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How to Find Peace and Fulfillment in Life

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Finding the answer to the challenging and unfathomable questions of how to find peace and fulfillment in life continues to be daunting for each generation.  We want this struggle to have meaning and we want to be perfected in the struggle to find contentment. Are there any guidelines? Is there an exact formula?  We will look not only for answers, but also delve deeply into a truthful search for workable answers in this often-esoteric realm of how to find peace and fulfillment in life.

Today we will be discussing the following:

  • How to Find Peace and Fulfillment in Life
  • How Do I find Fulfillment in Life?
  • How to Find Purpose and Fulfillment
  • How to Live a Clean and Wholesome Life
  • How Do You find Fulfillment by Loving Others?
  • How to Make Good Life Choices
  • Where do you Find Peace in Your Life?
  • How Do I Find Peace and Love Myself?
  • How to be Content With What You Have

How Do I find Fulfillment in Life?

Searching for fulfillment in life without knowing what we are looking for, not having the equation that equals fulfillment or the recipe that produces fulfillment, can be frustrating. Thinking fulfillment means satisfaction in some form or perhaps contentment, or at least identifying of same, prompts us to perhaps miss the ingredients as we strive for the summit. 

Most people want their lives to have a purpose and a goal, culminating in a footprint left when we are gone.  We may feel inadequate to make a difference if we only look at superheroes or those who literally give their life for a cause.  We need to recognize that it is the efforts and gifts from millions of people, graciously given to be used in a God-honoring manner, that produces the elements in our world that make life worth living. In them, we see a touch of the divine, a picture of grace reflecting our Lord, and a determination and commitment that signifies strength and leadership from the Almighty God. 

You may say, I want to know fulfillment in life, yet I am just one of the worker ants.  Luke 1:37 says, “For nothing will be impossible with God.”

How to Find Purpose and Fulfillment

There is a longing in all of us to live a life of purpose and fulfillment.  Surely, we were not just an accident.  God says we were “beautifully knit in our mother’s womb.”  There is purpose for you and for me

When we see that purpose and follow all avenues to fulfill that purpose, we find fulfillment.  It may not be rewarded by fame or fortune. It may not be comfortable or produce recognition or honors. But knowing deep within that we are in God’s perfect plan, gives us a peace and strengthens our resolve as it gives bounce to our step.  

Remember to focus on what you know to be eternally true about God: He is good, he loves me, he is with me, he knows what I am experiencing, he cares about me and he has a good plan for my life. Trust God to keep his promises.  

How to Live a Clean and Wholesome Life

When we seek to live a clean and wholesome life, when we give God his place of honor, when we are kind and helpful to others, we begin to feel a peace about even the problems we may have. Great joy comes when a plan is suddenly brought into fruition through a happening that was not initially under our control. What a joy to see the hand of God bless an even faltering effort on our part.  

Fulfillment comes when we discover that our happiness is not centered around our every want being provided, or about being acclaimed or recognized.  It is rather when we see that God used us in a manner that brought ideas and people together to accomplish a service or a mission that glorifies himself.  A feeling of belonging, of being a necessary component, of being a joyous supporter, all combine to the euphoria of celebrating a completed goal or of opening a stubborn door of opportunity.

How Do You find Fulfillment by Loving Others?

Some people are easy to love; others are not.  Which are you?  A cuddly lost child or an errant cute puppy inevitably catches our attention. The masses appear to help that situation.  A dirty old woman babbling from a disturbed mind may not produce the same response.  

God puts the needy into our paths or before our eyes so that we can recognize needs and provide for them. Stretching our philanthropy too thin makes us not as efficient as seeking to remedy a wrong or provide for the helpless in a more directed manner. Choose wisely your path of service.

At Christmastime people of all ilks converge to make a merry yuletide. It makes us feel better when we overindulge and smother our loved ones with gifts we cannot afford.  However, to continue a year-round program of support of a need and see the improvement of a situation gives us a long-term feeling of fulfillment.  

How to Make Good Life Choices

Our choices of serving can determine how successful the effort is. Experiencing the “fit” that is ours in joining an ongoing service area that uses and grows our expertise and magnifies the benefits of the gift can be exhilarating.

Jesus said to do two things:  “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and soul; ———- and your neighbor as yourself.” Matthew 22:36-40. Now that is a lot of loving.  Obviously, it is only when Christ lives in our hearts and directs our ways, and the Holy Spirit is producing fruits, that this is possible.  Oh, what a joy is ours when we begin to love in this manner.  We rise above the everydayness of our everyday lives and live a glorious life of fulfillment. 

Where do you Find Peace in Your Life?

As I seek to answer this question for myself, I know that peace comes in my life when I am: current in dealing with my sins and they are confessed and thus forgiven; when my relationships with family and friends are amiable and loving; when I experience order out of the chaos; and when I have a purposeful goal of service or planned and loving relationship for the morrow. 

God is not a God of chaos. These are troubled times, and we do not always know immediately just what to do or say.  This is a time demanding time for prayer with our Heavenly Father and pursuing his lead and direction.  

There is a way that seems right to man but in the end is the way of death.   

Proverbs 14:12

Let us then conclude, by the authority of God, that peace in our life is dependent upon a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. 

We invite you to find this relationship with Jesus Christ. Please watch the GREAT NEWS FOR YOU! Video on this page. You can know Jesus Christ today!

 With that union, we have the power to take us through the worst of situations, to give us guidance in making the most favorable of decisions in the most chaotic of moments; and to carry us when we can no longer carry the burdens alone. Read on for more about how to find peace and fulfillment in life. 

Christ in us, the Hope of Glory.

Colossians 1:27

God offers us the peace that passes all understanding.  

In this world you will have troubles, but be of good cheer – take heart! I have overcome the world.

John 16:33

How Do I Find Peace and Love Myself?

Are you your biggest critic? Do you usually feel you do not measure up in a designated circle? Do you tear yourself down?  Point out your every fault and weakness? Do you slay yourself in front of the mirror?   You are doing yourself an injustice.  Jesus said we are his, the workmanship of God, bought with a terrible price, redeemed, perfected, gifted, loved, and called to his purpose.  How dare we denigrate a child of God – even our own selves.  

 When the cares of my heart are many, your consolations cheer my soul.

Psalm 94:19

I hear my Lord say: you are mine; you are forgiven, you can do all things with my help; you were purposely made; you are washed clean in the blood that I shed; you are my ambassador here – so I rise from my knees, straighten my shoulders, and join the battle against Satan.  

I am weak, but he is strong.  My trust and my future are in Christ. Earth is not my permanent home, but I will allow him to use me here as I humbly submit to the call of service and the walk of faith. If Jesus can love me, surely I can love me.  May I reflect a bit of his glory as I go each day – with joy! Read on for more about how to find peace and fulfillment in life.

Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.”

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

How to be Content With What You Have

Contentment is generally defined as a deep feeling of satisfaction and gratitude.  Are you content with the material things that you have? Do you think that having more possessions will satisfy you and make you more content?  If this be true, the next purchase you make will probably disappoint you.  Possessions do not ultimately provide satisfaction because there is never an end or a place to call  true satisfaction.

  • Contentment promotes happiness.  It reduces the angst and the constant striving for more things.  We can also learn to be content with our position in life – when we have given our best and done our best, we should be able to relax, be content, and enjoy either the happiness or the attainment.
  • Contentment promotes stronger relationships because others can feel accepted, not always pushed to strive for more in order to gain approval. 
  • We need to distinguish between our wants and our needs.  Simplifying our lives promotes contentment. The order and strength of a simplified life is attractive and sets a model for those thinking more means better.  

Life is about balance. Be kind but do not let people abuse you. Trust but do not be deceived. Be content but never stop improving yourself.


Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men

Colossians 3:23

Read on for more about how to find peace and fulfillment in life.

Contentment is an attitude that says: “I will be satisfied with what God has given me.” 

  • It is a state of mind that should be our goal.  A state of peace, acceptance, gratitude, and grace.  
  • Contentment is a beautiful manifestation of the presence of God’s peace and love in our lives.  
  • Contentment does not squelch our drive or our search for meaning. Contentment follows us when we keep priorities in their place.  When we give credit to those who help us attain a goal, there is a peace and contentment in winning, in providing a service, in parenting a child to understand the real purpose in life and to help him/her on that road ultimately to contentment. 
  • Blessed to have what God provides and blessed to have a heart of gratitude and thankfulness.  

Everyone should eat and drink and take pleasure in all his toil—this is God’s gift to man.

Ecclesiastes 3:23
  • Contentment in life is ongoing – content with the efforts and the goals – content because we give our best; we share God’s love: we keep the faith. 
  • Contentment comes from God: it is through him that joy on earth and salvation for eternity is provided. It is ever changing but always the same.  It is ever supported and provided by God. 

When I am afraid, I put my trust in you.

Psalm 56:3

Trusting in God is indeed contentment. 

He who did not spare his own Son but gave him up for us all, how will he not also with him graciously give us all things?

Romans 8:32

We invite you to watch the GREAT NEWS FOR YOU! Video on this page for truly life changing information about how to find peace and fulfillment in life.

We invite you to watch the “Great News” video on this page and find out more about God’s love for you and how you can receive forgiveness and eternal life – today!

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The Prayer of Salvation

Jesus, I don't know You, and I don't know what Your plan is for me. But thank you for coming to die in my place. I'm sorry for anything I've ever done wrong in my life. I don't understand how You could ever forgive me, but if You really would, I would like to accept your free gift of grace and complete forgiveness. Please come into my life and take control, and help me trust You. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.

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