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15 Steps to Help You Start Over in Life

15 steps to help you start over in life, motivation
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There are times in our lives that we may feel up against the wall or completely stymied by the current state of our lifestyle.  Do you feel frustrated? Discouraged? Helpless? Impotent? Without direction? Defeated? Tired? Here are 15 steps to help you start over in life. These are helpful tips that may help you recharge, redirect, and realize a better lifestyle that will result in a rebounding, motivated and renewed you.

15 Steps to Help You Make a Fresh Start

1. Live in Anticipation

Any loss reduces our social and business connections for a time and is detrimental to our personal well-being.  

2. Develop a Positive Attitude

as the empty space in your life – vocational or personal – is reassessed and a search for newness is begun.

3. Seek the help of a counselor or a friend or attach to groups interested in the area in which you excel.  

No one goes through life devoid of these types of things that knock the wind out of our sails.  But we are made to be resilient: you have the inward strength and resilience to try again.  Do it. As the old Japanese proverb says “Fall down seven times.  Stand up eight.”  No one can defeat you unless you allow it.

 4. Forgive

So where do we start?  Nothing destroys us faster than having a non-forgiving spirit.  Deal with reality.  If you have been wronged, address that situation and start working through it. The person who hurt you or wronged you will be the winner if you let that situation darken the remainder of your life.  It may take some outside help to work through this; the relief of that burden will be worth all effort you put into it. Continue reading for 15 steps to help you start over in life.

5. Revisit Your Goals and Values

 Even in our spiritual life, Jesus encourages us to confess our sins daily and they will be forgiven in order that we need not be burdened down with them. Likewise, we must forgive others, make peace with our situation, take a deep breath, and go forward with an open and hopeful and buoyant spirit that attracts others.  Complainers soon lose an audience. Accept the situation, seek a remedy, and go forward – stronger than you were before and much the wiser. Get motivated to live your best life. Try these 8 ways to improve lack of motivation.

6. Look in the Mirror  

Is your personal grooming, your personal health – even your posture – that of a winner?  We all need to take stock at times.  A new hairdo, hitting the weight room, upping your daily steps in your walking, updating a wardrobe, improved personal grooming, and a look of confidence, accompanied by an engaging smile, can open doors for you. 

7. Make Yourself More Interesting

Develop three subjects that you can discuss if the occasion arises – non-political – and omit complaining and degrading remarks as you make new contacts and seek new jobs.  Take inventory of your past, eliminate the negatives and the attitudes that isolated you.  Be strong in your dependability, honesty, morals, standards, and positive personality. Do not allow your strong points to be covered by a cloud from the past. Continue reading 15 steps to help you start over in life.

8. Seek to Live a Productive Life

Be alive.  Be active.  Force yourself to interact with people. Get adequate exercise. Read books and articles.  Spend ten minutes each morning reading the Bible and praying that you will not miss the doors of opportunity that God has for you that day.  

9. Refresh the World by Your Kindness 

You never know what a difference a kind word, action or smile might make in someone’s life today. It costs you nothing, yet has the power to transform another person’s day or even their life. Be kind. It matters and will make you happier too!

10. Take a Deep Breath  

The world is yours.  You were made to fill a role in this life – start sharing your gifts, your blessings, just you – be sure you are “used up” in improving our world while you are a resident here.

11. Have Hope

Hope gives us vitality and energy. Feed hope. Follow hope. Share hope. You are hope to someone, to many, to us all.  

12. Make a Decision and Follow Through TODAY

Let us all fill our lives with thoughts and activities over which we may have some control in order to help others as well as ourselves. 15 steps to help you start over in life.

13. Be the Person You are Created to be

God created you for a reason. You can fulfill this purpose by believing him and inviting him into your life to redirect and guide you. Please watch the FREE GIFT FOR YOU VIDEO ON THIS PAGE to find out how.

14. Be a Giver

Life is a gift. Treat it with care. Seek to be a giver and not just a taker.

It is in giving that we receive”– St. Francis of Assisi. 

Jesus taught that it is better to give than to receive and when we are filled with his love, giving just comes naturally. Happiness in being able to give brings real joy into our lives. 

15. Living is not for Sissies  

But there is so much to be gained by opening our lives to the world, by sharing our talents and by encouraging one another.  

And Jesus promised never to leave us alone but to be always with us.  What a promise. What a challenge.  What a joy – to live and share life, helping others to make it through a dark place from which we have come. 

We invite you to watch the video below if you would like to know more about how Jesus can transform your life today!

We invite you to watch the “Great News” video on this page and find out more about God’s love for you and how you can receive forgiveness and eternal life – today!

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The Prayer of Salvation

Jesus, I don't know You, and I don't know what Your plan is for me. But thank you for coming to die in my place. I'm sorry for anything I've ever done wrong in my life. I don't understand how You could ever forgive me, but if You really would, I would like to accept your free gift of grace and complete forgiveness. Please come into my life and take control, and help me trust You. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.

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If you prayed this prayer, please click below and let us know. We'd love to give you some "next steps" in your new life with God.
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