Becoming the Woman You Long to Be

becoming the woman you want to be, how to become the best woman you can be, resilience
good news of jesus

In today’s fast-paced world, women often find themselves juggling multiple roles and responsibilities, from career and family to social and personal commitments. While these various roles can be fulfilling, they can also be overwhelming, leaving little time for self-care and personal growth. How can we become resilient? It’s essential for a woman to prioritize nurturing herself in order to become the woman she desires to be. Not only is it essential for her own well-being, but for others as well.

Let’s explore the importance of self-nurturing strategies designed for self-care and personal growth, and consider the profound impact it can have on a woman’s life and those who are nearest to her. “I have come so that you may have life and have it abundantly” is the great promise in John 10:10. Life is a gift – let’s handle with care.

The Power of Self-Nurturing

Self-nurturing is the act of intentionally caring for and nourishing your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. It’s about recognizing that you are worthy of love and care, just as much as the people and responsibilities you prioritize in your life. The concept of the power of self-nurturing is not selfish but rather a vital component of leading a balanced and fulfilling life. It enables each of us to live to our fullest the life gifted to us by God.


The first step in nurturing yourself to be the woman you long to be is self-awareness. Take some time to reflect on your values, goals, and desires. What do you truly want in life? What things bring you joy and fulfillment? Have you identified a purpose-filled life that honors God while using the talents with which he has gifted you? By gaining a deep understanding of yourself, you can start aligning your actions with your true aspirations. Identify the natural gifts that you have been blessed with and determine how to develop those into a fulfilling life honoring God and others.


Self-care is a fundamental aspect of self-nurturing. It involves taking deliberate actions to meet your physical, emotional, and psychological needs. This can include activities like regular exercise, maintaining a healthy diet, getting enough sleep, and finding moments of relaxation. Caring for the general health of your body and mind is in line with caring for the gift of body and mind, developing both to their full potential so that you can enjoy full use of yet another gift. Self-care is not an indulgence. It is a necessity for overall well-being and the basis for full functioning in order to edify self and others.

Meditation and Prayer

Learning to manage your thoughts and emotions, clarifying direction, receiving guidance and comfort through the Spirit of God – all can be especially beneficial in navigating life’s challenges and opportunities. Staying in tune with your inner self, mentally and spiritually, keeps us on task and enables a more skillful navigation through perilous waters. A calm spirit exudes grace, comfort and hope to others who may be struggling with overwhelming challenges. A short period a day in meditation and prayer gives us the grounding, the assurance, that we are not alone.

Setting Boundaries

As a woman, you may often find yourself stretched thin, trying to accommodate the needs of others. We tend to overfill our lives with obligations to the point of harming our own welfare or depriving those nearest to us of our help. Setting healthy boundaries is a crucial part of self-nurturing. It’s about learning to say no when necessary and protecting your time and energy for the things that truly matter to you or are under your direct responsibility.
Seeking Support – You are not alone! Seeking support from friends, your spouse, family, or a therapist can be incredibly beneficial. Having a strong support system can provide you with security, guidance, encouragement, and a safe space to express your thoughts and feelings.

Continual Growth

We never grow too old to learn, to expand our faith, our understanding, our sharing of what we have been gifted with in the past. Continual growth keeps us current, prepared, knowledgeable, and assures us that our opinions will be sought after and listened to as we age. Acquiring new skills – Pursuing higher education or expanding your horizon through reading, travel, group studies – all should be embraced in order to keep sharp, informed, and comfortable with discussing problems and new ideas, while providing ongoing self-confidence in discourse. Acquiring new skills is a lifetime activity. “Study to show yourself approved unto God, a worker needing not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the truth.” 2 Timothy 2:15.

Balancing Multiple Roles

Many women find themselves balancing multiple roles, such as being a wife, a mother, a professional, and a friend. Self-nurturing becomes even more critical when you are juggling these various responsibilities. Here are some strategies for maintaining balance:

Practice Self-Kindness

Treat yourself with the same kindness and empathy that you would offer to a friend facing a challenge. Recognize that making mistakes is a universal occurrence and that it is all part of the journey. Pointedly practice self-kindness. Remembering that, above all, we are to be kind to others.

Let Go of Perfectionism

Let go of the pursuit of perfection. Perfectionism can be a major obstacle to personal growth. It often leads to feelings of inadequacy and self-criticism. Embrace the concept that imperfection is a part of being human. And remember, you are human.

Guard Against Becoming Driven and Harsh

It is easy when uptight and perfectionistic to become strident and harsh. Take a deep breath, practice awareness, and guard against becoming driven and harsh. Learn to lead with a steady hand and to correct with a controlled voice.

Cultivate Self-acceptance

Accept yourself as you are, flaws, flies, and all. Embracing your authentic self is a crucial aspect of self-compassion as you seek to acknowledge that you are worthy of love and care simply because you exist. Ask God to control you, to open doors, and to direct conversations. Repeat out loud before leaving your safe room, “I’m the Daughter of the King, King Jesus.” Then allow Him, the Lord Jesus, to direct your way, bridle your tongue, and give you a quiet peace in a turbulent world.

Life Is A Gift

And Eternal Life is a Gift. Seek the Savior, Jesus, to live within your heart and to lead you to become the woman you so desire to become. The forgiveness received by faith is our assurance of the Eternal Life Gift. Watch the video Great News on this page which will point the way to salvation and abundant life here on earth, and to eternal life in heaven forever. Don’t miss it.

Empower Your Inner Woman

To become the woman you long to be, it’s essential to empower your inner woman. This involves embracing your strengths, asserting your values, and fostering a sense of self-worth.
Build Confidence – Confidence is a powerful tool for personal growth. Identify your strengths and accomplishments, large or small. Celebrate your successes and let them serve as the foundation on which to build confidence.
Set Goals – Define clear and achievable goals that align with your beliefs and values. Setting goals will give you a plan from which to build.

Embrace your Femininity

Recognize that being a woman is not a limitation, but rather that embracing one’s femininity brings its own set of strengths and qualities to the table. Elevate other capable women in their business. Professionalism in dress and action is a plus. Other women are watching you: lead well.
Advocate for yourself – Stand up for yourself. Attend business mixers. Let your voice be heard. Advocate for yourself because you know who you are and what you believe. Share your accomplishments, your goals, and your enthusiasm as a professional as well as a woman. “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Philippians 4:13.

Overcoming Challenges and Adversity

Life is not always smooth. How you navigate and overcome challenges and how you deal with adversity will define your growth and resilience.


Cultivate resilience by developing the ability to bounce back from setbacks and adversity. Understand that challenges are opportunities for growth, and that learning from these challenges and failures is part of the game. Resilience is to be learned and acquired in order to grow and develop into an effective leader. Strength for recovery and the fortitude to go forward following failure are learned attributes, graced by faith in the Lord Jesus. He will hold you up and strengthen you and walk with you as you develop into a strong, dependable, loving, understanding, and capable leader.

Ongoing Journey

It takes a lifetime of developing and improving to be the woman who can meet the demands that each decade holds. The challenges in life are many. We must learn to sway with the storms of life much like a tree limb, but be able to bounce back without breaking. Living a life grounded in faith in Jesus Christ gives us a foundation and power that we can never manufacture on our own. Build your life, your family, your business on the tenets that God offers. Trust in God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. He will not desert you, but rather will strengthen you, guide you, love you, and save you for all eternity.

Becoming the Woman You Long to Be

Becoming the woman we desire to be is not easy, nor is it for sissies. But the opportunities are great, the challenges energizing, and the love immeasurable.
Yes, nurturing yourself to be the woman you long to be is a powerful and empowering journey. Remember that you are worthy of love, care, and that personal growth and your journey towards becoming your best self is a lifelong endeavor worth pursuing.
“And God is able to make every grace overflow to you, so that in every way, always having everything you need, you may excel in every good work.” 2 Corinthians 9:8

We invite you to watch the “Great News” video on this page and find out more about God’s love for you and how you can receive forgiveness and eternal life – today!

good news of jesus

The Prayer of Salvation

Jesus, I don't know You, and I don't know what Your plan is for me. But thank you for coming to die in my place. I'm sorry for anything I've ever done wrong in my life. I don't understand how You could ever forgive me, but if You really would, I would like to accept your free gift of grace and complete forgiveness. Please come into my life and take control, and help me trust You. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.

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