like BMW, McDonalds, and Pepsi, the idea of how the world could be reached for Jesus via the “world wide web” was slowly taking shape in his overly-active mind.

a project twenty years in the making

Through the course of the next 20 years, Jeff methodically built a proprietary technology that would eventually enable the dream of reaching the world with the gospel in a brand new way. In the meantime, he proved the concept commercially as he started and built 3 dotcoms from scratch. He eventually sold the first two, but still owns and operates his third startup – now a global firm.

While the concept of Cuurio was still taking shape, Jeff and his family were plugged in and active as members of Lake Pointe Church in Rockwall TX – a thriving church of around 15,000 in weekly attendance – where they met their future Cuurio partners: Danny and Suzanne Davis, Jake Davis and Emmy Davis Rogers.

Danny and Suzanne had been leading worship on staff at Lake Pointe Church since 1989, and were Jeff & Kim Cline’s worship leaders since they moved to Texas in 2006. Danny got referred to Jeff when asking a friend for help developing a website, a vocal coaching website Suzanne was working to launch. 

sharing Jesus with a searching world

As both families subsequently worked together on multiple online projects, they couldn’t ignore the special synergy between them, and they quickly realized they all shared a strong desire to reach the world for Christ using the expansive reach of the internet. They also realized that none of them cared how it happened or who got the credit, as long as they could play a part in sharing Jesus with a world that is searching for Him and doesn’t even know it.

While the Cline family brought business expertise, technical prowess, and big picture vision to the table, the Davises brought content, creativity, and 30 years experience operating and managing large teams in a nonprofit setting. It didn’t take long before it was obvious to both families that God was doing something very big and very special, and was allowing the Clines and the Davises to be the curators of His idea.

crazy beta test results

Once the idea was developed and operational, the whole team started realizing the true scope of what was possible and decided to do a small beta test to prove viability. In the first 6 months, engagement totals surpassed 130,000; in the following 4 months, it more than doubled to almost 300,000! 

The concept of Cuurio is obviously viable and effective, and has huge implications. The foundation has been built to support a skyscraper, and failure to follow through would be disobedient at best. So – here goes!

The vision of Cuurio is to reach 1 billion people around the globe for Jesus, including people who have no other access to the gospel, along with millions who would never consider darkening the doors of any religious institution. 

The heart of Cuurio is to give all born-again believers a gift: the opportunity to use their God-given abilities, talents, and resources to join forces together and share with the world the best news to ever be shared – the news of God’s love, grace, and forgiveness. 

It can be done, but it will take an army. Each of us has God-given talents and abilities – would you consider adding yours to the mix and join us today?

We invite you to watch the “Great News” video on this page and find out more about God’s love for you and how you can receive forgiveness and eternal life – today!

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The Prayer of Salvation

Jesus, I don't know You, and I don't know what Your plan is for me. But thank you for coming to die in my place. I'm sorry for anything I've ever done wrong in my life. I don't understand how You could ever forgive me, but if You really would, I would like to accept your free gift of grace and complete forgiveness. Please come into my life and take control, and help me trust You. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.

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If you prayed this prayer, please click below and let us know. We'd love to give you some "next steps" in your new life with God.
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