How to be a Joyful Person No Matter What

how to be a joyful person no matter what, joy
good news of jesus

In this article we will be discussing the following:

  1. How to be a joyful person no matter what
  2. How can I be joyful even when things go wrong?
  3. What is the difference between joy and happiness?
  4. What is joy?
  5. Can I be joyful when I am unhappy?
  6. Joy comes from God
  7. Joy gives us hope 
  8. Joy brings happiness

How can I be joyful even when things go wrong?

 Remain in me, and I in you. Just as a branch is unable to produce fruit by itself unless it remains on the vine, neither can you unless you remain in me. These things have I spoken untoyou, that my joy might remain in you, and that your joy might be full.”John 15:4 

This abiding joy sustains us through the trials, tribulations and defeats that may come our way. By asking Jesus to forgive our sins and live within us, we can know that we will live forever in heaven with him.

How can I know this? Watch the video below!

What is the difference between joy and happiness?

Remaining joyful sounds very enticing.  Especially if we think of joyful meaning being happy.

Remaining happy – let’s all sign up 

The ever- present feeling of happiness is impossible in the world in which we live. Happiness is dependent upon circumstances.  If everything is going just as I planned or even better, I am very happy.  

The odds of everything staying in that perfect mode are very low.  Why?  Because we live in an imperfect world with imperfect people. Every desire we have or plan we make does not work out perfectly. We learn to adjust, rearrange, recharge and go a different direction.  

  • We learn to handle disappointments that are inevitable
  • we become resilient with practice
  • we make a new plan with our goal of “being happy.”

What is joy?

Joy is immutable, unchangeable, permanent, eternal. Quite a difference than being happy. 

Joy is to be desired above happiness and everything else. it is unchanging, constant, stable, and unshakeable. It is something I can depend on to hold me up and give me purpose, hope and stability even when the storms of life are lashing at me.

Can I be joyful when I am unhappy?

I certainly feel not a shred of happiness right now.But what is this joy that I should pursue? Yes, I certainly want this thing called joy in my life. However, I see others experiencing grief in the loss of family or possessions. I see my friends broken hearted over an ended relationship. I see others fighting addiction and depression,  yet I long for this joy that is promised.  

Is there really something attainable that is called joy?  Can it be something that enters my life that would add light to the darkness? 

  • Happiness comes and goes. I chase happiness but it eludes me or disappoints. 
  • I have been successful yet without real joy. 
  • I have been prosperous but did not experience joy. 
  • I received awards but any joy was short lived. 
  •  I have won races, but any exuberance was fleeting.
  • Where is this thing called enduring, immutable, eternal joy?

We may chase success and succeed; we may earn millions and become wealthy; we may train rabidly and earn medals and ribbons; all this but fail to have joy.  Why?

Joy Comes from God

Joy is produced by the work of the Holy Spirit, the presence of God Almighty, in our lives.  The Bible says the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy and peace.  These are the real thing – pure gold – that we cannot produce on our own. It is only when we allow God working through us and cooperating with Him, that these fruits will be known.  Then we will have real joy, patience, peace, love, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control in our lives produced by the work of God Himself. 

Invite Jesus to take control of your life and know enduring joy in your life. 

  • You will be blessed.  You will bless other people. When we work in conjunction with the power from God, we will not only experience real joy but will have an exuberance in living. 
  • Life will be more meaningful.
  • The love for others will come naturally. 
  • The urge to serve others will blossom. 
  • Self-control and patience will be available to control your words, actions and reactions. 
  • You will be gentler in your speech and in our actions, forgiving and encouraging. 
  • There will be no room for unfaithfulness as a Christ-follower or as a husband or wife. 

Joy gives us hope 

  • When we can enjoy being happy because life produces so many happy moments
  • when we can be filled with the joy that comes from God that will sustain us when all around us fails
  • when troubles come
  • when fear tries to overwhelm us
  • we will rejoice in the joy of knowing God is in control. 

Joy in our lives gives us exuberance, peace and the ability to be hopeful while pursuing a life of abundance and abundant giving. Many of the following traits will emerge in our lives as well:

  • Sarcasm and slander may come our way; we will survive this, because in joy there is truth and strength. 
  • Maturity in decisions, leadership and relationships is evident in the person exuding real joy. 
  • Self-control.  
  • Being persuasive without being offensive. 
  • Leadership with calm assurance rather than explosive confrontation. 

“Know this, my beloved brothers: let every person be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger.” James 1:29

Joy brings happiness

It follows then that happiness is often present in the life of the joyful person.  Not ironically, but in a natural order.  

When life is filled with the fruits of the spirit, i.e., love, joy, patience, self- control, the climate in one’s life is more conducive to producing happiness. Uncontrolled anger and destructive behaviors are gone. Unfaithfulness is out the window. Patience is growing; peace is evident. 

These conditions in one’s life are fertile soil for the making of happiness to move in and take root in the life of the person filled with joy.

 A genuine positive attitude, an ebullient manner and a person more interested in others rather than self emerges.  Happiness abounds. And in the bad times, joy remains to see us through. It is God’s plan for us. We are motivated to live our best lives.

If you would like to know how to find the joy the only comes from a real relationship with God, I invite you to watch this video. We pray you will find true joy in your life as you find true forgiveness and purpose.

We invite you to watch the “Great News” video on this page and find out more about God’s love for you and how you can receive forgiveness and eternal life – today!

good news of jesus

The Prayer of Salvation

Jesus, I don't know You, and I don't know what Your plan is for me. But thank you for coming to die in my place. I'm sorry for anything I've ever done wrong in my life. I don't understand how You could ever forgive me, but if You really would, I would like to accept your free gift of grace and complete forgiveness. Please come into my life and take control, and help me trust You. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.

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If you prayed this prayer, please click below and let us know. We'd love to give you some "next steps" in your new life with God.
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