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How to Have Fun | 5 Ways to Make Life Fun

how to have fun 5 ways to make life fun,happy
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Yes, having fun is permissible!  Actually, it should be required!  Whatever your age or position in life, the addition of a little fun can make the day happier and the load lighter. We all need to check to see if we have pushed all fun aside while we allowed the stress and anxiety of just making it crowd out any semblance of fun.  Let me open your thinking to how to have fun/5 ways to make life fun. Let’s learn how to find happiness in your life and be stress free.

Everyone loves for a fun person to enter the room. One to add life and humor to the occasion. Many of us used to be that type person, but have felt the stress of life stuffing that part of us away. 

Whatever your situation, whatever my situation, let’s assess our daily lives and see if we need to add a little fun and laughter to help release those tight shoulders and aide in digestion. I dare say that we all could benefit from a real belly laugh with a friend today. Here a 5 ways we can learn !  Whatever your age or position in life, the addition of a little fun can make the day happier and the load lighter. We all need to check to see if we have pushed all fun aside while we allowed the stress and anxiety of just making it crowd out any semblance of fun. 

Let Me Open Your Thinking to How to Have Fun/5 Ways to Make Life Fun!

1. Making Life Fun When You Are Alone

Sometimes we let ourselves be drawn into the doldrums, suffering inertia and leading us into despondency.  In our aloneness, we may cater to that feeling. However, let me encourage you to be in touch with your feelings. There are ways to avert sinking into that hole. Purposely doing things that offset  a continuation of humdrum, same old-same old continuity.  

  • Whatever turns the key for you. Perhaps a quick shopping trip, picking up something new for the décor of your abode – make if affordable or it will be counterproductive! I recently dropped into a discount store for a needed item, ran smack into the perfect new wreath for my door, bought it. and was out in ten minutes. That one item lifted my spirits. It spurred me on to polishing the glass door, rearranging some furniture, etc. Soon I was experiencing mental clarity and humming a tune.  
  • Have you tried doing your 5,000 steps in a circle in your home?  It works.  First thing you know with a little music added, you find yourself waltzing in a ballroom and bowing to the adoring crowds.  And then you get a good laugh at yourself.  You have released endorphins that lift your spirits.  
  • Sometimes when alone on a cold wintry weekend, I choose to go to the mall to walk and then treat myself to a special delicacy. My spirits are lifted; my mind is unlocked; my thought pattern is positive, resulting in an upbeat and productive day. I feel a jaunty bounce to my stride. My spirits are soaring like an eagle.
  • Do you enjoy the outdoors?  I like to start the day on the patio, alone with my coffee, delighting in the wonders God has given us as they appear in the early morning light.  Listening to the chirping of the birds and watching the pale morning sunshine light up the world.  What a good time to talk with my Lord God, who gives us all this.  
  •  I really prefer to eat outside whenever the weather permits.  It is just more fun.  My thoughts may return to the world of make believe where I lived as a young girl. I smile and understand and love that little girl. I begin to understand and love myself more. It starts a good day. I laughingly look in the mirror and say “Good Morning, Darling – looking good today.” And then, with enthusiasm, I start trying to make that a truth!  I may put on a YouTube message to strengthen my faith and understanding, to push the negatives out of my mind, to prepare me to be a helper, an encourager, a true friend or coworker that day.  

So much time is wasted with negative thoughts. Clear them quickly from your mind. Hold to that which is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent as you are molding into that positive person you really are. As you make ready to be a fun person to be with for that day.  We are ready to be with others because we have renewed ourselves. We emerge as someone with whom we enjoy doing life. Someone needs your quirky humor today. Don’t be stingy.

2. Is Your Family Time Fun?

Does your spouse know what to expect when you are together? Do your children enter the house with trepidation?  Or have you learned how to make even the bad days more bearable by making things fun?  Packing up dinner and eating in the backyard can be therapeutic and becomes a fun event. Even if it means sitting on a quilt under a tree. Remember to share funny little things from the day’s happenings rather than offering a litany of woe and worry. 

Any physical activity – a game of catch, volleyball or whatever activity you can enjoy together for a little while makes pleasant memories, releases tension from the day and produces comradery.  Let each one relate a funny episode from the day. Teach the children to play games, indoor and outdoor.  Play with them. Oh, how fun when a parent joins in any game.  Watch and applaud as they excel in calisthenics or wherever they excel.  Laugh at Dad’s old corny jokes so the kids know it is ok.  Someday you will all just look at each other and with one word laugh about this. Laughter draws a family together.  It’s worth letting some household chores wait.  Make fun memories. 

3. Bring the Laughter!

An aura of fun is a welcome guest in any setting. A bit of fun before an intense work session.  Shared laughter before a big exam begins.  A well thought out humorous story or song when facing a decision-making board meeting.  These are reminders that we are human, we are not going to be perfect, and that a coming together of minds in good humor can smooth the way for an understanding of others. Laughter reduces tension. Laughter reveals humanity. Laughter clears the air of discord. Come let us reason together.  Let us open our ears to hear.  Civility prevails.

4. Plan for fun. 

Build into your monthly calendar some times that are meant for fun. Plan meals together with friends. Plan outings, visits to museums, skating dates, ballgames, fishing trips with your family and friends.  

Always have something on your calendar to look forward to.  Half the fun of a trip is in the planning.  Perhaps you want to hang a large calendar in the family eating area where each member can note their obligatory events. Then purposely find time for all to be together for a fun outing – entertaining and even educational. Participation and visitation induce permanency in learning.  Give assignments for each one of something they are responsible for so it is a joint effort of play, vacation, learning, and enjoyment.  And be sure, as a parent, you know how to laugh about it when the whole day collapses in ruin, whether it be rain, snow, or dysentery!

Those are the stories that live on through the years and are repeated with much laughter in the years to come. It’s a part of !  Whatever your age or position in life, the addition of a little fun can make the day happier and the load lighter. We all need to check to see if we have pushed all fun aside while we allowed the stress and anxiety of just making it crowd out any semblance of fun.  Keep reading how to have fun/5 ways to make life fun.

5. Awakening our Fun Person. 

 It may be that, through no fault of your own, circumstances have made you think you are completely devoid of possessing a fun factor.  Yes, life is hard.  Sadness and loss seem unbearable at times.  We may do well just to breathe for a time.  Sickness robs us of our fun making abilities.  Loneliness and depression make us forget what it is to smile, much less laugh.  Anger, hurt, rejection, disappointment shroud our lives.

 We may feel hopeless and when there is no hope, how can there be laughter?  I understand that to some degree, having experienced some of these feelings, but perhaps not the magnitude that you have. I found my hope in Jesus.  His promises to walk with me here and strengthen me and to take that anger and unforgiving spirit from me and offer me eternal life in heaven with hope for the now and for all times. 

 I found comfort and strength and joy through Christ. I could see things more clearly. My days turned into joy and laughter.  He releases us from being bound by those hurts and losses, releases us to feel the warmth of love and friendship, and to know pure joy and peace.  Peace doesn’t mean you won’t have problems, but it does mean that your problems won’t have you. The inner self is renewed.  Inner strength and renewed joy lead to fun and laughter.  We once again see the beauty of the morn and the quiet peace of the evening. He teaches us

It’s time to laugh and dance and sing and celebrate the peace that comes in trusting in the promises of God.  

Please watch the GREAT NEWS FOR YOU VIDEO on this page to find true happiness today!

We invite you to watch the “Great News” video on this page and find out more about God’s love for you and how you can receive forgiveness and eternal life – today!

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The Prayer of Salvation

Jesus, I don't know You, and I don't know what Your plan is for me. But thank you for coming to die in my place. I'm sorry for anything I've ever done wrong in my life. I don't understand how You could ever forgive me, but if You really would, I would like to accept your free gift of grace and complete forgiveness. Please come into my life and take control, and help me trust You. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.

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