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How Can I Become More Resilient?

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UPDATE! Dr. Shannan Crawford shares some incredible insight and help to help us become more resilient.

What is Resilience and How Can I Bounce Back?

Listen to this great talk from an experienced and thought provoking clinical psychologist. She will help you unlock the things that are holding you back and help you move into your best version of yourself. You can overcome a lifetime of obstacles and live the rest of your life in freedom. Don’t miss this opportunity to grow and understand the things that are obstacles to your best life.

How can I become more resilient? How can I become more mature in the way I deal with life? How can I bounce back when life is hard? We are not always in control of the situations life can throw at us. So, what is our recourse? How can we become more resilient?

Resiliency During Stressful Times

There is little doubt that most of us live with a great deal of stress in our lives.  The “crazies” of the world are constantly in the news causing the daily newscasts to be filled with events of chaos and even horror.

Read Stress Tips, Symptoms and Treatment by Dr. Victoria Smithers here.

Even in our well-planned and meticulously scheduled daily life, the chaos can interrupt. This creates stress, which can disrupt our plans, increase the difficulty in meeting our goals, and upset our well-modulated, joyful lives.  

What Does Resilience Mean?

Mayo Clinic explains, “resilience is your ability to adapt well and recover quickly after stress, adversity, trauma or tragedy.”  The more resilient you are, the better off you are to face life’s challenges.  If you possess less resilience, you may be more apt to become overwhelmed. This might cause unhealthy coping strategies which might lead to mental health issues.  

7 Ways to Become More Resilient In Life

  • Having a good support system and maintaining positive and encouraging relationships is a good start. Interaction with positive people improves your self-image. You will be more likely to maintain a positive attitude as well.
  • Learning to make realistic plans and developing the capacity to bring these plans to fruition improves our self-image and readies us for the onslaught of negativity that may come our way. 
  • Learning to manage our feelings and impulses in a healthy and socially acceptable manner helps us develop confidence in our own strengths and abilities.  And readies us for the negativity we may encounter. 
  • Developing problem-solving skills in order to cope with the challenges we all face is a move in the right direction. Thinking through how to react with carefully thought-out scenarios can help us envision the outcome we desire.
  • Resilient people learn to make realistic plans and develop the capacity to carry out those plans. This increases our confidence in our own strengths and abilities.  
  • With good coping skills and improved cognitive skills we increase our resiliency. This enables us to adapt to unexpected trauma or difficulties that may enter our lives. 
  • Those who are more resilient have learned to move past obstacles and challenges in a healthy way. The have learned to weather the storms and unexpected trials of life. 

Actions of People Who Become Resilient

How do you react to even a minor financial loss or a change of plans?  For instance, if a negligent driver smashes your front fender, do you explode, implode, think your life is over, rave and rant, throw a pity party, and lose days, weeks of joyful living? Or can you rise to the occasion after the first indignant surge of anger, make rational decisions, cope with the losses, and move on?  

As we develop into more resilient individuals, we remember our history.  We recall that in an exceptionally bad time, we may have lost a family member or friend to death.  Or we may have been deserted by those we had depended upon? We recall how God sustained us, put a light on our path, and guided us to move on in faith. He was ever-present. Read more about loss here.

So, remembering our history, we should be stronger, more resilient, and quicker to return to joyful human beings – because we have grown more mature in our faith in God, more stable in our thinking, more mature in our actions, and have shown an increase in stability and wisdom with every interaction of life.

Spending time in the Scriptures, reading the promises of God to never forsake us, and finding peace in the constancy of His presence, are the elements most needed in building the foundation of resiliency in our lives. 

The presence of Jesus in our lives, gives us wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, and hope.  

When we believe and receive Jesus as Lord and Savior, we have a constant companion encouraging us and helping us be resilient in our everyday lives. He helps us develop into the strong, resilient, purpose-filled, productive, kind, and loving individuals that the world needs now. 

We invite you to watch the “Great News” video on this page and find out more about God’s love for you and how you can receive forgiveness and eternal life – today!

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The Prayer of Salvation

Jesus, I don't know You, and I don't know what Your plan is for me. But thank you for coming to die in my place. I'm sorry for anything I've ever done wrong in my life. I don't understand how You could ever forgive me, but if You really would, I would like to accept your free gift of grace and complete forgiveness. Please come into my life and take control, and help me trust You. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.

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