13 Most Important Things in Life that Need Your Attention

13 most important things in life that need your attention, purpose
good news of jesus

What are the 13 Most Important Things in Life that Need Your Attention? Let’s take a few minutes to think about reordering our lives for ultimate happiness, purpose and joy.

13 most important things in life – but not in order of importance – only you can determine that classification:

  1. Determining your values
  2. Understanding and loving yourself
  3. Understanding and loving someone else
  4. Determining who you are and what you have to offer
  5. Allocation of your time
  6. Developing your gifts and how to use them
  7. Recognizing your worth
  8. Honoring your commitments
  9. Recognizing your need of faith in God
  10. Finding peace and contentment
  11. Learning to share and reach out to others
  12. Developing into a kind person, a light to your world
  13. Developing a healthy body and protecting it

I invite you to watch the GREAT NEWS FOR YOU Video on this page. Don’t miss this opportunity to change your life forever.

What are the Most Important Things in Life that Need Your Attention?

 Determining Your Values

Your values are concepts that you believe are important in the way you live, work and love in this life. Aligning your actions with your values gives a sense of satisfaction.  Moral values are instilled in us as children.  For instance, respect not only of our parents but for all human beings, regardless of age, religion, social standing, or education.  These values also include honesty, fairness, and contributing to the good of all peoples.

When we are ingrained with true values in life, we are anxious and miserable when we step away from honoring those values. Our values determine our character and, ultimately, our reputation.  Values determine success, or lack thereof, in all areas of our life.  Having strong and pristine values develops a moral code that provides a compass for our future and a path to happiness. 

 Understanding and Loving Yourself is Important in Life

Take time to get to know yourself. What makes you happy? Who are you? Why are you here? What do you love to do? What destroys your feeling of well-being? You have no choice but to live life with yourself. 

Do you need to make some changes to make that life more enjoyable? Speak nicely to yourself and encourage that self. But also correct and challenge oneself. I like to think of it as improving my day by improving my lifestyle, including my thoughts. When we can love ourselves, others will also see us as more loveable. Be kind to that inner person – encourage you! What are the 13 Most Important Things in Life that Need Your Attention?

I invite you to watch the GREAT NEWS FOR YOU Video on this page. Don’t miss this opportunity to change your life forever.

Understanding and Loving Someone Else is Important in Life

Are you fortunate enough to have found the person with whom to join your life?  Or perhaps you are aspiring to finding the perfect husband or wife? This is a huge decision. To love and support another’s dreams, without demanding to be the dominant decision maker, makes for a wonderful and sustaining relationship. Never enter a relationship thinking you will change the other to be your ideal. We give and take. Not enough space in this column to expound on this subject: but seek premarital counseling to understand how to build a strong and healthy home. It determines the quality of the remainder of your life. 

Determining Who You Are and What You Have to Offer

Even in this crowded world with billions of people, there is only one you. We need to determinedly seek to know and understand ourselves, our abilities, our giftedness, our capabilities, our thoughts.

Defining these elements will enable us to enhance each gift and become more proficient in using our capabilities for our benefit and the good of all.  Even at a very young age, a gift for music and rhythm is usually evident. A body that is coordinated and moves like a dancer is recognized even as a toddler. A body of great strength and athletic prowess becomes evident early on as well. There are also inherent weaknesses that we must consider. What is our inner makeup?

What are the Most Important Things in Life that Need Your Attention?

Recognizing our gifts and developing those where we excel naturally is usually a good place to start.  Understanding that you are here for a purpose and that you are not an accident, gives a foundation upon which to build plans for education, practice, and involvement that will be beneficial. Recognizing that everything takes effort, that planning takes time, and these combine to serve as a virtual diagram for our future life, this exercise is worthy of our time.

 Allocation of Time

There is probably no other area of our life that universally either hinders or enhances our livelihood and general well-being more than proper allocation of time.  It is generally accepted that we all have the same number of hours in our days. Our circumstances determine how many of those hours are literally time that we can control, enhance, optimize. How we manage, protect, and determine the use of those hours bears a huge role not only in our produced results but also in the amount of “disposable time” – much like disposable income. 

Being successful includes setting aside time that is yours to choose how to spend.

You may think you have no such thing as spare time.  Yet, with proper planning and scheduling chores without wasting time, you can have perhaps a couple of hours per day to do things that are not demanded for that day. These times can be the most constructive: your mind may need time to ponder new thoughts, enjoy a new book, help someone less fortunate, or play with your children in an intentional manner.

Most of us would agree we waste a lot of time through disorganization, robbing us from having disposable time to choose to do the extras that enhance our lives.  Try timing your required activities, do chores energetically and be done, and use that spare time for something you have craved or longed to do for some time.

We must make time for creativity, relaxation, friendships, and meditation.

An organized day provides the euphoria of having some control of our lives and eliminates a lot of unnecessary angst. What are the 13 Most Important Things in Life that Need Your Attention?

Developing Your Gifts and How to Use Them

Without purposeful planning, many of us would drift into the work force following the road of least resistance.  We may not fully consider if that route of study allows us to use our inherent gifts and traits to the max.  This route often manages to get us stuck in a career path that does not really fit us, gives us anxiety, and robs us from developing the individual gifts we have.

I would encourage young people to spend time with career counsellors to determine what your dreams may ultimately lead you to accomplish. Acknowledge who you are, ascertain your depth of commitment, make plans, be available and motivate yourself to do the hard work required to reach your goal. Work is not as grueling when working in a chosen field. Is it worth the years and money? Or would you rather support your needs with a lesser job that allows more time for leisure? What are the 13 Most Important Things in Life that Need Your Attention?

 Recognizing Your Worth

You are a one of a kind – a special person – endowed with gifts to share with the world. You will need to positively affirm yourself to develop fully.  Identify your competencies and work to develop them. Handle self-criticism in a healthy manner by turning it into positive and doable actions. Accept compliments from others.  Pat yourself on the back for every step forward.  Don’t beat yourself up when you stumble, but rather learn from what may be a rocky experience.  Encourage yourself by dwelling on positive happenings in your life. What are the 13 Most Important Things in Life that Need Your Attention?

Honoring  Your Commitments

Honoring commitments should be at the top of your goals. Whether it is a social commitment, a professional commitment, or a personal commitment, learning to honor these commitments determines your reputation as being either dependable or unreliable.  Being dependable in the smallest things gives us opportunities for greater things.  Having a friend, a spouse, or a boss know they can depend on you may be the most important part of a relationship, whatever the type.  You can do this! Be a person of honor – a person of commitment! What are the Most Important Things in Life that Need Your Attention?

Recognizing Your Need for Faith in God

Understanding that we are mortal and in need of a relationship with the living God – Creator, Savior, Redeemer – is the most basic element of any source for living a fulfilling life.  Make this a priority in your life: to seek and find truth through faith in God. There are so many things over which we have no control without the help of the all-powerful, omnipotent, Heavenly Father.

A relationship with the one true God through Jesus Christ can empower each believer to have more confidence and insight into life and provide the buffer for all pain and heartaches. It is the basis of understanding the purpose for the trials and joys, and the assurance of our hope of eternal life, living forever in his presence and glory.  It is the only source of our much-needed forgiveness because of His grace.  Undeserved grace.

Find out how to have a relationship with God through Jesus Christ here.

I invite you to watch the GREAT NEWS FOR YOU Video on this page. Don’t miss this opportunity to change your life forever.

Finding Peace and Contentment

Have peace and contentment eluded you?  Many people go through life never finding peace and contentment – even some who are financially successful.  Determining what are the basic needs in your life and striving to attain them through commitment, faith, sharing, and love can be the difference in a so-so life and a wonderfully fulfilling life. Shared love and peaceful relationships make life worth living and add joy to each day – even the monotonous ones. There has to be more to life than things – it is the depth and communion of relationships that give meaning to life. It may take stepping out of a comfort zone you have created for yourself. Read more about finding peace here.What are the 13 Most Important Things in Life that Need Your Attention?

Learning to Share and Reach Out to Others

The happiest people also are the most inclusive. There is joy in helping others reach their goals, or even to have their basic needs met. We are taught to share from childhood. Learning to give away a tenth of your income to those in need is a teaching of the ages.  You will never know its true meaning until you begin to give your money and time to help others. The comradery of working with others for a selfless goal adds great richness to your life.

Teach your children this basic financial planning tenet, that of giving.  Work together with others in your church or community: it’s just the thing to do. It is the essence of community.

Your children are your most precious treasures to teach and guide and love.  Showing them forgiveness and love by example is perhaps your greatest assignment. We are told to teach the children even as Jesus taught them.  And to love and care for them. Protect their minds as well as their bodies from the filth and darkness rampant in this world. What are the 13 Most Important Things in Life that Need Your Attention?

Developing Into a Kind Person, a Light to Your World

Are you innately kind?  Do you light up others’ lives as you go? This is a wonderful gift.  But, if that does not describe the you that you know, know this –  we can all decide to be kind.  Think of others as well as yourself.

 As the popular saying goes: “In this world where you can be anything you want, be kind.”  Yes, there is no place or reason or excuse to be demanding, hurtful, arrogant, crude, cruel, or cold to others.  A kind word puts out a hate filled explosion, much like the water from the fire hose dispels the flames.

If you want to be powerful and be a controller, may I suggest doing it by being kind?  Nothing makes situations change as quickly.  Try it. What are the 13Most Important Things in Life that Need Your Attention?

 Developing a Healthy Body and Protecting That Gift

Most of us who are born with a relatively healthy body can do much to preserve or enhance the health of that body.  Health is a wonderful gift.  Protecting that gift by caring for the body is essential.  Eating healthy foods in moderate amounts, exercising to maintain or enhance strength, and getting adequate restful sleep are the paramount factors in reaching and maintaining a healthy body.

 Do you have a healthy lifestyle? If not, it is never too late to make a change. And the change in your looks, energy and disposition will change more quickly than you can imagine.  And of course, eliminate smoking, illegal drugs and alcohol consumption to protect this magnificent gift of a healthy body – a body that contains the many phenomenal systems that only God could conceive and create.  It is your gift to care for – are you doing as good a job with that as with your 401(k)?

I invite you to watch the GREAT NEWS FOR YOU Video on this page. Don’t miss this opportunity to change your life forever.

We invite you to watch the “Great News” video on this page and find out more about God’s love for you and how you can receive forgiveness and eternal life – today!

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The Prayer of Salvation

Jesus, I don't know You, and I don't know what Your plan is for me. But thank you for coming to die in my place. I'm sorry for anything I've ever done wrong in my life. I don't understand how You could ever forgive me, but if You really would, I would like to accept your free gift of grace and complete forgiveness. Please come into my life and take control, and help me trust You. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.

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