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Suzanne Davis

top 10 fears holding you back from your purpose in life

Top 10 Fears Holding You Back from Your Purpose in Life

During this Covid-19 pandemic, fear has become rampant. We all have fear or anxiety at some point in our lives, but a global world health and economic crisis is enough to strike fear into even the strongest among us. Today we will be talking about the top 10 fears that may be holding you back from your purpose in life. You have been created to live a purposeful and meaningful life. Your life can be full of joy, meaning, and peace. You can walk without fear as your leader. If you want to understand more about how to have peace instead of fear, I invite you to watch the video watch the video below this article.

the power of forgiveness, how to forgive someone

The Power of Forgiveness

The power of forgiveness is a massive force that can completely change lives. If you have ever been on the receiving end of forgiveness, you know the absolute relief that you immediately felt when that gift was offered and you accepted. If you have ever forgiven someone who has hurt you, even if they haven’t asked you for forgiveness, you have most likely experienced the same sweet relief. Forgiveness is a powerful thing and is one of the greatest gifts within our power to give.